Basic Information


刘建彬 博士 Jianbin Liu, PhD

副教授 Associate Professor
 Xi’an Jiaotong University

电子与信息工程学部 Center of Electronic and Information Engineering

电子科学与工程学院  School of Electronic Science and Engineering

Last updated on: 2021-11-05

Work Experience


西安交通大学 副教授



西安交通大学 讲师

Educational Experience

硕博连读 (2006年9-20117月)
指导教师: 张国权 教授
留学基金委公派学生 (2007年9-20089月)
指导教师:Prof. Yanhua Shih
本科 (2002年9-20067月)

Contact Information




王婧婧 硕士研究生(2015)

罗胜    硕士研究生   (2017)

卫超奇 硕士研究生(2020)

庄睿     硕士研究生(2020)

孙雨农  硕士研究生(2021)


梁国磊( 2012)









Site Collection



Research Fields

量子光学和非线性光学领域(Mainly interested in quantum optics and nonlinear optics)
1. 量子成像理论与技术
(Quantum imaging theory and technology)
2. 多光子干涉理论及实验
(Multi-photon interference theory and experiments)
3. 基于费曼路径积分的光学相干理论
(Optical coherence in path integral theory)
4. 基于非线性的超快双光子符合测量系统
(Ultrafast two-photon coincidence detection system based on nonlinear optical effects)
5. 基于非线性材料上转换的红外单光子探测系统
(Infrared single-photon detection system based on up-conversion in nonlinear optical materials)
6. 双光子纠缠
(Two-photon entanglement)

Lecture Course


Documents and Media

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  • Science Project

    No entries were found.
    Project number Project name Project origin Start time Roles Project kind
    OS19-2 超聚束赝热光的子统计及高阶相干研究 南开大学弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室开放基金 2019-4~ 负责人 Vertical project
    2019ZDLGY09-08 基于PMN-PT非线性晶体材料的波长转换器件 陕西省重点研发计划 2019-1~ 负责人 Vertical project
    ***** 基于数字微镜阵列的快速鬼成像理论和实验研究 西安交通大学基本科研业务费—青年学术骨干培植项目 2018-1~2018-12 负责人 Vertical project
    xjj2016028 声波鬼成像机理及其实验研究 西安交大前沿交叉项目 2016-1~2018-12 负责人 Vertical project
    11404255 基于费曼路径积分的光的二阶干涉理论及实验研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2015-1~2017-12 负责人 Vertical project
    20130201120013 利用费曼路径积分解释大气湍流对热光鬼成像分辨率的影响 国家教育部项目 2014-1~2016-12 负责人 Vertical project
    xjj2012014 日光鬼成像信噪比的研究 西安交大自由探索项目 2012-1~2014-12 负责人 Vertical project
    JZ-20140115 热光鬼成像XXX研究 其他 2012-1~2013-12 负责人 Vertical project


    代表性论文(Selected papers):

    5.     Jianbin Liu*, Hui Chen, Yu Zhou, Huaibin Zheng, Fuli Li and Zhuo Xu, “Second-order fermionic interference with independent photons,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 34, 1215 (2017) (Editor's Pick).

    4.     Yu Zhou, Fu-li Li, Bin Bai, Hui Chen, Jianbin Liu*, Zhuo Xu, and Huaibin Zheng, “Superbunching pseudothermal light,” Physical Review A, 95, 053809 (2017).

    3.     Jianbin Liu*, Yu Zhou, Fu-li Li and Zhuo Xu, “The second-order interference between laser and thermal light,” Europhysics Letters, 105, 64007 (2014).

    2.     Jianbin Liu* and Guoquan Zhang, “Unified interpretation for second-order subwavelength interference based on Feynman’s path-integral theory”, Physical Review A, 82, 013822 (2010). 

