
1. 实验室长期招聘硕士、博士研究生,欢迎有化学或药学相关背景的同学推免或者报考!也欢迎广大本科生来实验室学习与交流!本实验室也欢迎联合培养硕士研究生!


2. 诚挚欢迎海内外已毕业或者即将毕业的博士以交大青年优秀人才计划加入团队(年薪30万,子女可享受交大优质中小幼教育资源),表现优秀者可申请高级职称,并且积极优先推荐申请校内外研究项目及人才计划。


1. PhD Positions

    PhD positions are available in our group each year, usually starting in September. If you are interested in a PhD with our  group, then please contact me as soon as possible.


2. Available Research Opportunities Including Research Assistants and Postdoctoral Fellows

    We are always looking to recruit talented and committed scientists. If you are interested in working in the Huang group, then please contact me directly.


 Please send curriculum vitae, publication list to:



wechat: 15536352