



      传统的材料设计主要依赖于实验和传统的计算方法,这种方法耗费较大的人力财力,且效率较低。近年来理论计算与机器学习辅助材料设计在各个领域得到了广泛的应用并表现优异。为了提高预测的准确性,我们采用贝叶斯优化技术对代理模型的超参数进行优化。基于关键实验数据[Acta Mater., 2019, 165: 615-625]、理论计算[Acta Mater., 2020, 196: 313-324]与反复迭代,通过模型的潜空间分布,分析不同组分合金材料的性能分布规律。这一研究不仅实现了高性能合金的快速设计,而且充分展示了机器学习在材料科学领域的巨大应用潜力。鉴于此,本方向拟构建基于主动学习框架的机器学习模型,优化合金材料的“功能基元-序构-性能”设计思路,通过磁控溅射、液固反应、3D打印等手段,最终制备出在强韧化[Chem. Rev., 2024, 124(3), 1247-1287]、析氢催化[Sci. Adv., 2022, 8(44): eadd6421]、医用涂层等方面具有优异性能的新一代合金材料。



       高性能铝合金是支撑轻量化发展的关键基础材料,然而铝合金的凝固组织调控难、强-塑匹配性差、耐热性能不足等缺点成为制约其在航天航空等领域发展的“堵点”问题。本团队研制的系列微纳晶种细化剂合金(Al-TCB、Al-AlN等)在改善铝合金性能方面取得显著成果。利用微纳晶种技术突破了Si/Zr致细化中毒难题,并利用Al-TCB实现了α-Al晶粒超细化[Acta Mater., 2023, 249: 118812]。本方向不仅为设计和制备高性能铝合金提供全新思路,也为高端铝材的工业化生产提供关键途径。基于此,本方向利用微纳晶种技术,以“基体晶粒超细化、增强粒子纳米化、微纳晶界骨架化”为研究思路,同时考虑合金中微量元素的影响[JMST, 2024, 189(1), 44-59],最终设计和制备出新一代耐热[Adv. Sci., 2023, 2207208]、高强韧[Compos. Part. B Eng., 2024, 268:111056]、耐腐蚀的高性能铝合金材料



Chemical Reviews (1)、Science Advances (1)

Acta Materialia (3)、Composities Part B: Engineering (1)

Advanced Science (1) 、Journal of Materials Science & Technology (2)

Materials & Design (4)、Materials Science and Engineering A (1)Journal of Materials Research and Technology (2)




48. Jialun Gu#, Fenghui Duan#, Sida Liu#, Wenhao Cha, Jian Lv*. Phase engineering of nanostructural metallic materials: Classification, structures, and applications. Chemical Reviews, 2024, 124(3): 1247-1287. (IF=62.5,综述顶刊)

47. Xinda Sun, Yong Fan, Jinfeng Nie*, Yuyao Chen, Kewei Xie, Sida Liu*, Yonghao Zhao*, Xiangfa Liu. Significant improvement of the room and cryogenic mechanical properties of an AlN particle reinforced Al matrix composite by alloying element magnesium. Composities Part B: Engineering, 2024, 268: 111056. (IF=13.1,复材顶刊)

46. Ziyuan Zhao, Daoxiu Li, Xirui Yan, Yan Chen, Zhe Jia, Dongqing Zhang, Mengxia Han, Xu Wang, Guiliang Liu, Xiangfa Liu*Sida Liu*. Insights into the dual effects of Ti on the grain refinement and mechanical properties of hypoeutectic Al–Si alloys. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2024, 189: 44-59. (cover page, IF=11.2, 材料TOP)

45. Yong Fan, Jinfeng Nie*, Zhigang Ding, Yujing Zhang, Xiang Chen, Wei Liu, Sen Yang, Sida Liu*, Xiangfa Liu, Yonghao Zhao*. A facile high-efficiency preparation strategy for Al-containing multi-component boride microcrystals with superior comprehensive performance. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2024, 204: 190-203.