    1.     Jianbin Liu* and Yanhua Shih, “Nth-order coherence of thermal light”, Physical Review A, 79, 023819 (2009).


    全部论文(All the papers):


    期刊论文(Refereed Journals)

    38. Sheng Luo , Yu Zhou, Huaibin Zheng, Wanting Xu, Jianbin Liu, Hui Chen, Yuchen He, Shuanghao Zhang, Fuli Li, and Zhuo Xu, “Observing two-photon subwavelength interference of broadband chaotic light in a polarization-selective Michelson interferometer”, Optics Express 29, 30094 (2021).

    37. Jianbin Liu*, Rui Zhuang, Xuexing Zhang, Chaoqi Wei, Huaibin Zheng, Yu Zhou, Hui Chen, Yuchen He, and Zhuo Xu, “Simple and efficient way to generate superbunching pseudothermal light,” Optics Communications, 498, 127264 (2021).

    36. Yuchen He, Yuan Yuan, Hui Chen, Huaibin Zheng, Jianbin Liu, and Zhuo Xu, "Dynamic imaging of distant objects with ptychographical intensity interferometry." J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 38 (7), 2053-2058 (2021).

    35. Sheng Luo , Yu Zhou, Huaibin Zheng, Jianbin Liu, Hui Chen, Yuchen He, Wanting Xu, Shuanghao Zhang, Fuli Li, and Zhuo Xu, “Two-photon superbunching effect of broadband chaotic light at the femtosecond timescale based on a cascaded Michelson interferometer”, Phys. Rev. A 103, 013723 (2021).

    34. Gao Wang, Huaibin Zheng, Zhiguo Tang, Yuchen He, Yu Zhou, Hui Chen, Jianbin Liu, Yuan Yuan, Fuli Li, Zhuo Xu, “Naked-Eye Ghost Imaging via Photoelectric-Feedback,” Chinese Optics Letters, 18(9), 091101 (2020).

    33. Gao Wang, Huaibin Zheng, Zhiguo Tang, Yu Zhou, Hui Chen, Jianbin Liu, Yuchen He, Yuan Yuan, Fuli Li and Zhuo Xu, “All-Optical Naked-Eye Ghost Imaging,” Sci Rep 10, 2493 (2020).

    32.   Mengjia Xi, Hui Chen, Yuan Yuan, Gao Wang, Yuchen He, Yan Liang, Jianbin Liu, Huaibin Zheng, and Zhuo Xu, “Bi-frequency 3D ghost imaging with Haar wavelet transform,” Optics Express 27, 32349 (2019).

    31.   Weigang Zhao, Hui Chen, Yuan Yuan, Huaibin Zheng, Jianbin Liu, Zhuo Xu, and Yu Zhou, “Ultrahigh-speed color imaging with single-pixel detectors at low light level,” Physical Review Applied, 12, 034049 (2019).

    30.    Yu Zhou, Xuexing Zhang, Zhengpeng Wang, Feiye Zhang, Hui Chen, Huaibin Zheng, Jianbin Liu*, Fu-li Li, and Zhuo Xu, “Superbunching pseudothermal light with intensity modulated laser light and rotating groundglass”, Optics Communications, 437, 330 (2019).

    29.    Yu Zhou, Sheng Luo, Zhaohui Tang, Huaibin Zheng, Hui Chen, Jianbin Liu*, Fu-li Li, and Zhuo Xu, “Experimental observation of three-photon superbunching with classical light in a linear system,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 36, 96 (2019).

    28.    Zhiguo Tang, Bin Bai, Yu Zhou, Huaibin Zheng, Hui Chen, Jianbin Liu, Fuli Li, Zhuo Xu, "Measuring Hanbury Brown and Twiss Effect of Multi-Spatial-Mode Thermal Light at Ultrashort Timescale by Two-Photon Absorption," IEEE Photonics Journal, 10, 7500816 (2018).

    27.    Yu Zhou, Tao Peng, Hui Chen, Jianbin Liu, and Yanhua Shih, “Towards non-degenerate quantum lithography,” Applied Sciences, 8, 1292 (2018).

