个人Google学术 : https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=zh-CN&user=TzLg1lEAAAAJ ,SCI中科院一区论文入选ESI高被引论文,截至2024年7月,论文总引用量1800余次,H因子24。 (Z.Zhang)
[1] R. Qin, Z.F. Zhang, J. Huang, Z.Y. Du, X.Z. Chen, Y. Su, G.R. Wen, W.F. He, X.F. Chen, Deciphering laser shock peening quality monitoring: Wavelet-driven network with interpretability, ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS 62 (2024).
[2] Z.Y. Du, Z.F. Zhang, R. Qin, X.W. Xiang, S.H. Li, Y. Su, G.R. Wen, W.F. He, X.F. Chen, Surface hardness prediction for laser shock peening using narrow-band MCP-PMT and deep feature fusion with key elements and key frames, JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING PROCESSES 136 (2025) 228-245.
[3] Z. Zhang, J. Huang, Y. Yu, R. Qin, J. Wang, S. Zhang, Y. Su, G. Wen, W. Cheng, X. Chen, Microleakage acoustic emission monitoring of pipeline weld cracks under complex noise interference: A feasible framework, Journal of Sound and Vibration 604 (2025) 118980.
[4] Z. Zhang, X. Xiang, R. Qin, Z. Du, J. Huang, X. Chen, Y. Su, G. Wen, W. He, X. Chen, Rebalancing Mel-frequency Cepstrum and parallel fusion model for surface hardness monitoring of laser shock peening using acoustic emission, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 223 (2025) 111912.
[5] S. Zhang, Z. Zhang, X. Chen, R. Qin, J. Wang, Z. Bai, Z. Li, J. Huang, Y. Su, G. Wen, X. Chen, Intra-layer and inter-layer monitoring of laser powder bed fusion defects based on airborne acoustic and g<SUP>n</SUP>-Res model: pore and deformation, VIRTUAL AND PHYSICAL PROTOTYPING 19(1) (2024).
[6] Y. Yu, Z. Zhang, J. Huang, Y. Li, R. Qin, G. Wen, W. Cheng, X. Chen, Acoustic emission-based weld crack leakage monitoring via FGI and MCCF-CondenseNet convolutional neural network, NDT & E International 148 (2024) 103232.
[7] Z. Li, Z. Zhang, S. Zhang, J. Wang, Z. Bai, Z. Du, K. Huang, Q. Zhang, Y. Su, G. Wen, X. Chen, In-situ monitoring in laser powder bed fusion based on acoustic signal time-frequency synchrosqueezing transform and multi-scale spatially interactive fusion convolutional neural network, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 126 (2024) 471-486.
[8] J. Wang, Z. Zhang, Z. Bai, S. Zhang, R. Qin, J. Huang, G. Wen, On-line defect recognition of MIG lap welding for stainless steel sheet based on weld image and CMT voltage: Feature fusion and attention weights visualization, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 108 (2023) 430-444.
[9] J. Wang, Z. Zhang, R. Qin, G. Wen, Online identification of burn-through and weld deviation in sheet lap MIG welding based on YOLOv5, Measurement Science and Technology 35(2) (2024).
[10] R. Qin, Z. Zhang, J. Huang, Z. Du, X. Xiang, J. Wang, G. Wen, W. He, A novel physically interpretable end-to-end network for stress monitoring in laser shock peening, Computers in Industry 155 (2024).
[11] R. Qin, J. Huang, Z. Zhang, Z. Du, X. Xiang, Y. Yu, G. Wen, W. He, X. Chen, An adaptive cepstrum feature representation method with variable frame length and variable filter banks for acoustic emission signals, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 208 (2024).
[12] J. Huang, Z. Zhang, R. Qin, Y. Yu, G. Wen, W. Cheng, X. Chen, Interpretable real-time monitoring of pipeline weld crack leakage based on wavelet multi-kernel network, Journal of Manufacturing Systems 72 (2024) 93-103.
[13] Z.F. Zhang, Z.M. Liu, R. Qin, G. Li, G.R. Wen, W.F. He, Real-Time Detection of Protective Coating Damage During Laser Shock Peening Based on ReliefF Feature Weight Fusion, Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 43(8) (2023) 2437-2445.
[14] Z. Zhang, R. Qin, G. Li, Z. Du, G. Wen, W. He, A Novel Approach for Surface Integrity Monitoring in High-Energy Nanosecond-Pulse Laser Shock Peening: Acoustic Emission and Hybrid-Attention CNN, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 19(3) (2023) 2802-2813.
