List of publications


Book Chapters

1. 周进雄,张陵译,机构动态仿真-使用MATLABSimulink (译著),西安交通大学出版社出版,西安,20029.

2. 陈花玲,周进雄著,介电弹性体智能材料力电耦合性能及其应用,科学出版社,北京,书号:ISBN978-7-03-053004-220176月。

Journal Papers and citations

 Web of Science(total citations nearly 7000)

 Google Scholar citations (total citations nearly 9000):





1. 周进雄,研究生课程:有限元方法与软件应用(063014,航天学院),讲授ABAQUS,ANSYS,固体力学模拟高级技术,流固耦合,欢迎选课!


2. 周进雄,飞行器结构动力学,本科生专业基础课,全英文讲授!






125. S. Zhu, R. Guo, X. Jin, X. Ma, J. Zhou and N. An*, Form-finding of cable-membrane structures with flexible frames: Finite element implementation and application to surface accuracy analysis of umbrela-like rib-mesh reflectors, Adv. Engrg. Soft. 198, 103789, 2024.[pdf]

124. X. Ma, N. An, Q. Cong, J. Bai, M. Wu, Y. Xu, J. Zhou et al., Design, modeling, and manufacturing of high strain composites for space deployable structures, Commu. Engrg. 3, 78, 2024.[pdf]

123. X. Zhao, P. Sun and J. Zhou*, A semi-analytical time-domain model with explicit fluid force expressions for streamwise fluidelastic instability of a single and multiple flexible tube array, Phys. Fluids 36, 094129, 2024.[pdf]

122. X. Zhao, R. Guo, T. Liu and J. Zhou*, Learning experimental data to predict fluidelatic instability and optimize configuration of tube arrays, Annals of Nuclear Energy 208, 110754, 2024.[pdf]

121. Y. Yang, X. Zhao, Q. Cheng, R. Guo, M. Li* and J. Zhou, POD-ANN as digital twins for surge line thermal Stratification, Nucl. Eng. Des. 428, 113487, 2024.[pdf]

120. R. Guo, N. An*, X. Yue, X. Ma, Q. Jia and J. Zhou*, Extracting lamina parameters from response of laminates for inverse design of deployable structures, Moder. Phys. Lett. B 2450476, 2024.[pdf]

119. P. Sun, X. Zhao, F. Cai, H. Qi, J. Liu, Z. Feng and J. Zhou*, A semi-analytical time-domain model with explicit fluid force experssions for fluidelastic vibration of a tube array in crossflow, Appl. Math. Model. 132, 252-273, 2024. [pdf]

118. Liu T, Zhao X, Sun P and J. Zhou*. A hybrid proper orthogonal decomposition and next generation reservoir computing approach for high-dimensional chaotic prediction:  Application to flow-induced vibration of tube bundles[J]. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 34(3). 2024.[pdf]

117. Jin H, An N, Jia Q, Guo R, Ma X and J. Zhou*. Optimizing deployment dynamics of composite tape-spring hinges[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2024: 111738.[pdf]

116. Jin H, An N, Jia Q, Ma X and J. Zhou*. A mesoscale computational approach to predict ABD matrix of thin woven composites[J]. Composite Structures, 2024: 118031.[pdf]



115. R. Guo, X. Jin, Q. Jia, N. An*, X. Ma and J. Zhou, Folding, stowage, and deployment of composite thin-walled lenticular tubes, Acta Anstronautica 213, 567-577, 2023.[pdf]

114. X. Yue and J. Zhou*, Implementation of ABAQUS user subroutines for viscoplasticity of 316 stainless steel and zircaloy-4, Metals 13, 1554, 2023.[pdf]

113. X. Chen, M. Li, N. An and J. Zhou, Maximizing buckling load of metabeams via combinatorial optimization of microstructures, Moder. Phys. Lett. B 37,2350077, 2023.[pdf]

112. X Zhao, Q Cheng, X Yu, Q Huang, K Zhang, Z Feng, J Zhou*. Modal analysis of lead-bismuth eutectic flow in a single wire-wrapped rod channel[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2023, 191: 109918.[pdf]