    26.    Wentao Wang, Hui Chen, Yuan Yuan, Qi Han, Gao Wang, Huaibin Zheng, Jianbin Liu, and Zhuo Xu, “Ptychographical intensity interferometry imaging with incoherent light,” Optics Express, 26, 20396 (2018).

    25.   Gao Wang, Huaibin Zheng, Wentao Wang, Yuchen He, Jianbin Liu, Hui Chen, Yu Zhou, and Zhuo Xu, “De-noising ghost imaging via principal components analysis and compandor,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 110, 236 (2018).

    24.    Jianbin Liu, Jingjing Wang, Hui Chen, Huaibin Zheng, Yanyan Liu, Yu Zhou, Fuli Li, and Zhuo Xu, “High visibility temporal ghost imaging with classical light,” Optics Communications, 410, 824 (2018).

    23.   Mingnan Le, Gao Wang, Huaibin Zheng, Jianbin Liu, Yu Zhou, and Zhuo Xu, “Underwater computational ghost imaging,” Optics Express, 25, 22859 (2017).

    22.   Bin Bai, Yuchen He, Jianbin Liu, Yu Zhou, Huaibin Zheng, Songlin Zhang, Zhuo Xu, “Imaging around corners with single-pixel detector by computational ghost imaging,” Optik, 147, 136 (2017).

    21.   Bin Bai, Jianbin Liu*, Yu Zhou, Huaibin Zheng, Hui Chen, Songlin Zhang, Yuchen He, Fu-li Li, and Zhuo Xu, “Photon superbunching of classical light in the Hanbury Brown-Twiss interferometer,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 34, 2081 (2017).

    20.   Jianbin Liu*, Hui Chen, Yu Zhou, Huaibin Zheng, Fuli Li and Zhuo Xu, “Second-order fermionic interference with independent photons,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 34, 1215 (2017) (Editor's Pick).

    19.  Yu Zhou, Fu-li Li, Bin Bai, Hui Chen, Jianbin Liu*, Zhuo Xu, and Huaibin Zheng, “Superbunching pseudothermal light,” Physical Review A, 95, 053809 (2017).

    18.   Jianbin Liu*, Jingjing Wang, and Zhuo Xu, “Second-order temporal interference of two independent light beams at an asymmetrical beam splitter,” Chinese Physics B, 26, 014201 (2017).

    17.   Jianbin Liu*, Yu Zhou, Huaibin Zheng, Hui Chen, Fu-li Li, and Zhuo Xu, “Studying fermionic ghost imaging with independent photons,” Optics Express, 24, 29226 (2016).

    16.  Bin Bai, Jianbin Liu*, Songlin Zhang, Yuchen He, Mingnan Le, Wentao Wang, and Zhuo Xu, “Transient first-order interference of two independent thermal light beams”, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 33, 643 (2016).

    15.   Jianbin Liu, Dong Wei*, Hui Chen, Yu Zhou, Huaibin Zheng, Hong Gao, Fu-li Li, and Zhuo Xu, “Second-order interference of two independent and tunable single-mode continuous-wave lasers” Chinese Physics B, 25, 034203 (2016).

    14.  Yuchen He, Jianbin Liu*, Songlin Zhang, Wentao Wang, Bin Bai, Mingnan Le, and Zhuo Xu, “Studying the optical second-order interference pattern formation process with classical light in the photon counting regime”, Journal of Optical Society of America A, 32, 2431 (2015).

    13.   Jianbin Liu*, Yu Zhou, Huaibin Zheng, Hui Chen, Fu-li Li, and Zhuo Xu, “Two-photon interference with non-identical photons”, Optics Communications, 354, 79 (2015).

    12.   Jianbin Liu*, Huaibin Zheng, Hui Chen, Yu Zhou, Fu-li Li, and Zhuo Xu, “The first- and second-order temporal interference between thermal and laser light,” Optics Express, 23, 11868 (2015).

    11.   Jianbin Liu*, Mingnan Le, Bin Bai, Wentao Wang, Hui Chen, Yu Zhou, Fu-li Li, and Zhuo Xu, “The second-order interference of two independent single-mode He–Ne lasers,” Optics Communications, 350, 196 (2015).

