
Journal Paper


[2024-3] Zhong FC, Shan ZH, Si GQ, Liu AM, Zhao GR, Li B. Source-Free Domain Adaptation With Self-Supervised Learning for Nonintrusive

               Load MonitoringIEEE Transactions On Instrumentation and Measurement. 2024, 73.

[2024-2] Qu K, Si GQ,  Shan ZH, Wang QY, Liu XL, Yang C. Forwardformer: Efficient Transformer With Multi-Scale Forward Self-Attention for

               Day-Ahead Load Forecasting. IEEE Transcations on Power Systems. 2024, 39.

[2024-1] Wang QY, SI GQ, Qu K, Shan ZH, Gong JH, Yang C. Integrating spatio-positional series attention to deep network for multi-turbine

               short-term wind power prediction. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. 2024, 126.

[2023-4] Zhou Zhou, Mitra Baratchi, Gangquan Si, Holger H. Hoos, Gang Huang. Adaptive error bounded piecewise linear approximation for

               time-series representation. Engineering Applications of Artifical Intelligence. 2023, 126.

[2023-3] Shan ZH, Si GQ, Qu K, Wang QY, Kong XG, Tang Y, Yang C. Multiscale Self-Attention Architecture in Temporal Neural Network for Nonintrusive Load

               Monitoring. IEEE Transactions On Instrumentation and Measurement. 2023, 72.

[2023-2] Oresanya BO, Si G, Xu X, Gong J, Guo Z. Conditions for realization of multiple pinch-off points in generalized fractional-order memory elements.

               Int J Circ Theor Appl. 2023;1‐16.

[2023-1] Oluwatosin Oresanya B, Si G, Xu X, Gong J, Guo Z. A unified modeling approach forcharacterization of fractional-order memory elements.

               Int J Circ Theor Appl. 2023;1‐14.

[2022-3] Qu K, Si GQ, Shan ZH, Kong XG, Yang X. Short-term forecasting for multiple wind farms based on transformer model.

               Energy Reports, 2022 8(5):483-490.

[2022-2] Zhou Zhou, Gangquan Si, Haodong Sun, Kai Qu, Weicheng Hou. A robust clustering algorithm based on the identification of core points and KNN kernel

              density estimation. Expert Systems with Applications. 2022, 195(1).

[2022-1] Xiang Xu, Gangquan Si, Zhang Guo, Babajide Oluwatosin Oresanya. Modeling and character analyzing of multiple fractional-order memcapacitors in

              parallel connection. Chinese Physics B. 2022, 31(1), 018401:1-10. 10.1088/1674-1056/ac05b1

[2021-4] Yue Liu, Herbert Ho-Ching Lu, Zhang Guo, Gangquan Si.  The Simple Charge-Controlled Grounded/Floating Mem-Element Emulator. IEEE TRANSACTIONS

               ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS. 2021,Vol 68(6):2177-2181.

[2021-3] Kai Qu, Gangquan Si, Xiang Sun, Wenli Lian, Yuehui Huang and Pai Li. Time series simulation for multiple wind farms based on HMMs and regular

               vine copulas. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy.

[2021-2]Babajide Oluwatosin Oresanya, Gangquan Si, Zhang Guo, Xiang Xu and Yiyuan Bie. Mathematical analysis and emulation of the fractional-order

              cubic flux-controlled memristor. Alexandria Engineering Journal. 2021, Vol 60(5):4315-4324.


[2021-1]Weicheng Hou,Qingsong Luo,Xiangdong Wu,Yimin Zhou,Gangquan SI. Multiobjective Optimization of Large-Scale EVs Charging Path Planning

              and Charging Pricing Strategy for Charging Station. COMPLEXITY. 2021,8868617.

[2020-3] 曲凯,李湃,黄越辉,司刚全.面向新能源消纳能力评估的年负荷序列建模及场景生成方法[J/OL].电力系统自动化:1-16[2020-12-07]. 


[2020-2] Kai Qu, Gangquan SI, Zeyu Yang, et al. Correlation modeling of multiple wind farms based on piecewise cloud representation and regular vine copulas.

               Energy Reports, 2020.

