
  • To be announced!
  • 2024. 8. 16, Pan and Tongwei completed their Phd thesis defence. Congrats to Pan and Tongwei.
  • 2023. 7. 27, Hao completed his Phd thesis defense. Congrats to Hao!
  • 2023. 7.1, Mingkai, Xiangjun and Qidan completed their thesis defense. Congrats to all graduates!
  • 2022. 11. 28, Xielin completed his phd thesis defense. Congrats to Xielin!
  • 2022.9.1, Qilong completed his Phd thesis oral defense. Congrats to Qilong!
  • 2022.9.1, Jin, Yabin, Junzhe, Pakkhanan, Junjie and Tutao join our group. Welcome all new members!
  • 2022.6. 12, Hao's work on shape optimization of composite deployable structures has been accepted by AIAA Journal. This is our first AIAA paper. Congratulations to Hao!
  • 2022. 5. 28, Jing completed her master degree defense! Congratulations!
  • 2022.5. 28, Qilong gave an invited talk in the first workshop on deployable structures for young scientists. Two of our former group members, Ning An and Fan Liu were also invited to give a talk. 
  • 2021.9.1, Pan, Qian and Danqing join our group! Welcome!
  • 2020.8.29, Shanwen completed his Phd thesis defense! Congratulations!
  • 2020.9.1, Tongwei, Ruiwen, Qidan and Mingkai join our group! Welcome!
  • 2019.12.1, Ning's paper is published online in Adv. Func. Mater. Big congrats to Ning!
  • 2019.11.25, Ning wins the Young Student Award of the first National congress on Metamaterials. Congrats to Ning!
  • 2019.11.1, Shanwen's paper on soft mechanical metamaterial is published online in APL. Congrats to Shanwen!
  • 2019.9.7, Chenghao, Yangliu and Jing join our group as master degree students, welcome!
  • 2019.9.4, Ning back from Harvard and joins our group again! Welcome Ning!
  • 2018.7.1, Hao Sheng graduated from XJTU and went to Harvard as a Phd student!. Congratulations to Hao!
  • 2017.9.1, Ning joined Prof. Bertoldi's group as visiting student for two years under the finicial support from CSC. Good job, Ning!
  • 2017. 7.1, Xieling, Yingchao and Hang join our group as master degreee students. Welcome!
  • 2016. 11. 10,Wenjie passes Phd oral defense. Congratulations!
  • 2016. 9.1, Baohong and Canhui enrolled into Harvard University as Phd student and visiting student. Congratulations!
  • 2016. 7.1, Yin Wang finished her Phd thesis defence. Congratulations!
  • 2015. 12.1, Canhui Yang and Baohong Chen's paper is accepted in Adv. Mater. with impact factor 14. Super congratulations!
  • 2015.9.1, Welcome Guoli Wang, Shanwen Sun and Chenghai Li join our group!
  • 2015. 6.10, Yanhui Jiang, a third year master degree student, is admitted to enroll into University of Southern California as a Phd student with full scholarship. He will join Prof. Qiming Wang's group. Congratulations to Yanhui!
  • 2015. 3. 5, Canhui and Baohong's work on ionic cable is now accepted by Extreme Mechanics Letters. Congratulations to Canhui and Baohong!
  • 2014. 13-2014.11.22, Jinxiong participated 2014 ASME conference in Montreal and gave a talk on soft polymeric gels as ionic coductors for dielectric elastomers.
  • 2014. 10. 20,Yin Wang and Yanhui Jiang won 2014 National Fellowships. Congratulations to Yin and Yanhui!
  • 2014. 10.10-2014. 10.12, Jinxioing participated 2014 National conference on solid mechanics and presented a talk. 
  • 2014. 9.10, Zongling Jiang, Ziqi Ma and Ning An join our group as postgraduates. Hao Yu join us as undergraduate. Welcome Zongling, Ziqi, Ning and Hao as our new members!
