(1.)Basic Information

Li Hongyan


Ph. D.

Associate Professor


  • Cultural Heritage Conservation
  • Urban Regeneration and Sustainable Development
  • Community Development


School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering

Xi'an Jiaotong University

E-mail: lihy04@126.com




  • Sept. 2006-July 2009   Ph.D., Urban Planning and Design
    Tongji University, Shanghai, China 
    Title of the dissertation: Exploration on Theory of Authenticity and Application to Urban Heritage Conservation Practice in China
  • Aug. 2000- July 2002   M.Sc., Urban Ecological Planning  (International course, with Quota scholarship)
    Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
    Title of the thesis: Impact of Land Tenure Transformation on Physical Development of Drum-Tower Muslim District, Xi’an China 
    (note 1.5, excellent)
  • Sept. 1991-July 1995   B.Sc., Urban Planning
    Wuhan University (the former Wuhan Survey and Technology University), Wuhan

Work Experience:

  • Aug.1995-July2000     Urban Planner and Researcher
    Xi’an City Planning and Design Institute, Xi’an, China
    Professional title: Engineer
  • (Aug.2000-Aug.2002)    break due to master study in Norway
  • Sept. 2002-Aug.2006    Urban Planner and Researcher
    Xi’an City Planning and Design Institute
    Professional title: Chief Engineer
  • (Sept.2006-Aug.2010)   break due to PhD study in Shanghai, China
  • Sept. 2010- July 2014 Associate Professor
    Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China
  • Aug. 2014-Aug. 2015 Visiting Scholar
    School of Planning, Faculty of Environment, University of Waterloo, Canada
  • Sept. 2015-present      Associate Professor
    Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China

(5.)Scientific Research

Project with international fund:

  • NORAD (The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation)
    Sino-Norway Cooperation Project: Xi’an Drum Tower Muslim District Protection and Renewal Project(1996-2002). (Participate)

Other projects in China:

  • Research on the Evaluation Index System of Shaanxi Sustainable Historical and Cultural City Protection (2016-2021). (in Charge)
  • Comprehensive Survey of Typical Cities Human Settlement Environment Quality and Compilation of Urban Climatic Environment Map (2013-2018). (Participate)
  • Regional Development Potential Optimization Analysis of Xi'an (2015-2017). (in Charge)
  • Community Plan of the Riverside District of Ankang, 2016. (in Charge)
  • Study on the Development Model of Ecological Civilization Construction in Small Towns, 2014. (Participate)
  • Xi’an “Favorable  Living City” Construction Plan (2012-2013). (in Charge)
  • Research on the Grand-Canal of China (group leader of the research on section of the Grand Canal in Beijing and Tianjin) , funded by Ruan Yisan Heritage Foundation (2007-2009). (Participate)
  • Research on Linong Houses in Shanghai (2007-2008). (Participate)
  • Controlling Detailed Plan of Qiantong Historic Town, Ninghai County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province (2006-2008). (in Charge)
  • Regeneration Plan of the Royal Town of Chang’an in the Tang Dynasty (2005-2006). (Participate)
  • Reconstruction Plan for the Rural Area in Lantian County of Xi’an (2005-2006). (in Charge)
  • Conservation and Regeneration Plan for Heritage Site of the West Market in the Tang Dynasty (2004-2006). (Participate)
  • Master Plan of Xi’an City (2008-2020), Shaanxi Province (2004-2006). (Participate)
  • Xi’an City Color Planning (2003-2004). (in Charge)
  • Planning and Design of the West Park Around the City Wall of Xi'an (2003-2004). (Participate)
  • Zoning Plan of the North-part of Xi’an (2001-2003). (Participate)
  • Urban Design of the North Street of Xi’an, Shaanxi Province (1998-1999). (Participate)
  • Master Plan of Xi’an City(1995-2010), Shaanxi Province (1995-1998). (Participate)
  • others:  about 30 detailed controlling plan including Xi’an Bo’ai Middle School Plan, Xi’an Lianhu Historic Area Conservation and Renewal Plan, etc. (in Charge)

Research Awards:

  • Honorable Mention, 2002 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation, No. 125 courtyard conservation, in  Huajue Alley, Xi’an, China. (Participate)
  • The Third Prize of Urban Planning and Design Competition, given by the Ministry of Construction, P. R. China, Urban Design of the North Street of Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China. (Participate)
  • The First Prize of Planning and Urban Surveying Competition, given by Construction Department of Shaanxi Province, Xi’an Master Plan (1995-2010), Shaanxi Province, China. (Participate)