[15] W. Wang, J. Peng, S. Xie, Z. Zhang, G. Wen, Y. Zhang, H. Wang, Exponential stabilization of aero-engine T-S fuzzy system with decentralized dynamic event-triggered mechanism, Nonlinear Dynamics 111(23) (2023) 21627-21646.
[16] R. Qin, Z. Zhang, G. Li, Z. Du, G. Wen, W. He, Intelligent Monitoring of Surface Hardness Based on Acoustic Emission in Laser Shock Peening, Zhendong Ceshi Yu Zhenduan/Journal of Vibration, Measurement and Diagnosis 43(4) (2023) 746-752+831.
[17] R. Qin, Z. Zhang, J. Huang, J. Wang, Z. Du, G. Wen, W. He, Surface stress monitoring of laser shock peening using AE time-scale texture image and multi-scale blueprint separable convolutional networks with attention mechanism, Expert Systems with Applications 224 (2023).
[18] R. Qin, Z. Zhang, J. Huang, Z. Du, X. Xiang, G. Wen, W. He, Acoustic emission for surface quality monitoring in laser shock peening via dual-feature fusion convolution neural network, Optics and Laser Technology 164 (2023).
[19] R. Qin, Z. Zhang, Z. Hu, Z. Du, X. Xiang, G. Wen, W. He, On-line evaluation and monitoring technology for material surface integrity in laser shock peening – A review, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 313 (2023).
[20] Z. Li, Z. Zhang, S. Zhang, Z. Bai, R. Qin, J. Huang, J. Wang, K. Huang, Q. Zhang, G. Wen, A novel approach of online monitoring for laser powder bed fusion defects: Air-borne Acoustic Emission and Deep Transfer Learning, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 102 (2023) 579-592.
[21] J. Huang, Z. Zhang, B. Zheng, R. Qin, G. Wen, W. Cheng, X. Chen, Acoustic emission technology-based multifractal and unsupervised clustering on crack damage monitoring for low-carbon steel, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation 217 (2023).
[22] J. Huang, Z. Zhang, R. Qin, Y. Yu, G. Wen, W. Cheng, X. Chen, Lightweight Neural Network Architecture for Pipeline Weld Crack Leakage Monitoring Using Acoustic Emission, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 72 (2023).
[23] J. Huang, Z. Zhang, R. Qin, Y. Yu, Y. Li, G. Wen, W. Cheng, X. Chen, Residual Swin transformer-based weld crack leakage monitoring of pressure pipeline, Welding in the World (2023).
[24] Z. Zhang, R. Qin, G. Li, Z. Liu, G. Wen, W. He, Online Evaluation of Surface Hardness for Aluminum Alloy in LSP Using Modal Acoustic Emission, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71 (2022).
[25] Z. Zhang, R. Qin, G. Li, Z. Du, Z. Li, Y. Lin, W. He, Deep learning-based monitoring of surface residual stress and efficient sensing of AE for laser shock peening, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 303 (2022).
[26] Z. Zhang, Z. Du, R. Qin, G. Li, G. Wen, Surface hardness monitoring of laser shock Peening: Acoustic emission and key frame selection, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation 199 (2022).
[27] W. Ren, G. Wen, Z. Zhang, J. Mazumder, Quality monitoring in additive manufacturing using emission spectroscopy and unsupervised deep learning, Materials and Manufacturing Processes 37(11) (2022) 1339-1346.
[28] Z.Y. Du, Z.F. Zhang, R. Qin, G. Li, G.R. Wen, W.F. He, Surface Hardness Monitoring of Laser Shock Peening: Acoustic Emission and Key Frame Selection, Surface Technology 51(11) (2022) 35-44.
[29] H. Zhou, G. Wen, Z. Zhang, X. Huang, S. Dong, Sparse dictionary analysis via structure frequency response spectrum model for weak bearing fault diagnosis, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation 174 (2021).
[30] Z. Zhang, R. Qin, Y. Yuan, W. Ren, Z. Yang, G. Wen, Acoustic Emission-Based Weld Crack In-situ Detection and Location Using WT-TDOA, Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing2021, pp. 49-73.
[31] Z. Zhang, Y. Huang, R. Qin, W. Ren, G. Wen, XGBoost-based on-line prediction of seam tensile strength for Al-Li alloy in laser welding: Experiment study and modelling, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 64 (2021) 30-44.
[32] Z. Zhang, Y. Huang, R. Qin, Z. Lei, G. Wen, Real-Time Measurement of Seam Strength Using Optical Spectroscopy for Al-Li Alloy in Laser Beam Welding, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70 (2021).