[2020-1] Zhang Guo, Herbert H.C Iu, Gangquan Si, Xiang Xu, Babajide Oluwatosin Oresanya, Yiyuan Bie. A Phasor Analysis Method for Charge-Controlled

               Memory Elements. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. Vol 30(4) 2020.2030041

[2019-6] Zhou Zhou, Gangquan Si, Kai Zheng, Xiang Xu, Kai Qu, Yanbin Zhang. CMBCF: A Cloud Model Based Hybird Method for Combining Forecast.

               Applied Soft  Computing. Vol 85:105766. 

[2019-5] Shi Jianquan, Si Gangquan*, Zhang Yanbin. Application of Fractional Fourier Transform for Prediction of Ball Mill Loads Using Acoustic Signals.

              IEEE Access. Vol 7:84170-84181. 2019.

[2019-4]Yuhang Lei, Gangquan Si*, Jianwei Zhu ,Yanbing Zhang. An Improved Hybrid Modular Multilevel Converters with DC Short-Circuit Fault Ride-Through

             Capacity. 2018 ACDC IET the Journal of Engineering.

[2019-3] Gangquan Si, Jianwei Zhu, Yuhang Lei, Lixin Jia, Yanbin Zhang. An Enhanced Level-Increased Nearest Level Modulation for Modular Multilevel

              Converter. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems. 2019, 29(1):e2669

[2019-2] Jianquan Shi, Gangquan Si, Shuiwang Li, Babajide Oresanya, Yanbin Zhang. Feature extraction based on Fractional Fourier transform for

               vibration signal with application to measure the load of a tumbling mill. Control Engineering Practice. Vol 84:238-246.2019.


[2019-1] Zhang Guo, Gangquan Si,Xiang Xu, Kai Qu, Shuang Li. Generalized modeling and character analyzing of composite fractional order memristors

               in series connection. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2019,95(1):101-115.

[2018-5] Gangquan Si, Kai Zheng, Zhou Zhou, Chengjie Pan, Xiang Xu, Kai Qu, Yanbin Zhang. Three-dimensional Piecewise cloud representation for time series

              data mining. Neurocomputing.

[2018-4] Gangquan Si, Jianwei Zhu, Yuhang Lei, Lixin Jia, Yanbin Zhang. An Enhanced Level-Increased Nearst Level Modulation for Modular Multilevel Converter.

               International Transations on Electrical Energy Systems.

[2018-3] Zhou Zhou, Gangquan Si, Yanbin Zhang, Kai Zheng. Robust clustering by identifying the veins of clusters based on kernel density estimation.

               Knowledge-Based  Systems.

[2018-2] 郭璋,司刚全,黄越辉,李湃.考虑波动趋势和相关性的多风电场模拟出力数据生成方法.西安交通大学学报.2018, 52(4):7-14.

[2018-1] Zhang Guo, Gangquan Si, Lijie Diao, Yanbin Zhang. Generalized modeling of the fractional-order memcapacitor and its character analysis.

              Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2018,59:177-189

[2017-7] 司刚全,李水旺,石建全,郭璋. 基于改进果蝇优化算法的最小二乘支持向量机参数优化方法研究及应用. 西安交通大学学报.2017,51(6):14-19

[2017-6] Gangquan Si, Lijie Diao, Jianwei Zhu, Yuhang Lei, Yanbin Zhang. Attempt to generalize fractional-order electric elements to complex-order ones.

               Chinese Physics B, 2017,26(6):060503

[2017-5] Gangquan Si, Jianwei Zhu, Lijie Diao.Modeling, nonlinear dynamic analysis and control of fractional PMSG of wind turbine. Nonlinear Dynamics.

               2017,88(2), 985-1000

[2017-4] Gangquan Si, Lijie Diao, Jianwei Zhu, Yuhang Lei, Oresanya Babajide, Yanbin Zhang. Modeling and character analyzing of current-controlled

               memristors with fractional kinetic transport. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2017,48:224-235

[2017-3] Gangquan Si, Lijie Diao, Jianwei Zhu. Fractional-order charge-controlled memristor: theoretical analysis and simulation. Nonlinear Dynamics.