44. Ge Wu*, Chang Liu, Yong-Qiang Yan, Sida Liu, Xinyu Ma, Shengying Yue, Zhiwei Shan*. Elemental partitioning-mediated crystalline-to-amorphous phase transformation under quasi-static deformation. Nature Communications, 2024, 15: 1223. (IF=16.6,Nature子刊)

43. Gan Li, Chunlu Zhao, Yuhe Huang*, Qiyang Tan, Junhua Hou, Xi He, Chuan Guo, Wenjun Lu, Lin Zhou, Sida Liu, Lei Zhang, Xuliang Chen, Xinggang Li, Ying Li, Junhua Luan, Zhenmin Li, Xinping Mao, Ming-Xing Zhang*, Qiang Zhu*, Jian Lu*. Additively manufactured fine-grained ultrahigh-strength bulk aluminum alloys with nanostructured strengthening defects. Materials Today, 2024, 76: 40-51. (IF=24.2,材料顶刊)

42. Yiyuan Yang, Zhe Jia*, Qianqian Wang, Yujing Liu, Ligang Sun*, Bo Sun, Juan Kuang, Shoujun Dai, Jianguo He, Sida Liu, Lunbo Duan, Hongjian Tang, Laichang Zhang, Jamie J. Kruzic, Jian Lv, Baolong Shen*. Vacancy induced microstrain in high-entropy alloy film for sustainable hydrogen production under universal pH conditions. Energy & Environmental Science, 2024. (IF=32.5,能源顶刊)

41. Guo Liu, Xinya Lu, Xiaofeng Zhang, Yan Zhao, Shenghui Yi, Jingjun Xu, Yuqi Zhan, Jianan Yin, Chengcheng Feng, Zhifeng Zhou, Peiyu Wang, Zhou Chen, Yunhu He, Siyao Chen, Pengchao Liu, Jun Zuo, Yu Dai, Jian Wu, Sida Liu, Jian Lv*3D/4D additive–subtractive manufacturing of heterogeneous ceramics. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2024, 201: 210-221.


40. Daoxiu Li, Xirui Yan, Yong Fan, Guiliang Liu, Jinfeng Nie*, Xiangfa Liu*, Sida Liu*. An anti Si/Zr-poisoning strategy of Al grain refinement by the evolving effect of doped complex, Acta Materialia, 2023, 249: 118812. (IF=9.4,金属顶刊)

39. Kewei Xie, Jinfeng Nie*, Chang Liu, Wenhao Cha, Ge Wu*, Xiangfa Liu*, Sida Liu*. A Novel Al–Cu Composite with Ultra-High Strength at 350 °C via Dual-Phase Particle Reinforced Submicron-Structure, Advanced Science, 2023, 10: 2207208. (IF=15.1,材料TOP)

38. Daoxiu Li, Kai Zhao, Guiliang Liu, Mengxia Han, Sida Liu*, Xiangfa Liu*. Revealing the correlation of microstructure configuration and mechanical properties of Al–Si–Mg alloy reinforced by C-doped TiB2 and SiC, Materials & Design, 2023, 226: 111694.

37. Dongqing Zhang, Daoxiu Li, Lei Ren, Kai Zhao, Ziyuan Zhao, Xirui Yan, Guiliang Liu, Wenhao Cha, Sida Liu*, Xiangfa Liu*. A new synergy to overcome the strength-ductility trade-off dilemma in Al– Si–Cu alloy by micro-nano-particle complex clusters, Materials & Design, 2023, 230 : 111973.

36. Lei Ren, Kai Zhao, Tong Gao, Guiliang Liu, Qianqian Sun, Sida Liu*, Xiangfa Liu*, Constitutive equation and microstructural evolution of one distinctive Al-based hybrid composite reinforced by nano-AlN and micro-TiC particles during hot compression, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2023, 888:145830.