[33] W. Ren, Z. Zhang, Y. Lu, G. Wen, J. Mazumder, In-Situ Monitoring of Laser Additive Manufacturing for Al7075 Alloy Using Emission Spectroscopy and Plume Imaging, IEEE Access 9 (2021) 61671-61679.
[34] W. Ren, G. Wen, B. Xu, Z. Zhang, A Novel Convolutional Neural Network Based on Time-Frequency Spectrogram of Arc Sound and Its Application on GTAW Penetration Classification, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17(2) (2021) 809-819.
[35] Z. Zhang, W. Ren, Z. Yang, G. Wen, Real-time seam defect identification for Al alloys in robotic arc welding using optical spectroscopy and integrating learning, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation 156 (2020).
[36] Z. Zhang, L. Zhang, G. Wen, Study of inner porosity detection for Al-Mg alloy in arc welding through on-line optical spectroscopy: Correlation and feature reduction, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 39 (2019) 79-92.
[37] Z. Zhang, Z. Yang, W. Ren, G. Wen, Random forest-based real-time defect detection of Al alloy in robotic arc welding using optical spectrum, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 42 (2019) 51-59.
[38] Z. Zhang, Z. Yang, W. Ren, G. Wen, Condition detection in Al alloy welding process based on deep mining of arc spectrum, Hanjie Xuebao/Transactions of the China Welding Institution 40(1) (2019) 19-25.
[39] Z. Zhang, G. Wen, S. Chen, On-Line Monitoring and Defects Detection of Robotic Arc Welding: A Review and Future Challenges, Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing2019, pp. 3-28.
[40] Z. Zhang, G. Wen, S. Chen, Weld image deep learning-based on-line defects detection using convolutional neural networks for Al alloy in robotic arc welding, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 45 (2019) 208-216.
[41] Y. Zhang, X. Du, G. Wen, X. Huang, Z. Zhang, B. Xu, An adaptive method based on fractional empirical wavelet transform and its application in rotating machinery fault diagnosis, Measurement Science and Technology 30(3) (2019).
[42] R. Zhang, G. Wen, Z. Zhang, B. Xu, Multi-unbalances Identification of Rotor System Integrated with GA-PSO Method, Zhendong Ceshi Yu Zhenduan/Journal of Vibration, Measurement and Diagnosis 39(4) (2019) 801-809.
[43] Z. Zhang, G. Wen, S. Chen, Audible Sound-Based Intelligent Evaluation for Aluminum Alloy in Robotic Pulsed GTAW: Mechanism, Feature Selection, and Defect Detection, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14(7) (2018) 2973-2983.
[44] W. Ren, G. Wen, R. Luan, Z. Yang, Z. Zhang, Single-Channel Blind Source Separation and Its Application on Arc Sound Signal Processing, Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing2018, pp. 115-126.
[45] W. Ren, G. Wen, S. Liu, Z. Yang, B. Xu, Z. Zhang, Seam Penetration Recognition for GTAW Using Convolutional Neural Network Based on Time-Frequency Image of Arc Sound, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA, 2018, pp. 853-860.
[46] Z. Zhang, S. Chen, Real-time seam penetration identification in arc welding based on fusion of sound, voltage and spectrum signals, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 28(1) (2017) 207-218.
[47] R. Luan, G. Wen, R. Zhang, Z. Chen, Z. Zhang, Porosity defect detection based on FastICA-RBF during pulsed TIG welding process, IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 2017, pp. 548-553.
[48] S. Dong, Z. Zhang, G. Wen, G. Wen, Design and application of unsupervised convolutional neural networks integrated with deep belief networks for mechanical fault diagnosis, 2017 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference, PHM-Harbin 2017 - Proceedings, 2017.
[49] Z. Zhang, G. Wen, S. Chen, Multisensory data fusion technique and its application to welding process monitoring, Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts, ARSO, 2016, pp. 294-298.
[50] Z. Zhang, G. Wen, An easy method of image feature extraction for real-time welding defects detection, 2016 13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence, URAI 2016, 2016, pp. 615-619.
[51] Z. Zhang, E. Kannatey-Asibu, S. Chen, Y. Huang, Y. Xu, Online defect detection of Al alloy in arc welding based on feature extraction of arc spectroscopy signal, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 79(9-12) (2015) 2067-2077.
[52] Z. Zhang, S. Chen, Data-driven feature selection for multisensory quality monitoring in ARC welding, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 363 (2015) 401-410.
[53] Z. Zhang, H. Chen, Y. Xu, J. Zhong, N. Lv, S. Chen, Multisensor-based real-time quality monitoring by means of feature extraction, selection and modeling for Al alloy in arc welding, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 60 (2015) 151-165.