[2017-2] Gangquan Si, Jianquan Shi, Zhang Guo, Lixin Jia, Yanbin Zhang. Reconstruct the Support Vectors to Improve LSSVM Sparseness and Robustness

              for Mill Load Prediction. Mathmatical Problems in Engineering. 2017,4191789-1-12.

[2017-1] Rui Yao, Yanbin ZHang, Gangquan Si, Yiwei Yuan, Qian Xie. Polar Coordinate Pattern Approach for Characterization and Identification of the Insulation

              Defects in GIS. IEEJ Transcations on Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2017,12(6):825-833

[2016-4]  Qian Xie, Yanbin Zhang, Yanan Yu, Gangquan Si, Ningning Yang, Longfei Luo. A Novel Method to Magnetic Flux Linkage Optimization of

               Direct-Driven Surface-Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Based on Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis. Energies.2016,9(7):557

[2016-3] Yao Rui, Si Gangquan, Zhang Yanbin. Discharge characteristic investigation on surface discharge initiated by metallic particles attached to

               gas-insulated substation insulator. IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering.Vol 11(2):162-167,2016

[2016-2] Qian Xie, Gangquan Si, Yanbin Zhang, Yiwei Yuan, Rui Yao. Finite-time synchronization and identification of complex delayed networks with

               Markovian jumping parameters and stochastic perturbations. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 86 (2016):35-49

[2016-1] Rui Yao, Gangquan Si, Yanbin Zhang, Yiwei Yuan, Qian Xie. Study on the Partial Discharge Characteristics and Development Process in Use

              of the Multiple Discharge Patterns for the Typical Defects in Gas-Insulated Switchgear. Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering.


[2015-2]  Chaojun Wu, Gangquan Si, Yanbin Zhang, Ningning Yang. The fractional-order state-space averaging modeling of the Buck-Boost

                DC/DC conberter in discontinuous conduction mode and the performance analysis. Nonlinear Dynamics. Vol79(1):689-703,2015

[2015-1] Chaojun Wu, Gangquan Si, Yanbin Zhang, Ningning Yang. Adaptive Inverse Optimal Control of a Novel Fractional-order Four-wing

              Hyperchaotic System with Uncertain Parameter and Circuitry Implementation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering

[2014-1] Dai Hao, Si Gangquan, Jia Lixin, Zhang Yanbin .Finite-time generalized function matrix projective lag synchronization of coupled

              dynamical networks with different dimensions via the double power function nonlinear feedback control method. Physica Scripta.


[2013-6]   诸文智,司刚全,张彦斌.一种采用邻域决策分辨率的特征选择算法.西安交通大学学报,2013,Vol47(2):20-27.

[2013-5]   司刚全,张寅松,赵为犁. 考虑可信度评价的多传感器一致性鲁棒测度方法.西安交通大学学报,Vol47(8):7-11, 2013

[2013-4]   Zhu Wenzhi, Si Gangquan, Zhang Yanbin, Wang Jingcheng. Neighborhood effective information ratio for hybrid feature subset

                 evaluation and selection.Neurocomputing. Vol99:25-37, 2013.

[2013-3] Zhiyong Sun,Wenzhi Zhu, Gangquan Si, Yue Ge,Yanbin Zhang. Adaptive synchronization design for uncertain chaotic systems

               in the presence of unknown system parameters: a revisit. Nonlinear Dynamics.Vol72(4):729-749, 2013

[2013-2] Dai Hao, Si Gangquan, Zhang Yanbin. Adaptive generalized function matrix projective lag synchronization of uncertain complex dynamical

               networks with different dimensions. Nonlinear Dynamics. Vol 74(3):629-648, 2013

[2013-1] Dai Hao, Si Gangquan, Jia Lixin, Zhang Yanbin. Adaptive generalized function matrix projective lag synchronization between fractional-order

              and integer-order complex networks with delayed coupling and different dimensions. Physica Scripta. Vol88(5):055006,2013.