35. Jie Li, Kai Zhao, Lei Ren, Kewei Xie, Daoxiu Li, Sida Liu*, Xiangfa Liu*. Microstructure evolution, mechanical properties, and strengthening mechanisms of heat-resistant Al-based composite reinforced by a combination of AlN and TiN particles, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 24: 5628-5641.

34. Daoxiu Li, Kai Zhao, Mengxia Han, Guiliang Liu, Qianqian Sun, Sida Liu*, Xiangfa Liu*. Optimizing microstructure and enhancing mechanical properties of Al–Si–Mg–Mn–based alloy by novel C-doped TiB2 particles, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 26: 9450-9466.

33. Xuyan Zhou, Zeyu Jin, Jingzi Zhang, Kailong Hu, Sida Liu*, Hua-Jun Qiu*, and Xi Lin*. Curvature effects on the bifunctional oxygen catalytic performance of single atom metal–N–C, Nanoscale, 2023,15(5): 2276-2284.

32. Lei Ren, Kai Zhao, Tong Gao, Guiliang Liu, Qianqian Sun, Xiangfa Liu*, Sida Liu*. A new measure to enhance the heat-resistant (4TiC + 5AlN)/Al composite by multi-scale Fe/Mn enrichment effect, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 952: 170019.

31. Ge Wu, Sida Liu, Qing Wang, Jing Rao, Wenzhen Xia, Yongqaing Yan, Jürgen Eckert, Chang Liu*, En Ma, Zhiwei Shan. Substantially enhanced homogeneous plastic flow in hierarchically nanodomained amorphous alloys, Nature Communications, 2023, 14: 3670.

30. Jinfeng Nie*, Yuyao Chen, Lei Song, Yong Fan, Yang Cao*, Kewei Xie, Sida Liu, Xiangfa Liu, Yonghao Zhao*, Yuntian Zhu*. Enhancing strength and ductility of Al-matrix composite via a dual-heterostructure strategy. International Journal of Plasticity, 2023, 171: 103825. (IF=9.2,力学TOP)

29. Guangmin Hu, Yanfeng Han*, Sida Liu, Biao Yu, Wenqi Tang, Dong Li, Hui Xing, Xiangfa Liu, Jiao Zhang, Baode Sun. In-Situ Crystalline Cr3c2 and Amorphous Sio2 Dual-Particles Reinforced Nicr-Based Composites, Materials & Design, 2023, 230: 111997.


28. Sida Liu#, Hongkun Li#, Jing Zhong, Kai Xu, Ge Wu*, Chang Liu, Binbin Zhou, Yang Yan, Lanxi Li, Wenhao Cha, Keke Chang, Yangyang Li*, and Jian Lv*. A crystal glass–nanostructured Al-based electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction, Science Advances, 2022, 8(44): eadd6421.(IF=13.6,Science子刊)

27. Dongqing Zhang, Kai Zhao, Daoxiu Li, Lei Ren, Guiliang Liu, Sida Liu*, Xiangfa Liu*. Microstructure evolution and enhanced mechanical properties in Al-Mn alloy reinforced by B-doped TiC particles, Materials & Design, 2022, 221: 110906.

26. Didi Liu, Shuran Li, Yezeng He*, Chao Liu, Qinglong Li, Yanwei Sui, Jiqiu Qi, Ping Zhang, Changjiu Chen, Zheng Chen*, Sida Liu*. Co (OH) F@ CoP/CC core-shell nanoarrays for high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Energy Storage, 2022, 55: 105417.

25. Ziyuan Zhao, Daoxiu Li, Dongqing Zhang, Guiliang Liu, Sida Liu*, Xiangfa Liu*. Enhancement of the strength-ductility synergy of Al-Si-Mg alloys via C-doped TiB2 particles, Materials Letters, 2022, 920: 165985.

