(1.)Basic Information

Name: CHEN Xiangjing

Gender: Female

Contact information: School of International Studies, Xi’anJiaotong University, Shaanxi 710049, P. R. China

Email: Chenxj@mail.xjtu.edu.cn


Educational Background

1983-1987: Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature, Xi’an International Studies University

1987-1990: Master of Arts in in English Language and Literature, Xi’an International Studies University

2001-2002: Visiting Scholar in Brandeis University, United States

July 2007-Oct. 2007: Visiting Scholar in Leiden University, the Neitherlands


Teaching Experience

2000 – Associate Professor of Linguistics, the School of International Studies, Xi’an Jiaotong University

1993 – 2000  Lecturer, Foreign Languages Department, Xi’an Jiaotong University

1990 – 1993 Assistant Lecturer, Foreign Languages Department, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Courses taught

For English major postgraduates: Western Translation Theories, 20th Century American Drama

For English major undergraduates: Advanced English Grammar 


Academic Achievements


Chen Xiangjing, et el, “A Summary of Undergraduate Englidh Program of Xi’an Jiaotong University”, Selected Papers on Teaching Reforms of Undergraduate Programs for English Majors in Universities with Science and Engineering Backgrounds, 2007

Chen Xiangjing, “A Rewarding Experience”, Idebate Magazine, 2007

Chen Xiangjing, “An Investigation of Hemispheric Dominance Learning Styles and Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Second Year English Majors”, Northwest Medical Education, 2006

Chen Xiangjing, “On the Development Trend of Translation Studies in China at the Beginning of the New Century”, Journal of Xi’an International Studies University, 2006

Cheng Bin & Chen Xiangjing, “An Action Study of Leaning Strategies of Universitu Students”, Journal of Northwest University, 2004

Chen Xiangjing, “On the Criteria of Word Choice in Translating Culture-loaded Words”, Selected Papers on Foreign Language Teaching, 2002

Conference Papers

Chen Xiangjing, “Debate and Communication Studies in West China”, at 2007 International Symposium on Communication Studies, 2007

Chen Xiangjing & Ye Zhaoqing, “A Comparative Study of Language Policies of European Union and China”, at the International Symposium on Cross-cultural Studies and Sustainable Development, 2007