111. P Sun, X Zhao, X Yu, Q  Huang, Z Feng, J Zhou*. Incremental harmonic balance method for multi-harmonic solution of high-dimensional delay differential equations: Application to crossflow-induced nonlinear vibration of steam generator tubes[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2023, 118: 818-831.[pdf]

110. M. Yue, M. Li*, N. An, K. Yang, J. Wang and J. Zhou, Modeling SEBM process of tantalum lattices, Rap. Prototy. J. 29, 232-245, 2023.[pdf]



109. X. Zhao, R. Guo, X. Yu, Q. Huang, Z. Feng and J. Zhou*, Dynamic mode decomposition for data-driven modeling of free surface sloshing,  Moder. Phys. Lett. B 36, 2250036, 2022.[pdf]

108. Q. Jia, N. An*, X. Ma and J. Zhou, A dynamic finite element procedure for bending collapse of composite thin-walled lenticular tubes,  Composite Struct. 287, 115364, 2022.[pdf]

107. H. Jin, Q. Jia, N. An*, G. Zhao, X. Ma and J. Zhou*, Surrogate modeling accelerated shape optimization of deployable composite tape-spring hinges,  AIAA J. 60, 5942-5953, 2022.[pdf]

106. N. An*, Q. Jia, H. Jin, X. Ma and J. Zhou, Multiscale modeling of viscoelastic behavior of unidirectional composite laminates and deployable structures, Mater. Design 219, 110754, 2022.[pdf]

105. F. Liu, N. An, W. Sun* and J. Zhou, Designing soft mobile machines enabled by dielectric elastomer minimum energy structures, Polymers 14, 1466, 2022.[pdf]

104. G. Wang, S. Sun, N. An, M. Li* and J. Zhou, Calculating bandgaps of nonlinear mechanical metamaterials, Moder. Phys. Lett. B 36, 2150610, 2022.[pdf]



103. G. Wang, N. An, S. Sun and J. Zhou*, Folding-mediated soft elasticity and bandgap variation in mechanical metamaterials, Moder. Phys. Lett. B 35, 2150239, 2021. [pdf]

102. T. Liu, S. Sun, H. Liu, N. An and J. Zhou*, A predictive deep-learning approach for homogenization of auxetic kirigami metamaterials with randomly oriented cuts, Moder. Phys. Lett. B 35, 2150033, 2021.

101. B. Chen, W. Sun, J. Lu, J. Yang, Y. Chen, J. Zhou, Z. Suo*, All-solid ionic eye, ASME J. Appl. Mech. 88, 031016, 2021. [pdf]

100.N. An, G. Yang, K. Yang, J. Wang, M. Li* and J. Zhou, Implementation of Abaqus user subroutines and plugin for thermal analysis of powder-bed electron-beam-melting additive manufacturing process, Mater. Today Commu. 27,102307,2021. [pdf]

99.Q. Jia, N. An*, X. Ma and J. Zhou, Exploring the design space for nonlinear buckling of composite thin-walled lenticular tubes under pure bending,  Int. J. Mech. Sci. 207, 106661, 2021. [pdf]

98.  S. Sun, N. An, G. Wang, M. Li* and J. Zhou, Achieving selective snapping-back and enhanced hysteresis in soft mechanical metamaterials via fiber reinforcement, J. Appl. Phys. 129, 044903, 2021. [pdf]

97.X. Zhao, N. An, G. Yang*, J. Wang, H. Tang, M. Li* and J. Zhou, Enhancing standard finite element codes with POD for reduced order thermal analysis: Application to electron beam melting of pure tungsten, Mater. Today Commu. 29, 102796, 2021. 



96. W. Guan, L. Dong and J. Zhou, Compressed sensing based on dictionary learning for underdetermined modal identification, Int. J. Appl. Electromag. Mech. 64, 129-

      136, 2020.

