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被APL Photonics接受的拓扑光子学研究工作被选为Editor‘s Pick
发布者: 张贻齐 | 2019-11-07 | 206


Congratulations - your article APP19-AR-00275R has been chosen as an Editor's Pick
发件人:aplphotonics-edoffice <aplphotonics-edoffice@aip.org>     
时   间:2019年11月7日(星期四) 中午1:10纯文本 |  
张贻齐 <zhangyiqi@mail.xjtu.edu.cn>
Floquet topological insulator laser 

Dear Dr. Zhang, 

Congratulations on your recently accepted article in APL Photonics! The Editors felt that your article is noteworthy, and have chosen it to be promoted as an Editor's Pick. Once published, your paper will be displayed on the journal's homepage and will be identified with an icon next to the article title. 

Best regards, 
The Editors of APL Photonics