24. Sha Li, Jian Lv, Kai Xu, Ming Lou, Xiaofei Hu, Xiangpeng Xiao, Sida Liu, Keke Chang*. Manipulation of the spinodal decomposition behavior in a multicomponent system, Scripta Materialia2022, 219: 114893. (IF=6.0,材料TOP)

23. Junqing Han, Yuying Wu*, Kai Zhao, Sida Liu, Tong Gao, Xiangfa Liu. Effect of boron on aging strengthened phase and properties of Cu-Cr-Zr alloy, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022, 19: 532-541.

22. Fujin Li, Lin Bo, Ruipeng Zhang, Sida Liu, Junliang Zhu, Min Zuo, and Degang Zhao*. Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties of Te Doped Polycrystalline Sn0.94Pb0.01Se, Nanomaterials, 2022, 12(9): 1575.

21. Tong Gao, Lingyu Liu, Guiliang Liu, Sida Liu, Chunxiao Li, Mengyu Li, Kai Zhao, Mengxia Han, Yuying Wu, Xiangfa Liu*. In–situ synthesis of an Al–based composite reinforced with nanometric γ–Al2O3 and submicron AlB2 particles, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 920: 165985.

20. Lin Bo, Lei Wang, Yangbo Hou, Fujin Li, Sida Liu, Ruipeng Zhang, Min Zuo & Degang Zhao*. Grain Size Dependence of the Thermoelectric Performance in Cu2.98Co0.02SbSe4, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2022, 51: 4846–4854.

19. Xinda Sun, Xiaojie Hao, Jinfeng Nie*, Yong Fan, Yuyao Chen, Sida Liu, Xiangfa Liu, Yonghao Zhao*. Microstructure and enhanced cryogenic tensile property of a heterostructured Al–AlN/Al–Mg composite fabricated by accumulative roll bonding (ARB), Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022, 21: 532-545.

18. Xiaoyu Zhou#, Congrui Liu#, Yijun Hana, Can Li, Sida Liu, Xiaoyan Li*, Guoqing Zhao* and Yanyan Jiang*. An antibacterial chitosan-based hydrogel as a potential degradable bio-scaffold for alveolar ridge preservation, RSC Advances, 2022, 12(50): 32219-32229.

Before 2022

17. Sida Liu, Keke Chang*, Denis Music, Xiang Chen, Stanislav Mráz, Dimitri Bogdanovski, Marcus Hans, Daniel Primetzhofer, Jochen M. Schneider. Stress-dependent prediction of metastable phase formation for magnetron-sputtered V1xAlxN and Ti1xAlxN thin films, Acta Materialia, 2020, 196: 313-324.

16. Sida Liu, Keke Chang*, Stanislav Mráz, Xiang Chen, Marcus Hans, Denis Music, Daniel Primetzhofer, Jochen M. Schneider. Modeling of metastable phase formation for sputtered Ti1-xAlxN thin films, Acta Materialia, 2019, 165: 615-625.

15. Sida Liu, Hui Li*, Yezeng He, Xiongying Li, Yunfang Li, Xin Wang. Pathway into the silicon nucleation on silicene substrate at nanoscale, Materials & Design, 2015, 85: 60-66. 

14. Sida Liu, Xuyan Zhou, Weikang Wu, Xiangzhen Zhu, Yunrui Duan, Hui Li*, Xin Wang*. Molecular dynamics study on the nucleation of Al–Si melts on sheet substrates at the nanoscale, Nanoscale, 2016, 8: 4520-4528. (cover page)

13. Sida Liu. Modeling of metastable phase formation for sputtered Ti1xAlxN and V1xAlxN thin films, Fachgruppe für Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, RWTH-2020-09907, 2020.

12. 刘思达,张黎黎,于秉坤,吕科言,邵亚莉,刘桂亮. Effect of refining treatment on TiB2 particles in Al-Si-Mg alloy melt, 特种铸造及有色合金2012, 32(7): 660-663.

11. 刘思达,张黎黎,于秉坤,李昱琪,李鹏廷. 低压铸造轮毂 A356 材料伸长率的季节敏感性研究,第八届中国国际压铸会议论文集, 中国武汉,2011.07.16-19.