95. Y. Wang, L. Zhang and J. Zhou*, Incremental harmonic balance method for periodic forced oscillation of a dielectic elastomer balloon, Appl. Math. Mech. 41, 459-          470, 2020.

94. Y. Wang, G. Sun, J. Yang, L. Zhang and J. Zhou*, A soft sandwich structure enables voltage-induced actuation of liquid metal embedded elastomers, AIP Adv. 10,

       015016, 2020.

93. Y. Ma, X. Zhao, X. Ye, N. Jiang and J. Zhou*, A transient fluid-structure interaction analysis strategy and validation of a pressurized reactor with regard to loss-of-

       coolant accidents, Nuclear Science and Techniques 31, 1-11, 2020.

92. N. An, M. Li* and J. Zhou, Modeling SMA-enabled soft deployable structures for kirigami/origami reflectors, Int. J. Mech. Sci. 180, 105753, 2020.

91. L. Zhang, Y. Xiang, H. Zhang, L. Cheng, X. Mao, N. An, L. Zhang, J. Zhou, L. Deng, Y. Zhang*, X. Sun*, H. A. Santos* and W. Cui*, A biomimetic 3D-self-forming

      approach for microvascular scaffolds, Adv. Sci. 7, 1903553, 2020

90. N. An#, A. G. Domel#, J. Zhou, A. Rafsanjani* and K. Bertoldi*, Programmable hierarchical kirigami, Adv. Func. Mater. 30, 1906711, 2020.



89.   S. Sun, N. An, G. Wang, M. Li* and J. Zhou, Snap-back induced hysteresis in an elastic mechanical metamaterial under tension, Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 091901, 2019

88.   H. Sheng, X. Wang, N. Kong, W. Xi, H. Yang, X. Wu, K. Wu, C. Li, J. Hu, J. Tang, J. Zhou, S. Duan, H. Wang* and Z. Suo*, Neural interfaces by hydrogels, Extreme Mechanics Lett. 30, 100510, 2019.

87.   G. Wang, M. Li * and J. Zhou, Modeling soft machines driven by buckling actuators, Int. J. Mech. Sci. 157-158, 662-667, 2019.

86.   W. Guan, L. Dong*, J. Zhou, Y. Han and J. Zhou, Data-driven methods for operational modal parameters identification: A comparison and application, Measurement 132, 238-251, 2019.

85.   G. Wang, S. Sun, M. Li* and J. Zhou, Large deformation shape optimization of cut-mediated soft mechanical metamaterials, Mater. Res. Express 6, 055802, 2019.



84.    W. Zhang, G. Huang*, K. Ng, Y. Ji, B. Gao, L. Huang, J. Zhou, T. Lu and F. Xu, Engineering ellipsoidal cap-like hydrogel particles as building blocks or sacrificial templates for three-dimensional cell culture, Biomater. Sci. 6, 885-892, 2018.

83.   N. An M. Li and J. Zhou*, Modeling and understanding of locomotion of pneumatic soft robotics, Soft Materials 16, 151-159, 2018.

82.   M. Li, Z. Jiang, N. An and J. Zhou*, Harnessing programmed holes in hydrogel bilayers to design soft self-folding machines, Int. J. Mech. Sci. 140, 271-278, 2018.

81.   F. Liu and J. Zhou*, Shooting and arc-length continuation method for periodic solution and bifurcation of nonlinear oscillation of viscoelastic dielectric elastomers, Trans. ASME J. Appl. Mech. 85, 011005, 2018.

80.   F. Liu, W. Sun, X. Zhao, C. Li and J. Zhou*, Method towards optimal design of dielectric elastomer actuated soft machines, Science China Technological Sciences 61, 959-964, 2018.


79.    W. Sun, F. Liu, Z. Ma, C. Li and J. Zhou*, Soft electroactive actuators and hard ratchet-wheels enable unidirectional locomotion of hybrid machine, AIP Adv. 7, 015308, 2017.

78.    马梓淇, 张宏亮, 何培峰, 许斌, 罗英, 周进雄* 瞬态承压热冲击下AP1000反应堆压力容器热应力数值模拟,中国科学:技术科学 47, 685-691, 2017.