  • 2014. 5. 14, Our work on ionogel is highlighted by Chemical and Engineering News: http://cen.acs.org/articles/92/web/2014/05/Ionogels-Conduct-Stretch-Soft-Machines.html.
  • 2014. 3. 15,Wei and Zhiming completed oral defense of their master degree thesis. Congratulations to Wei and Zhiming!
  • 2014. 1. 25, Yin Wang and Yuanyuan Bai make their two papers accepted by Appl. Phys. Lett.. Congratulations to Yin and Yuanyuan!
  • 2013. 12. 28, Wei Guo, a senior master student in our group, won the 2013 National Fellowship for her work published in SMS. Congratulations to Wei!
  • 2013. 11.24, Jinxiong tied for Fifth in the  Men's Singles of Table Tennis Match of Xi'an Jiaotong University. Congratulations to Jinxiong!
  • 2013.10.16, Canhui Yang's paper on tough hydrogel is published in ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., Congratulations to Canhui!
  • 2013.9.20, Fei Pan, a master degree student, and Ning An, an undergraduate student, join our group as new members. Welcome Fei and Ning!
  • 2013.6.30-2013.7.5, Jinxiong attended the 7th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT2013) in Singapore. Jinxiong gave a talk on the modeling of hydrogel-based soft machines. 
  • 2012.12. 21-2012.12. 22, Jinxiong attended the 260 Forum of Chinese Society of Science for Yong Scientists. The topic of the forum is frontier of solid mechanics and Jinxiong was invited to give a talk on the modeling and simulation of hydrogel soft machines.
  • 2012. 12. 17, Jiasong Geng, a senior master student in our group, won the 2012 National Fellowship for his work published in IECR. Congratulations to Jiasong!
  • 2012. 12.6-2012. 12. 8, Jinxiong attended the International Workshop on Soft Materials and Structures, which is held at Zhejinag University.
  • 2012.11.9-2012.11.15, Jinxiong attended the ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exhibition in Houston. Jinxiong was invited to give a talk on electromechanical instability of dielectric elastomer.                                                                                                                       
  • 2012.10.16-2012.10.19, Jinxiong attended the 18th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology (ICMMB-18) in Xi'an. Jinxiong was invited to give a talk during the meeting. 
  • 2012.8.19-2012.8.24, Jinxiong participated the 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics(ICTAM 2012) in Beijing. 
  • September 2012, Bo Li, one of the collaborators with our group, completed his oral defense of Phd thesis on dielectric elastomer. Congratulations to Dr. Li!
  • September 2012, Canhui Yang, Teng Wang, Wenxi Gao joined our group as first year postgraduates. Baohong Chen joined us as an undergraduate! Welcome the four guys!
  • August 2012, Guoyou Huang, our former group member, together with Zhiping Xiao published a paper on Soft Matter. Congratulations to Guoyou ang Zhiping.
  • April 2012, Jiasong Geng's paper on extended stress-diffusion model for swelling dynamics of hydrogel is published on Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. Congratulations to Jiasong!
  • January 20212, Tao He's paper on modeling of pH-sensitive hydrogel for microfluidic flow control is published on Soft Matter. Congratulations to Tao!
  • 2011.12.21-2012.1.4, Jinxiong, Huibiao, Jiasong and Zhiping attended the Summer School on Soft Matter Mechanics at Zhejiang University. Jinxiong was invited to give a lecture duirng the meeting.
  • 2011.8.22-2011.8.24, Jinxiong, Huibiao, Tao and Jiasong attended the 2011 Chinese Mechanics Meeting. Huibiao, Tao and Jiasong gave a presentation, respectively. As one of the co-chair, Jinxiong organized the symposium on soft material mechanics.
  • 2011.4.25-2011.4.29, Jinxiong participated the 2011 MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibition in San Francisco. He visited Stanford Univeristy and UCB. 
  • 2006.11-2007.11, Jinxiong stayed at School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University as visiting scholar.


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