10. Weikang Wu, Leining Zhang, Sida Liu, Hongru Ren, Xuyan Zhou, Hui Li*. Liquid–liquid phase transition in nanoconfined silicon carbide, Journal of the American Chemical Society , 2016, 138: 2815-2822.(IF=15.0,化学顶刊)

09. Ge Wu, Chang Liu, Andrea Brognara, Matteo Ghidelli*, Yan Bao, Sida Liu, Xiaoxiang Wu, Wenzhen Xia, Huan Zhao, Jing Rao, Dirk Ponge, Vivek Devulapalli, Wenjun Lu*, Gerhard Dehm, Dierk Raabe*, and Zhiming Li*. Symbiotic crystal-glass alloys via dynamic chemical partitioning, Materials Today, 2021, 51: 6-14.

08. Xuyan Zhou, Yunrui Duan, Long Wang, Sida Liu, Tao Li, Yifan Li, Hui Li*. Layering of confined water between two graphene sheets and its liquid–liquid transition, Chinese Physics B, 2017, 26(10): 106401.

07. Yunrui Duan, Tao Li, Weikang Wu, Jie Li, Xuyan Zhou, Sida Liu, Hui Li*. Spatial heterogeneity in liquid–liquid phase transition, Chinese Physics B, 2017, 26(3): 036401.

06. Xuyan Zhou, Sida Liu, Long Wang, Yifan Li, Hui Li*. Heterogeneous nucleation of Al melt in symmetrical or asymmetrical confined nanoslits,  Nanoscale, 2016, 8: 12339-12346.

05. Zhongju Zhang, Jing Shi, Xiaoyang Wang, Sida Liu, Xin Wang*. Vibrational and luminescent properties of LaPO4: Eu3+ with different preparation conditions, Journal of Rare Earths, 2016, 34.11: 1103-1110.

04. Guifang Liu, Zidong Zhang*, Feng Dang*, Chuan-bing Cheng, Chuanxin Hou, Sida Liu. Formation and characterization of magnetic barium ferrite hollow fibers with low coercivity via co-electrospun, Journal of Magtism and Magnetic Materials, 2016, 412: 55-62.

03. Enzhao Wang, Sida Liu, Jinfeng Nie, Tong Gao, Tao Wang, Xiangfa Liu*. A New Kind of Al-5Ti-0.3 C Master Alloy and Its Refining Performance on 6063 Alloy, Light Metals, Wiley Blackwell, 2015, 961-964.

02. Pengting Li, Sida Liu, Lili Zhang, Xiangfa Liu*. Grain refinement of A356 alloy by Al–Ti–B–C master alloy and its effect on mechanical properties, Materials & Design, 2013, 47:522-528. (引用数:167,2024.06)

01. 张黎黎,李鹏廷,刘思达,聂金凤,刘相法. Grain Refinement Performance of Al-3Ti-1B-0.2C Master Alloy on A356 Alloy, 特种铸造及有色合金,2011, 31(6): 576-579.



专利授权 (时间顺序)

4. 刘思达, 聂金凤刘桂亮, 韩梦霞刘相法. “双球形颗粒增强的Al-Mg系合金及其制造方法

 发明专利, 专利号: ZL-2023-1-0896438.1, 授权公告日: 2024.01.30.

3. 刘桂亮孙谦谦韩梦霞, 刘思达聂金凤刘相法."TSBC-Al晶种合金、其制备方法和Al-Si系合金"

 发明专利, 专利号: ZL-2023-1-0850526.8, 授权公告日: 2024.01.16

2. 韩梦霞刘思达刘桂亮. "Ti-Al系梯度复合材料及其制备方法"

 发明专利, 专利号: ZL-2022-1-0570508.X, 授权公告日: 2022.12.13

1. 刘相法李道秀韩梦霞, 刘思达孙谦谦刘桂亮. "Al-Si系合金及其制备方法"

 发明专利, 专利号: ZL-2022-1-0397222.6, 授权公告日: 2022.09.20