77.   余豪, 何培峰, 许斌, 罗英, 马梓淇, 周进雄*,反应堆控制棒驱动结构温度场数值模拟,中国科学:技术科学 47, 1225-1232, 2017.



76.    N. An, M. Li* and J. Zhou, Predicting origami-inspired programmable self-folding of hydrogel trilayers, Smart Mater. Struct. 25, 11LT02, 2016.

75.   W. Sun, F. Liu, Z. Ma, C. Li and J. Zhou*, Soft mobile robots driven by foldable dielectric elastomer actuators, J. Appl. Phys. 120, 084901, 2016.

74.   G. Wang, M. Li* and J. Zhou, Switching of deformation modes in soft mechanical metamaterials, Soft Materials 14, 180-186, 2016.

73.   C. Yang, B. Chen, J. Zhou, Y. Chen and Z. Suo*, Electroluminescence of giant stretchability, Adv. Mater. 28, 4480-4484, 2016.

72.   F. Liu, Y. Zhang, L. Zhang, L. Geng, Y. Wang, N. Ni and J. Zhou*, Analysis, experiment and correlation of a petal-shaped actuator based on dielectric elastomer minimum energy structures, Appl. Phys. A 122, 323, 2016.

71.   X. Liu, B. Li*, H. Chen, S. Jia and J. Zhou, Voltage-induced wrinkling behavior of dielectric elastomer, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 133, 43258, 2016

70. N. An, M. Li* and J. Zhou, Instability of liquid crystal elastomers, Smart Mater. Struct. 25, 015016, 2016



69.    Y. Liao, N. An, N. Wang, Y. Zhang, J. Song, J. Zhou and W. Liu*, Photoactive self-shaping hydrogels as noncontact 3D Macro/Microscopic photoprinting platforms, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 36, 2129-2136, 2015.

68.   W. Zhen, J. Gao, Z. Wei, J. Zhou and Y. Chen*, Facile fabrication of self-healing carboxymethyl cellulose hydrogels, Euro. Poly. J. 72, 514-522, 2015.

67.   H. Haider, C. Yang, W. Zheng, J. Yang, M. Wang, S. Yang, M. Zrinyi, Y. Osada, Z. Suo, Q. Zhang, J. Zhou* and Y. Chen*, Exceptionally tough and notch-insensitive magnetic hydrogels, Soft Matter 11, 8253-8261, 2015.

66.   W. Sun, H. Wang and J. Zhou*, Actuation and instability of inter-connected dielectric elastomer balloons, Appl. Phys. A 119, 443-449, 2015.

65.   C. Yang, B. Chen, J. Lu, J. Yang, J. Zhou, Y. Chen* and Z. Suo*, Ionic cable, Extreme Mechanics Lett. 3, 59-65, 2015.

64.   M. Wang, C. Yang, Z. Liu, J. Zhou, F. Xu, Z. Suo, J. Yang* and Y. Chen*, Tough photoluminescent hydrogels doped with lanthanide, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 36, 465-471, 2015.

63.   W. Zheng, N. An, J. Yang, J. Zhou* and Y. Chen*, Tough Al-alginate/PNIPAM hydrogels with tunable LCST for soft robotics, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7, 1758-1764, 2015.

62.   Z. Wei, J. Yang, Z. Liu, F. Xu, J. Zhou, M. Zrinyi, Y. Osada and Y. Chen*, Novel biocompatible polysaccharide-based Self-healing hydrogel, Adv. Func. Mater. 25, 1352-1359, 2015.

61.   S. Liu, P. Wang, H. Guo, L. Wang, J. Zhou, T. Lu, F. Xu and M. Lin, Reaction-induced swelling of ionic gels, Soft Matter 11, 449-455, 2015.

60. 陈宝鸿,周进雄*离子导体驱动的介电弹性体软机器研究进展,固体力学学报 36, 481-492, 2015.