  1. 发明专利:司刚全,杨余凯晨,徐翔,山子涵,李晨浩. 一种多模态混合忆阻神经网络边缘计算终端及方法. 申请号:202411728288.4, 申请日期:2024-11-28 
  2. 发明专利:司刚全,徐翔,杨余凯晨,山子涵,李晨浩. 一种忆阻脉冲神经网络系统及方法. 申请号:202411478229.6, 申请日期:2024-10-22 
  3. 发明专利:司刚全,徐翔,山子涵,杨余凯晨,李晨浩.一种忆阻模拟器等效电路、控制方法及电子设备.申请号:202411478280.7. 申请日期:2024-10-22 
  4. 发明专利:司刚全;尹军华;崔乐乐;王倩月;李博;范德涛. 电力图像生成模型构建方法、图像生成方法及相关装置. 申请号:CN202410563410.0,  申请日:2024.05.08 
  5. 发明专利:司刚全,曲凯,丁志强,王倩月,山子涵,巩甲辉. 一种微电网能源管理策略的优化方法、装置、设备及介质. 申请号: CN202410164712.0 申请日:2024.02.05
  6. 发明专利:司刚全,巩甲辉,丁志强,曲凯,王倩月,山子涵. 一种基于交互式模仿学习的微电网能源管理实时调度方法. 申请号:CN202311742147.3, 申请日: 2023.12.18 
  7. 发明专利:司刚全,杨晨,曲凯,孔祥光,唐雨. 一种用于电力系统鸟害评估与治理的系统及方法. 申请号:202210047481.6. 申请日期:2022-01-17
  8. 【已转让】发明专利:司刚全.一种煤矿工程车辆作业状态智能识别方法.申请号:202210033746.7, 申请日期:2022.1.12 
  9. 发明专利:周金辉,谢成,孙翔,司刚全,赵深,童力,曲凯,邵先军,黄晓明,刘浩军,孙志达. 一种可灵活组态的交直流混联配电网架及真型试验系统. 国网浙江电力公司电力科学研究院,西安交通大学. 申请号:202011392970.2.申请日期:.2020-12-02
  10. 发明专利:孙翔,司刚全,谢成,杨辰光,陈超,盛晔,周金辉,苏毅方,江航,梅冰笑,马振宇. 一种配电网防雷真型实验系统及多时空尺度动态评价方法. 国网浙江电力公司电力科学研究院,西安交通大学. 专利号:ZL 202011396643.4. 授权日期:2022-5-31
  11. 发明专利:谢成,王子凌,司刚全,孙翔,周金辉,山子涵,胡建根,邵先军,刘家齐,任广振,吴栋萁. 一种基于多维数字故障反演的配电电缆复杂环境真型模拟试验系统及评价方法. 国网浙江电力公司电力科学研究院,西安交通大学. 授权号:ZL 202011392029.0. 授权日期:2022-5-13.
  12. 发明专利:司刚全,杨辰光,山子涵,杨欣,孔祥光.基于动态油压特征量的矿用减速器润滑油静态油位测量方法.专利号:ZL202011303578.6,授权日期:2021-11-16
  13. 发明专利:司刚全,山子涵,杨辰光,李忠民,刘校良.基于姿态与油温校正的矿用减速器漏油故障诊断方法. 专利号:ZL202011307761.3,授权日期:2021-11-16
  14. 发明专利,司刚全,山子涵,杨辰光,曲凯,张吉祥. 一种基于泛在互联的主动配电网供电质量复合感知与评价方法及系统. 专利号:ZL202010745680.5,授权日期,2023-06-27
  15. 发明专利,司刚全,杨辰光,曲凯,山子涵,张吉祥,李娟. 一种具有联动特性的储能站安全态势评估及预警系统及方法. 专利号:ZL202010543439.4,授权日期:2022-2-11
  16. 发明专利:司刚全,张吉祥,曲凯,山子涵,杨辰光.一种配电网故障的评估与调度方法及系统. 专利号:ZL202010357704.X;授权日期:2022-04-22
  17. 发明专利:司刚全,曲凯,蔡乾,马天东,耿天祥. 一种计及时空相关性的多区域电力负荷时序场景建模方法. 专利号:202010198083.5;授权日期:2022-04-22
