Basic Information





"Thieme Chemistry Journals Award"国际学术奖获得者

Cell 出版社 Chem Catalysis 新锐科学家

​​​​​​​药物化学系 副主任



课题组目前主要研究兴趣包括但不限于:1. 手性胺和手性氮杂环化合物的高效合成策略开发。2. 含硼功能分子的合成。3. 基于新骨架的创新药物发现。


近年来以第一 (共一) / 通讯作者在Chem, Chem Catal.Coordin. Chem. Rev., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. , ACS Catal. , Cell Rep. Phy. Sci.Chem. Sci. 等国际主流期刊发表论文20余篇, 其中封面文章1篇,发表文章单篇最高引用次数230余次。受邀撰写“Synpacts”论文1篇,多个研究成果被国际著名评述刊“Synfacts”, "Author Spotlight"以及有影响力的学术公众号专门报道。主持国家(面上、青年)和省部级等项目8项。先后参与过新加坡国家研究基金NRF、美国国立卫生院NIH-R01等多项科研项目。西安交通大学优秀硕士论文指导教师(2023, 2024)。西安交通大学医学部优秀本科生导师(2023)。担任多项大学生创新创业项目(国家级、省级)指导老师。目前担任《合成化学》编委、《药学学报》/《APSB》青年编委、《Chemical Synthesis》青年编委、国家自然科学基金函评专家教育部博士学位论文抽检平台评委,陕西省科技厅、广东省科技厅、深圳市科技项目评审专家。



Education and Working experince

Prof. Huang received his BSc in pharmaceutical engineering from China Pharmaceutical University in 2010. He studied synthetic organic chemistry during his MSc under supervision of Prof. Wang Jian at National University of Singapore. In 2012, He started his Ph.D. studies at the National University of Singapore under the tutelage of Prof. Zhao Yu. Following that, he carried out postdoctoral training with Prof. Kevin, Brown in the Indiana University Bloomington. Subsequently, he received the support from “XJTU Outstanding Young Talents Program (A)” and joined the School of Pharmacy, Xian Jiaotong University (XJTU) as Professor in Jan, 2020.

Selected publications

1. Liu, X. B.; Huang, Y.* Recent advances in organic synthesis via synergistic nickel/copper catalysis Coordin. Chem. Rev.  2023, 489, 215173.(IF: 20.6) Q1

2.Liu, X. B.; Wang, Z.; Yang, Y. ; Qu, K.*;Huang, Y.* Amide and Peptide Synthesis via Ni-catalyzed Cross-electrophile Coupling. ” Cell Rep. Phy. Sci. 20245, 102248(IF:8.9) Q1 (Cell 子刊)

3. Ren, X. L.; Qiao, Y. W.; Zhou, B. Q; Liu, S.*; Huang, Y.*Nickel-catalzyed enantioselective migratory reductive cross-coupling enabled by radical 1,2-amino migration. Nature Synth. Accepted. (IF: 17.5) Q1​​​​​​​

4. Ma, Z.-C.; Wei, L.-W.; Liu, S.*; Huang, Y.*Stereodivergent construction of [6.5]-spirocycles bearing three contiguous stereogenic centers by Pd-catalyzed [4+2] annulations.” Chem Catal. 2023, 3, 100669.(IF: 11.5) ​​​​​​(Highlighted by Prof. Zhang Wanbin in Preview in Chem Catalysis, 2023, 3, 100673) "Emerging Investigator special collection" Q1

5. Qiao, Y.-W.; Zhou, B.-Q.; Huang, Y.* “Ni-catalyzed reductive alkygermylation of activated alkenes: modular access to polyfunctionalized alkyl germanes.” Chem Catal. 2023, 3, 100819.(IF: 11.5) (Highlighted by Prof. Alejandro Peraz-Luna in Preview in Chem Catalysis, 2023, 3, 100860) "Cover Article"Emerging Investigator special collection"  Q1
6. Ma, Z.-C.; Wei, L.-W.; Huang, Y.*Stereodivergent Access to [6.7]-Fused N-Heterocycles Bearing 1,3-Nonadjacent Stereogenic Centers by Pd-Catalyzed [4+2] Annulations.” Org. Lett. 2023, 25, 1661-1666.(IF: 5.2) ​​​​​​​​​​​​(*Highlighted by Prof. Mark Lautens in Synfact, 2023, 19, 0486) (*"SYNPACT" article invited by Prof. Peter C.Vollhardt 10.1055/a-2184-6373Q1

7. Zi, P.-Z.; liu, X.-B.; Zhao, Q.-H.; He, M.; Huang, Y.* “1,6-Conjugate addition of para-quinone methides using gem-diborylcarbanions: Practical access to gem-diborylalkanes bearing vicinal tertiary/quaternary stereocenters. Green Syn. Catal. 2024,  , 68-72. (IF: 8.2Q1

8Zi, P.-Z.; Zhao, Q.-H.; Liu, S.*; Huang, Y.* “Transition metal-free Csp3-Csp3 bond-forming reactions of N-tosylaziridines and gem-diborylalkanes” Green Syn. Catal. 2024, 5, 239-333.  (IF:8.2) Q1

9. Huang, Y#; Ma. C#; Liu. S#; Yang. L-C; Lan, Y*.; Zhao, Y.* (#: equal contribution) “Ligand Coordination/Dissociation-Induced Divergent Allylic Alkylations Using Alkynes.” Chem  2021, 7, 812-826.(IF: 23.5Q1
10. Zhang, G.; Zhao, Q.-H.; Yang, Y,; Chai, X.; Qu, K.*; Liu, S.*; Huang, Y.*Modular Synthesis of Chiral 1,3-diboronates with Differentiable Boryl Groups via Cu-catalyzed Boryalkylation of Styrenes.”  ACS Catal. Under revision.(IF: 11.3) ​​​​​​​​​​​​​Q1