59.      B. Chen, J. Lu, C. Yang, J. Yang, J. Zhou, Y. Chen* and Z. Suo*, Highly stretchable and transparent hydrogels as nonvolatile conductors for dielectric elastomer transducers, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 6, 7840-7845, 2014.
58. Z. Wei, J. Yang, J. Zhou, F. Xu, M. Zrinyi, P. H. Dussault, Y. Osada and Y. Chen*, Self-healing gels based on constitutional dynamic chemistry and their potential applications, Chem. Soc. Rev. 43, 8114-8131, 2014.
57.      Y. Wang, B. Chen, Y. Bai, H. Wang and J. Zhou*, Actuating dielectric elastomers in pure shear deformation by elastomeric conductors, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 064101, 2014.
56.      Y. Bai, Y. Jiang, B. Chen, C. Foo, Y. Zhou, F. Xiang, J. Zhou, H. Wang* and Z. Suo*, Cyclic performance of viscoelastic dielectric elastomers with solid hydrogel electrodes, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 062902, 2014.
55.      Y. Bai, B. Chen, F. Xiang, J. Zhou, H. Wang* and Z. Suo*, Transparent hydrogel with enhanced water retention capacity by introducing highly hydratable salt, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 151903, 2014.
54.      M. Li, S. Lv and J. Zhou*, Photo-thermo-mechanically actuated bending and snapping kinetics of liquid crystal elastomer cantilever, Smart Mater. Struct. 23, 125012,2014.
53.      Y. Wang, J. Zhou*, W. Sun, X. Wu and L. Zhang, Mechanics of dielectric elastomer activated deformable transmission grating, Smart Mater. Struct. 23, 095010, 2014.
52.      B. Chen, Y. Bai, F. Xiang, J. Sun, Y. Chen, H. Wang*, J. Zhou* and Z. Suo, Stretchable and transparent hydrogels as soft conductors for dielectric elastomer actuators, J. Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 52, 1055-1060, 2014.
51.      X. Jia, M. Li and J. Zhou*, Modeling contacts of ionic polymer metal composites based tactile sensors, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 27, 407-411, 2014.
50.   M. Li, J. Geng and J. Zhou*, Constrained swelling and instability of a temperature-sensitive hydrogel ring, e-Polymers 14, 103-106, 2014.
49.    N. Ni, L. Zhang*, J. Zhou, Y. Wang and F. Liu, Dielectric elastomer cantilever beam sensor, Proc. of SPIE 9056, 90561M, 2014.
48.   Y. Wang, J. Zhou*, X. Wu, L. Zhang, N. Ni and F. Liu, Inhomogeneous deformation of circular dielectric elastomer: simulation and experiment, Proc. of SPIE 9056, 90562Z, 2014.


47.      王鹏飞,刘少宝,周进雄,卢天健,徐峰,自振荡凝胶的动力学模型及可控性分析,力学学报 45, 888-896, 2013.

46.      C. Yang, M. Wang, H. Haider, J. Yang, J. Sun, Y. Chen*, J. Zhou*, Z. Suo, Strengthening alginate/polyacrylamide hydrogels using various multivalent cations, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 5, 10418-10422, 2013.

45.     W. Guo, M. Li, J. Zhou*, Modeling programmable deformation of self-folding all-polymer structures with temperature-sensitive hydrogels, Smart Mater. Struct. 22, 115028, 2013.

44.     B. Li, H. Chen*, J. Zhou, Electromechanical stability of dielectric elastomer composites with enhanced permittivity, Composites Part A 52, 55-61, 2013.

43.     P. Wang*, S. Liu, J. Zhou*, F. Xu and T. Lu*, Kinetic Modelling and Bifurcation Analysis of Chemomechanically Responsive Gels under Mechanical Load, Eur. Phys. J. E-Soft Matter and Biological Physics 36, 108, 2013.

42.     M. Li, C. Jin and J. Zhou*, Finite element implementation of poroelasticity theory for swelling dynamics of hydrogels, Theor. Appl. Mech. Lett. 3, 054009, 2013.

