(1.)Basic Information


Yuwei Huang, professor in school of basic medical sciences at Xian Jiao Tong University. She applied grants from NSFC and got the supporting from Xian JiaoTong University Young Talent Support Plan A class. Recent years, She published several researching papers in high-level journals, including Nature Cell Biology, Cell Research, and Development of cell. During attending several important international and national meetings, she owned several awards for best presentation and poster.

Yuwei Huang Lab mainly focus on the research of the property, mechanism and function of cell plasma membrane and cellular membrane organelles, by use of cell biology and biophysics methods combining with imaging, biochemistry and molecular biology technology.


Address: 4060, Building 21#, Western China Science and Technology Innovation Habour, Xi'an JiaoTong University 


Email: huangyuwei@mail.xjtu.edu.cn




1. Huang Y, Zhang X, Wang HW, Yu L*. Assembly of Tetraspanin-enriched macrodomains contains membrane damage to facilitate repair. Nat Cell Biol. doi: 10.1038/s41556-022-00920-0; 2022 June.

2. Huang Y, Yu L*. Tetraspanin-enriched microdomains: The building blocks of migrasomes. Cell Insight. Volume 1, Issue 1,2022,100003,ISSN 2772-8927. (Cover story)

3. Huang Y, Li J, Du W, Li S, Li Y, Qu H, Xv J, Yu L, Zhu R, Wang H*. Nuclear translocation of the 4-pass transmembrane protein Tspan8. Cell Res. doi: 10.1038/s41422-021-00522-9. Epub ahead of print. 2021 Jun 7.

4. Huang Y#, Zucker B#, Zhang S#, Elias S, Zhu Y, Chen H, Ding T, Li Y, Sun Y, Lou J, Kozlov MM*, Yu L*. Migrasome formation is mediated by assembly of micron-scale tetraspanin macrodomains. Nat Cell Biol. 21(8):991-1002; 2019 Aug. (Cover story)Co-first author

5. Raviv Dharan# , Yuwei Huang#Sudheer Kumar Cheppali Shahar Goren Petr Shendrik Weisi WangJiamei QiaoMichael M KozlovLi YuRaya Sorkin*.Tetraspanin 4 stabilizes membrane swellings and facilitates their maturation into migrasomes. Nat Commun2023 Feb 23;14(1):1037. (Co-first author)

6. Jiang D#, Jiang Z#, Lu D, Wang X, Liang H, Zhang J, Meng Y, Li Y, Wu D, Huang Y, Chen Y, Deng H, Wu Q, Xiong J, Meng A*, Yu L*. Migrasomes provide regional cues for organ morphogenesis during zebrafish gastrulation. Nat Cell Biol. 21(8):966-977;2019 Aug.

7. Ma M#, Liu JJ#, Li Y#, Huang Y, Ta N, Chen Y, Fu H, Ye MD, Ding Y, Huang W, Wang J, Dong MQ, Yu L*, Wang HW*. Cryo-EM structure and biochemical analysis reveal the basis of the functional difference between human PI3KC3-C1 and -C2. Cell Res. 27(8):989-1001; 2017 Aug.

8. Yi C#, Tong J#, Lu P, Wang Y, Zhang J, Sun C, Yuan K, Xue R, Zou B, Li N, Xiao S, Dai C, Huang Y, Xu L, Li L, Chen S, Miao D, Deng H, Li H, Yu L. Formation of a Snf1-Mec1-Atg1 Module on Mitochondria Governs Energy Deprivation-Induced Autophagy by Regulating Mitochondrial Respiration. Dev Cell. 41(1):59-71.e4; 2017 Apr 10.


2022~Present, Xi'an JiaoTong University, School of basic medical sciences, professor

2019~2021, Tsinghua University, School of life science, Post-doctor, Tsinghua University  "Shuimu Scholar"

2013~2019, Tsinghua University, School of life science, Ph.D

2009~2013, Xiamen University, School of life science, Bachelor

(5.)Scientific Research

1. Discovery of migrasome and mechanism of migrasome formation.


Fig.1 Heat-map image of migrasomes produced by L929 Tspan4-GFP cell


2. Cellular plasma membrane damage repair.


Fig 2. Assembly of Tetrasapnin-enriched macrodomains contains membrane damage to facilitate repair. (Huang et al, NCB, 2022)


3. Multiple-transmembrane proteins property and nuclear translocation.


Fig 3. Nuclear translocation of the 4-pass transmembrane protein Tspan8. (Huang et al, Cell Res, 2021)


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Email: huangyuwei@mail.xjtu.edu.cn