[54] P.X. Zhang, Z.F. Zhang, J.H. Chen, Online diagnosis of joints quality in resistance spot welding for sedan body, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 363 (2015) 263-272.
[55] Z.F. Zhang, J.Y. Zhong, Y.X. Chen, S.B. Chen, Feature extraction and modeling of welding quality monitoring in pulsed gas touch argon welding based on arc voltage signal, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) 19(1) (2014) 11-16.
[56] Z. Zhang, X. Chen, H. Chen, J. Zhong, S. Chen, Online welding quality monitoring based on feature extraction of arc voltage signal, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 70(9-12) (2014) 1661-1671.
[57] Z. Zhang, H. Yu, N. Lv, S. Chen, Real-time defect detection in pulsed GTAW of Al alloys through on-line spectroscopy, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 213(7) (2013) 1146-1156.
[58] H.W. Yu, Z. Ye, Z.F. Zhang, H.B. Chen, S.B. Chen, Arc spectral characteristics extraction method in pulsed gas tungsten arc welding for Al-Mg Alloy, Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University 47(11) (2013) 1655-1660.
[59] H. Yu, H. Chen, Y. Xu, Z. Zhang, S. Chen, Spectroscopic diagnostics of pulsed gas tungsten arc welding plasma and its effect on weld formation of aluminum-magnesium alloy, Spectroscopy Letters 46(5) (2013) 350-363.
[60] N. Lv, Y. Xu, Z. Zhang, J. Wang, B. Chen, S. Chen, Audio sensing and modeling of arc dynamic characteristic during pulsed Al alloy GTAW process, Sensor Review 33(2) (2013) 141-156.
[61] P. Zhang, Z. Zhang, J. Chen, X. Wang, A diagnosis model for appearance defects of joints in RSW, Hanjie Xuebao/Transactions of the China Welding Institution 32(4) (2011) 5-8.
[62] 秦锐, 张志芬, 李耿, 都正尧, 温广瑞, 何卫锋, 基于声发射的激光冲击强化表面硬度智能监测, 西安交通大学机械工程学院;空军工程大学等离子体动力学重点实验室 第43卷(第4期) (2023) 746-752,831-832.
[63] 宋朋涛, 杨清宇, 温广瑞, 张志芬, 航空发动机分布式系统状态反馈周期事件触发控制, 航空动力学报 第38卷(第8期) (2023) 2015-2023.
[64] 张志芬, 秦锐, 都正尧, 李耿, 黄婧, 温广瑞, 激光冲击强化过程监测及其质量在线评估:现状与挑战, 西安交通大学 第66卷(第C1期) (2023) 14-25.
[65] 张志芬, 秦锐, 都正尧, 李耿, 黄婧, 温广瑞, 激光冲击强化过程监测及其质量在线评估——现状与挑战, 西安交通大学 第66卷(第1-2期) (2023) 14-25.
[66] 白子键, 张志芬, 王杰, 张帅, 苏宇, 温广瑞, 陈雪峰, 基于光谱物理特征感知网络的DED稀释率监测, 焊接学报 第45卷(第11期) (2024) 95-100.
[67] 王杰, 张志芬, 白子键, 张帅, 秦锐, 温广瑞, 陈雪峰, 基于CNN-LSTM混合驱动的焊接成形质量监测, 焊接学报 第45卷(第11期) (2024) 121-127.
[68] 王玮轩, 彭靖波, 张志芬, 张驭, 谢寿生, 温广瑞, 郑劲松, 航空发动机分布式系统的事件触发滑模控制, 航空动力学报 第39卷(第2期) (2024) 149-160.
[69] 张志芬, 陈善本, 张裕明, 温广瑞, 焊接智能化监测技术研究现状与展望, 焊接学报 第45卷(第11期) (2024) 10-20,70.
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- 张志芬,张林杰,杨 哲,任文静,温广瑞*,“航空航天用铝合金机器人焊接内部气孔缺陷在线检测”,航空制造技术,2019.62(23-24).14-24 中文核心,封面专稿
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- 都正尧,张志芬*,秦锐,李耿, 基于声发射与关键帧选择的LSP表面硬度监测,表面技术, 2021.08,
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- 张志芬,任文静,栾日维,杨哲,温广瑞,一种铝合金熔焊过程状态检测方法及其装置, 2018.05,已受理
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张志芬, 温广瑞,杨哲, 任文静,机器人焊接质量监控的多信息采集及处理系统软件,2017.11,登记号:2018SR399532