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有关光束在分数薛定谔方程中的传输特性研究被Laser & Photonics Reviews接受
发布者: 张贻齐 | 2016-03-10 | 38

论文对光束在携带PT对称性的分数薛定谔方程中的传输特性进行了初步研究,结果被国际光学权威期刊之一的Laser & Photonics Reviews (IF: 8.008)接受。

Acceptance of your submission to Laser & Photonics Reviews(lpor.201600037R1) - [EMID:6dc5167ba65f3174]
发件人:APB editor <em@editorialmanager.com>    
(由 em.lpor-journal.0.49bc34.c68a21ea@editorialmanager.com 代发)
时   间:2016年3月10日(星期四) 凌晨3:57 (UTC-05:00 华盛顿、多伦多、古巴、智利时间) 
Yiqi Zhang (张贻齐) <zhang-yiqi@qq.com>
CC: 1164951906@qq.commilivoj.belic@qatar.tamu.eduyizhu@tsinghua.edu.cnzhongwp6@126.comdemetri@creol.ucf.eduypzhang@mail.xjtu.edu.cnmxiao@uark.edu

Dear Dr. Zhang,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript "PT symmetry in a fractional Schrödinger equation" to Laser & Photonics Reviews. The reviewer report and comments are included at the end of this email.

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been accepted for publication. 

You do not need to send additional files at this time.