

    1. 研究生招生学科:博士、学术型硕士:航空宇航科学与技术,专硕:航空工程、航天工程均可


    研究方向: 飞行器结构综合设计与优化,基于人工智能的新型计算方法及其工程应用,空间可展开结构设计,流致振动与核反应堆结构力学 (尤其鼓励力学、飞设专业的学生报考)

    Phd or Master candidates should apply for a degree at Aerospace Science and Technology with index number 082500. The focus of research is aircraft structural design and optimization, AI based numerical methods for engineering applications, design of deployable structures, flow-induced vibration and structural mechanics of nuclear reactors.  Students with engineerig mechanics or aircraft design engineering background are heartedly welcomed!

    2. 硕士研究生专业课考试课程

    816 工程力学(理论力学和材料力学)或者 843 流体力学


    Students may select engineering mechanics or fluid mechanics as courses for entrance examination. Background on theory of elasticity, finite element or theory of vibration is also necessary.


    3. 博士后招聘:


    People who interest in fluid-structure interaction, flow-induced vibration and structural mechanics of nuclear reactors may contact Prof. Jinxiong Zhou to apply for a research assistant or postdoc position. Candidates with expertise on computational fluid dynamics, finite element programming, and nuclear engineering are preferred.




    Highly motivated students of various leveles are welcomed to join our group for pursuing a Phd or master degree, or just receive training for doing research. Group meetings are open to all students. Foreign students have good command of English and solid background on mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering are also welcomed to apply for a visiting studentship or pursue a degree at XJTU.