Basic Information


Vice President of Xi 'an Jiaotong University

Dean of the Institute of Design and Innovation, Politecnico di Milano

Deputy Director, State Key Laboratory of Strength of Metal Materials

Director of Engineering Research Center of magnesium based new materials, Shaanxi Province

Director of the pilot base of magnesium based new materials in Shaanxi Province

National "specially invited expert"

"Distinguished Professor" of the Ministry of Education

Winner of the National Outstanding Youth Fund

Member of the 13th CPPCC of Shaanxi Province


Scientific Research

Research interests: The initiation and evolution of material plasticity carrier, the design, preparation and application of high quality magnesium based new materials. In recent years, research interests have focused on the structure and properties of micro-nano scale materials by exploring them. We strive to provide systematic knowledge support and methodology guidance for the design, preparation and application of macroscopic high performance structural materials, especially magnesium based new materials.

After returning to China, Shan successively established three international research centers, namely "Micro and Nano Scale Material Behavior Research Center", "Hysitron China Application Research Center" and "Xi 'an Jiaotong University-Hitachi Research Center", and one provincial center, namely "Shaanxi Magnesium Based New Materials Engineering Center". Up to now, Shan has published 130 papers in top international journals, including "Nature" and "Science" with 8,481 SCI citations, and a single SCI citations up to 807 times. Related research achievements won the second prize of National Natural Science Award, the first prize of Shaanxi Natural Science Award, the first prize of Shaanxi Science and Technology Award, the Special Prize of Scientific and Technological Research Outstanding Achievement Award of Shaanxi University, the Process Innovation Award of International Magnesium Association, the Best Paper Award of Basic Research of Light Metal Branch of American TMS Society, China's 100 Most Influential International Academic papers, and the top Ten of Chinese universities Big scientific and technological progress, etc. Organized and co-organized about 35 international academic seminars; More than 250 reports were made or signed, more than half of which were invited reports. In 2018, Shan was invited to give a conference report at the 19th International Congress of Microscopy (every four years), which is the only Chinese scholar (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) to give a conference report in this series of conferences so far. The teachers team led by him was selected as the first Huang Danian teachers team in national universities.

Main Responsibility

1.Chairman of Shaanxi Electron Microscope Society

2.President of Western Returned Scholars Association of  Xi'an Province

3.Member of the Seventh and eighth Discipline Evaluation Group (Materials Science and Engineering Group) of the Academic Degrees Committee of The State Council

4.Member of the Guiding Committee for the teaching of Materials in colleges and universities, Ministry of Education

5.Deputy editor of China Materials Progress magazine

6.2018 Member of the 5th Editorial Board of the Journal of the American Society for Materials (MRS Bulletin) and Materials Science and Technology (English Edition)

7.Academician, Asia Pacific Academy of Materials Sciences


1992.09-1996.07 Bachelor of Engineering, Department of Materials and Engineering, Jilin University

1996.09-1999.07 Master of Engineering in Materials Physics and Chemistry, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

1999.09-2001.07 PhD Candidate, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2001.08-2005.07 PhD in Mechanical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, USA

2005.08-2006.09 Postdoctoral Fellow, National Electron Microscope Center, Lorenz Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

2006.09-2009.12 Served as senior researcher and department manager in Vacuum Products Department of Hysitron, USA

2009.12 - Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi 'an Jiaotong University

2009.05 to now Xi 'an Jiaotong University Micro and Nano Scale Material Behavior Research Center, has served as executive director, center director

2010.01 - Deputy Director of the State Key Laboratory of Strength of Metal Materials

2011.11-2016.06 Vice President of School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi 'an Jiaotong University

2015.12 - Director of Shaanxi Province Magnesium Based New Materials Engineering Research Center

2016.07-2023.12 Dean of School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi 'an Jiaotong University

2022.11 - 2024.02 Assistant to the President of Xi 'an Jiaotong University

2023.12 - Dean of the Institute of Design and Innovation, Politecnico di Milano

2024.02 - Vice President of Xi 'an Jiaotong University


  1. First Prize of Technology Invention Award of China Materials Research Society - low-cost large-scale preparation technology of new high-quality raw magnesium (Chinese Materials Research Society)
  2. Outstanding Reviewer Award(2013-2023) (Materials Research Letters)
  3. Special Prize of Science and Technology Research Outstanding Achievement Award of Shaanxi Universities - In-situ research on the origin and microscopic mechanism of deformation and damage of metal materials (Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education)
  4. International Magnesium Association Process Innovation Award - 1000t 3N5A production line construction project (International Magnesium Association)
  5. Second Prize of National Teaching Achievement Award - Platform support, Innovation-driven, ideological and political empowerment, Building a new model of material professional practice education (Ministry of Education)
  6. 2023 Sanqin Talent Special Support Plan Innovation and Entrepreneurship team - Create a national first-class team (Shaanxi Provincial government)
  7. First Prize of Natural Science Award of Shaanxi Province - The initiation and evolution of deformation and damage carriers of metal structural materials (Shaanxi Provincial Government)
  8. Shaanxi Provincial college Huang Danian teachers team (Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education)
  9. International Magnesium Association Person of the Year Award (International Magnesium Association)
  10. Second Prize of National Teaching Achievement - take the initiative to adapt to diverse needs, teach personality development according to their aptitude, and cultivate high-level talents in materials with distinctive characteristics (Ministry of Education)
  11. First Prize of Science and Technology of Shaanxi Province - Mechanical properties and internal mechanism of typical metal materials on micro and nano scale (Shaanxi Provincial government)
  12. The first group of Huang Danian teachers in national universities (Ministry of Education)
  13. Second Prize of National Natural Science Award - Internal and External Micro and Nano size effects of metal material strength and toughening (State Council)
  14. The first prize of the Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education - Internal and external micro-nano size effects of metal material strength and toughening (Ministry of Education)