Published Papers:

  • Guoqing Han & Hongyan Li (2020) Research on the Elderly Care Service System and Characteristics of Spatial Distribution of Care Facilities for the Elderly in Japan—A Case Study of Kitakyushu, Japan, In Proceedings of Asian Institute of Low Carbon Design, the University of Kitakyushu,Japan.
  • Siqi Ling & Hongyan Li (2018) [in Chinese] Analysis on the Influencial Mechanism of Spatial Environment and Behavior Pattern in Historic Districts from the Perspective of Cultural Ecology - the Case of Bei Yuan Men Historical and Cultural District in Xi ' an, Architecture and Culture, Issue 1: 165-166. 
  • Rui Zhang & Hongyan Li (2018) [in Chinese] Review on Building Urban Ventilation Corridors Based on the Element of Wind Environment, Hua Zhong Architecture, Issue 6: 44-48.
  • Rui Zhang & Hongyan Li (2018) [in Chinese] Review on Building Urban Ventilation Corridors Based on the Element of Wind Environment, Hua Zhong Architecture, Issue 6: 44-48.
  • Zhu Qian & Hongyan Li (2017) Urban morphology and local citizens in China's historic neighborhoods: A case study of the Stele Forest Neighborhood in Xi'an, Cities, 71: 97–109.
  • Hongyan Li & Zhu Qian (2017) Archaeological heritage tourism in China: the case of the Daming Palace from the tourists' perspective, Journal of Heritage Tourism, 12(4): 380-393.
  • Hongyan Li & Jia Yu (2016) Inheriting Cultural Genes of Urban Heritage in modern Cities Case Study of Two Districts in Shanghai, China, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Inheriting the City: Advancing Understanding of Urban Heritage.
  • Hongyan Li & Jia Yu (2016) Urban Environment Problems Related to Climate Change and Improvement Strategies in Large Cities—the Case of Shenzhen, China, International Journal of Environmental Protection and Policy.
  • Hongyan Li & Jia Yu (2016) Study on Strategies of Energy Saving and Emission Reducing Building Design in Urban and Rural Areas, American Journal of Civil Engineering.
  • Hongyan Li (2016).Sustainable development practice in urban space of Canada and inspiration to China, Architecture and Culture, 150(9): 57-60.
  • Hongyan Li (2015). [in Chinese] Deciphering Space of Historical Towns from the Perspective of Cultural Ecology- A Case Study of Gepai Town in Lantian, Shaanxi, Arcgitectural Journal, 559 (4): 81-85.
  • Longpeng Cui, Hongyan Li & Mengzhe Yu (2014) [in Chinese] Analysis on the Evolution of Japanese Tea Gardens between the Muromachi Period and Edo Period, Chinese Landscape Architecture, 30(2): 109-114.
  • Hongyan Li (2013). [in Chinese] “Analysis on Inheriting and Handing Down Culture in Historic Town Based on Territorialism: the Case of Historic Town Qiantong in Ninghai County, Ningbo”. Journal of Architecture 1(9):18-23.
  • Hongyan Li (2012). “Conservation of Heritage Corridor: Case Study of Historic Towns in Beijing-Tianjin Section of the Grand Canal”. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering. Tans Tech Publications. issn.1660-9336
  • Hongyan Li (2009). [in Chinese] “Understanding Riegl’s Value Theory on Monuments”. Architect. 138(4): 41-46.
  • Yisan Ruan & Hongyan Li (2009). [in Chinese] “Reflections on New Round Development of Shanghai Traditional District”. China Ancient City. Issue 1: 51-56.
  • Yisan Ruan & Hongyan Li (2008). [in Chinese] “An Analysis and Reflection on ‘Chinese Cultural Symbolic City’”. Urban Planning Forum. Issue 3: 23-27.
  • Hongyan Li (2006). [in Chinese] Territorial Culture and Old Town Reconstruction: the Case of Xi’an Lianhu Historic District. Planners. 22(12): 34-38.
  • Hongyan Li (2005). “Impact of Land Tenure Transformation on Physical Development of Drum-Tower Muslim District, Xi’an,China”. In Proceedings of the15th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS


  • Yishan Ruan & Hongyan Li (2016). [in Chinese] The Question of Truth and Fake - What is Real Urban Heritage Conservation. Publisher: Tongji University Press, ISBN 978-7-5608-6509-6.
  • Longpeng Cui, …, Hongyan Li (2019).  Space Design and Model of Architecture, Publisher: Mechanical Industry Press, ISBN:978-7-111-63619-9.