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Paper Name Author Publication/Completion Time Magazine Name
陕西省渭南市合阳县灵泉古村 李红艳,葛亮 2024-06-09 城市规划
基于风环境要素的城市通风廊道建设研究综述 张睿,李红艳 2018-06-01 华中建筑
文化生态学视角下的历史街区空间环境与行为模式影响机制分析--以西安北 院门历史文化街区为例 凌斯琪,李红艳 2018-01-01 建筑与文化
Archaeological heritage tourism in China: the case of the Daming Palace from the tourists' perspective Hongyan Li, Zhu Qian 2017-12-01 Journal of Heritage Tourism
Urban morphology and local citizens in China's historic neighborhoods: A case study of the Stele Forest Neighborhood in Xi'an Zhu Qian, Hongyan Li 2017-07-01 Cities
Historic District Conservation Based on the Concept of Cultural Ecology — Case Study of Xi'an Bei Yuan Men Historic District in China 李红艳,凌斯琪 2016-12-15 Science Research
真伪之问-何谓真正的城市遗产保护 阮仪三,李红艳 2016-12-01 专著,同济大学出版社
加拿大城市空间的可持续发展实践及对我国的启示 李红艳 2016-09-01 建筑与文化
基于ECOTECT的历史街区生态微气候调查研究 — 以西安三学街历史文化街区为例 范若冰,李红艳,袁栋 2016-06-01 华中建筑
Study on Strategies of Energy Saving and Emission Reducing Building Design in Urban and Rural Areas 李红艳,余佳 2016-05-24 American Journal of Civil Engineering
Urban Environment Problems Related to Climate Change and Improvement Strategies in Large Cities—the Case of Shenzhen, China 李红艳,余佳 2016-05-24 International Journal of Environmental Protection and Policy
江西婺源县长溪古村落 杨眉 张伏虎 李红艳 2016-05-01 城市规划(遗珠拾粹)
Inheriting Cultural Genes of Urban Heritage in modern Cities Case Study of Two Districts in Shanghai, China 李红艳,余佳 2016-04-01 国际会议论文集《承继城市,增进都市袭产的理解》
Urban Heritage Transformation in a post-reform Chinese City: the case of Xi’an, China 李红艳,钱筑 2016-04-01 国际会议论文集《承继城市,增进都市袭产的理解》
文化生态下的历史古镇空间解读 李红艳 2015-04-01 建筑学报
撤村建居的文化认同与社区重构—陕西合阳知堡社区规划实践 李红艳,赵芸婷,张睿 2014-08-01 华中建筑
Research on Micro-climate Improvement of Traditional Guanzhong Dwellings — Case study of Xi’an Sanxuejie Historic District Fan Ruobing , Hongyan Li,Wang Wenxue 2014-06-15 Architecture, Building Materials and Engineering Management IV
Research on Conservation and Regeneration of Historic District in the Background of Fast Urbanization — Case Study of Xi’an Sanxue Alley Historic District R. Zhang, H. Y. Li, L. Bi, J. Q. Cui 2014-06-01 Architecture, Building Materials and Engineering Management
渭北黄土高原沟壑区传统村落发展策略分析—基于陕西长武县村落调研实践的思考 李红艳,金崇芳,张涛 2014-03-01 华中建筑
日本室町——江户时期的茶庭演变研究 崔陇鹏,李红艳,喻梦哲 2014-02-01 中国园林