41.     Y. Wang, J. Zhou*, X. Wu, B. Li, L. Zhang, Energy diagrams of dielectric elastomer generators under different types of deformation, Chin. Phys. Lett. 30, 066103, 2013.

40.      B. Li, H. Chen*, J. Qiang, J. Sheng and J. Zhou, Effect of viscoelastic relaxation on the electromechanical coupling of dielectric elastomer, Proc. Of SPIE 8687, 86872T, 2013.

39.     M. Ren, J. Huang, H. Cai, J. M. Tsai, J. Zhou, Z. Liu, Z. Suo*, A. Liu*, Nano-opto-mechanical actuator and pull-back instability, ACS Nano 7, 1676-1681, 2013.

38.     B. Li, J. Zhou, H. Chen*, Modeling of the muscle-like actuation in soft dielectrics: deformation mode and electromechanical instability, Appl. Phys. A 110, 59-63, 2013.



37. Z. Xiao, M. Li and J. Zhou, Surface instability of a swollen cylinder hydrogel, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 25(2012), 550-556.

36. G. Huang, X. Zhang, Z. Xiao, Q. Zhang, J. Zhou, F. Xu and T. Lu, Cell-encapsulating microfluidic hydrogels with enhanced mechanical stability, Soft Matter, 8(2012), 10678-10694.

35. H. Park, Z. Suo, J. Zhou and P. Klein, A dynamic finite element method for inhomogeneous deformation and electromechanical instability of dielectric elastomer  transducers, Int. J. Solids Struct., 49(2012), 2187-2194.

34. T. He, M. Li and J. Zhou, Modeling deformation and contacts of pH sensitive hydrogels for microfluidic flow control, Soft Matter, 8(2012), 3083-3089.

33. J. Geng, M. Li and J. Zhou, An extended stress-diffusion coupling model for swelling dynamics of polymer gels, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 51(2012), 3466-3471.

32. Z. Zhu, H. Li, H. Chen and J. Zhou, Synthesis, experimental characterization and parametric identification of ionic-polymer metal composite bending actuators, Int. J. Comput. Mater. Sci. Eng., 1(2012), 1250012.

31. X. Wu, W. Sun, B. Li, H. Chen and J. Zhou, Homogeneous large deformation analysis of a dielectric elastomer peristaltic actuator, Science China Technological Sciences, 55(2012), 537-541.

30. B. Li, H. Chen, J. Qiang and J. Zhou, A model for conditional polarization of the actuation enhancement of a dielectric elastomer, Soft Matter, 8(2012), 311-317.



29.  B. Li, J. Zhou, H. Chen, Electromechanical stability in charge-controlled dielectric elastomer actuation, Appl. Phys. Lett., 99(2011), 244101.

28. B. Li, H. Chen, J. Zhou, Z. Zhu and Y. Wang, Polarization-modified instability and actuation transition of deformable dielectric, Europhys. Lett., 95(2011), 37006.

27. S. J. Adrian Soh, T. Li, J. Zhou, X. Zhao, H. Wei, J. Zhu and Z. Suo, Mechanisms of large actuation strain in dielectric elastomers, J. Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 49(2011), 504-515.

26. H. Li, J. Zhou and M. Li, Multiphysics modeling of self-oscillations of polyelectrolyte gel actuators, Int. J. Appl. Mech., 3(2011), 355-363.

25. T. Li, C. Chen and J. Zhou, Three dimensional phase field study on the thickness effect of ferroelectric polymer thin film, Theor. Appl. Mech. Lett., 1(2011), 011008.



24. P. Wang, J. Zhou, M. Li, F. Xu, T. J. Lu, Nonlinear dynamics of self-oscillating polymer gels, Science China Technological Science, Vol.53, No.7, 2010, 1862-1868.

23. J. Zhou, G. Huang, M. Li and A. K. Soh, Stress evolution in a phase separating polymeric gel, Model. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng., Vol.18, No.2, 2010, 025002.