  18. 发明专利:司刚全,潘程杰,曹晖,贾立新,张彦斌. 基于小波变换的时序数据自适应分段、降维与表征方法.专利号:ZL201910152663.8;授权日期:2021-02-09
  19. 【已转让】发明专利:司刚全,郑凯,曹晖,贾立新,张彦斌.基于时序信息片段云相似度度量的电网设备状态评估方法。专利号:ZL201910149813.X;授权日期:2021-03-02
  20. 发明专利:司刚全,周舟,曹晖,贾立新,张彦斌.基于云系相似度权重分配的变压器状态参量组合预测方法。专利号:ZL201910086754.6;授权日期:2020-10-27
  21. 【已转让】发明专利:司刚全,曲凯,曹晖,贾立新,张彦斌. 一种多风电场发电时序模拟场景构建方法. 专利号:ZL201910152679.9;授权日期:2020-07-28
  22. 【已转让】发明专利:司刚全,朱建伟,雷妤航,张彦斌. 提高半桥型模块化多电平变换器输出电平数的调制方法. 专利号:ZL201706261731870;授权日期:2019-10-11
  23. 【已转让】发明专利:司刚全,朱建伟,雷妤航,张彦斌. 提高全桥型模块化多电平变换器输出电平数的调制方法 专利号:ZL2017062601734380;授权日期:2019-10-11
  24. 发明专利:司刚全,石建全,李水旺,郑凯,贾立新,张彦斌. 一种基于筒体表面多点振动信号的磨机负荷检测方法.专利号:ZL201610976182.5,授权日期:2019-04-12
  25. 发明专利:司刚全,石建全,李水旺,周舟,贾立新,张彦斌. 基于筒体表面抛落区和滑动区振动信号的磨机负荷检测方法. 专利号:ZL201610976287.0,授权日期:2019-02-05
  26. 发明专利:司刚全,郭璋,曹晖,贾立新,张彦斌.一种基于周期滚动优化的火电厂磨机负荷预测方法。专利号:ZL201510486550.3,授权日期:2018-11-9
  27. 发明专利:司刚全,石建全,郭璋,曹晖,贾立新,张彦斌.一种自适应在线校正的火电厂球磨机负荷软测量方法。专利号:ZL201510741296.7,授权日期:2017-7-25
  28. 【已转让】发明专利:司刚全,张斌,高洪.一种基于自适应反馈线性化的STATCOM控制方法。专利号:ZL201510158638.2,授权日期:2017-10-20
  29. 发明专利:司刚全,张红英,张彦斌.电气化铁路牵引变电站电气设备过热故障诊断及预警系统及方法。专利号:ZL201210016061.8,授权日期:2015-01-13
  30. 发明专利:司刚全,曹晖,张彦斌.电气化铁路接触网线夹过热故障智能诊断方法及在线监测系统。 专利号:ZL201210015875.X,授权日期:2014-07-2
  31. 发明专利:曹晖,司刚全,贾立新,张彦斌,基于序列模式挖掘的火电厂球磨机制粉系统节能优化方法,ZL201110162636.2,授权日期:2013-1-2
  32. 发明专利:司刚全, 曹晖, 张彦斌, 贾立新.一种火电厂球磨机负荷软测量方法.专利号: ZL200710018638.8.授权日期:2009-09-09.
  33. 发明专利:司刚全, 曹晖, 张彦斌, 贾立新.基于多传感器融合的筒式钢球磨机负荷检测方法及装置.专利号: ZL200710017490.6.授权日期:2009-07-08.
  34. 发明专利:司刚全, 曹晖, 张彦斌, 贾立新.基于多判据融合的分布式发电机转子绕组匝间短路在线监测系统.专利号:ZL200610042984.5.授权日期:2009-02-18
  35. 发明专利:曹晖, 司刚全, 张彦斌, 贾立新.基于数据挖掘的火电厂磨煤机制粉系统自动控制方法.专利号: ZL200710018916.X. 授权日期:2009-08-19.
  36. 发明专利:陈锋, 司刚全, 张彦斌, 虞鹤松.负载工况下自动识别发电机转子绕组匝间短路故障的方法.专利号:ZL200610042983.0.授权日期:2009-11-18.