***Before 2010

22. M. Li and J. Zhou, Simulating surface-mediated self assembly patterns by a stabilized Fourier spectral method, Mater. Trans., Vol.49, No.9, 2008, 2028-2032.

21.   W. Hong, X. Zhao, J. Zhou and Z. Suo, A theory of coupled diffusion and large deformation in polymeric gels, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, Vol.56, No. 5, 2008, 1779-1793.

20.   Z. Suo, X. Zhao, W. Hong, J. Zhou and W. H. Greene, A theory of large deformation in soft active materials, Proc. of SPIE 6927(2008), 692710.

19.   J. Zhou, W. Hong, X. Zhao, Z. Zhang and Z. Suo, Propagation of instability in dielectric elastomers, Int. J. Solids Struct., Vol. 45, No. 13, 2008, 3739-3750.

18.   J. Zhou, and W. Zou, Meshless approximation combined with implicit topology description for optimization of continua, Struct. Multidisc. Optim., Vol. 36, No. 4, 2008, 347-353.

17.   W. Zou, J. Zhou, N. Zhou, X. M. Wang and L. Zhang, A truly meshless method based on partition of unity for shape optimization of continua, Comput. Mech., Vol.39, No.4, 2007, 357-365.

16.   J. Zhou, M. E Li, Z. Q. Zhang and W. Zou, A subdomain collocation method based on Voronoi domain partition and reproducing kernel approximation, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., Vol.196, No.13-16, 2007, 1958-1967.

15.   J. Zhou, and M. E Li, Solving phase field equations using a meshless method, Commun. Numer. Meth. Engrg., Vol.22, No.11, 2006, 1109-1115.

14.   J. Zhou, X. M. Wang, Z. Q. Zhang and L. Zhang, On the enhancement of computation and exploration of discretization approaches for meshless shape design sensitivity analysis, Struct. Multidisc. Optim., Vol.31, No.2, 2006, 96-104.

13.   Z. Q. Zhang, J. Zhou, N. Zhou, X. M. Wang and L. Zhang, Shape optimization using reproducing kernel particle method and an enriched genetic algorithm, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., Vol. 194, No.39-41, 2005, 4048-4070.

12.   Z. Q. Zhang, J. Zhou, X. M. Wang, Y. F. Zhang and L. Zhang, h-adaptivity analysis based on multiple scale reproducing kernel particle method, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), Vol.26, No.8, 2005, 1064-1071.

11.   J. Zhou, X. M. Wang, Z. Q. Zhang and L. Zhang, Explicit 3-D RKPM shape functions in terms of kernel function moments for accelerated computation, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., Vol.194, No.9-11, 2005, 1027-1035.

10.   J. Zhou, H. Y. Zhang, L. Zhang, Reproducing Kernel Particle Method for free and forced vibration analysis, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.279, No.1-2, 2005, 389-402.

9.   J. Zhou, L. Zhang, Incremental Harmonic Balance method for predicting amplitudes of a multi-DOF nonlinear wheel shimmy system with combined Coulomb and quadratic damping, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.279, No.1-2, 2005, 403-416.

8.   J. Zhou, X. M. Wang, Z. Q. Zhang and L. Zhang, On some enrichments of Reproducing Kernel Particle Method, Int. J. Comput. Methods., Vol.1, No.3, 2004, 519-533.

7.   Z. Q. Zhang, J. Zhou, X. M. Wang, Y. F. Zhang and L. Zhang, Investigations on Reproducing Kernel Particle Method Enriched by Partition of Unity and Visibility Criterion, Comput. Mech., Vol.34, No.4, 2004, 310-329.

6.   J. Zhou, N. Zhou, L. Zhang, Q. W. Lv and Y. J. Li, Thermal deformation analysis of the shadow mask and prediction of beam landing shifts for CRT using finite element method, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol.35, No.8-9, 2004, 503-509.

5.   H. Y. Guo, L. Zhang, L. L. Zhang and J. Zhou, Optimal placement of sensors for structural health monitoring using improved genetic algorithms, Smart Materials and Struct., Vol.13, No.3, 2004, 528-534.

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