    10.   Jianbin Liu*, Yu Zhou, Fu-li Li and Zhuo Xu, “The second-order interference between laser and thermal light,” Europhysics Letters, 105, 64007 (2014).

    9.     Jianbin Liu*, Yu Zhou, Wentao Wang, Fu-li Li and Zhuo Xu, “Experimental study of the second-order coherence of partially polarized thermal light,” Optics Communications, 317, 18 (2014).

    8.     Jianbin Liu*, Yu Zhou, Fu-li Li and Zhuo Xu, “Changing correlation into anticorrelation by superposing thermal and laser light,” Journal of Optical Society of America A, 31, 1481 (2014).

    7.     Jianbin Liu*, Yu Zhou, WentaoWang, Rui-feng Liu, Kang He, Fu-li Li, and Zhuo Xu, "Spatial second-order interference of pseudothermal light in a Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer," Optics Express, 21, 19209 (2013).

    6.    Peilong Hong, Jianbin Liu, Guoquan Zhang*, “Two-photon superbunching of thermal light via multiple two-photon path interference”, Physcial Review A, 86, 013807 (2012).

    5.    Yu Zhou*, Jianbin Liu, and Yanhua Shih, “Resolution and Visibility Enhancement of the Third-order Thermal Light Ghost Imaging in the Photon Counting Regime”, Journal of Optical Society of America B, 29, 377 (2012)

    4.     Jianbin Liu and Guoquan Zhang*, “Observation on the incompatibility between the first-order and second-order interferences with laser beams”, Optics Communications, 284, 2658 (2011).

    3.     Jianbin Liu* and Guoquan Zhang, “Unified interpretation for second-order subwavelength interference based on Feynman’s path-integral theory”, Physical Review A, 82, 013822 (2010).

    2.    Yu Zhou*, Jason Simon, Jianbin Liu, and Yanhua Shih, “Third-order correlation function and ghost imaging of chaotic thermal light in the photon counting regime”, Physical Review A, 81, 043831 (2010).

    1.     Jianbin Liu* and Yanhua Shih, “Nth-order coherence of thermal light”, Physical Review A, 79, 023819 (2009).



    4.    周宇,罗胜,刘建彬,郑淮斌,徐卓,一种基于双光子吸收的超快探测成像装置及方法,ZL201910745135.3,2020.10.27

    3.    郑淮斌,王高,周宇,刘建彬,陈辉,徐卓,基于低阶hadamard基矢计算鬼成像的编码方法,ZL201910198845.9,2020.04.28

    2.    郑淮斌,王高,周宇,刘建彬,陈辉,徐卓,一种基于光计算的可视化鬼成像系统及成像方法,ZL201710662518.5,2020.03.17

    1.    刘建彬,王婧婧,周宇,柏彬,一种超聚束赝热光源装置,授权公告号:CN106940474B,授权公告日:2019.04.12



    12. 罗胜,周宇,郑淮斌,刘建彬,陈辉,贺雨晨,李福利,徐卓,基于飞秒尺度下的宽带混沌光的鬼成像技术应用研究,口头报告,第十一届全国量子成像会议,吉林,2021年8月3日-4日。

    11. 卫超奇,刘建彬,张学星,庄睿,周宇,陈辉,贺雨晨,郑淮斌,徐卓,超聚束赝热光的非瑞利光子统计,张贴报告,第十一届全国量子成像会议,吉林,2021年8月3日-4日。

    10. 庄睿,刘建彬,卫超奇,陈辉,郑淮斌,周宇,徐卓,基于周期极化铌酸锂波导的红外双光子符合测量装置及方法,张贴报告,第十一届全国量子成像会议,吉林,2021年8月3日-4日。

    9.    刘建彬,周宇,柏彬,陈辉,郑淮斌,李福利,徐卓,基于线性系统的光子超聚束效应研究,口头报告,第十八届全国量子光学学术会议,张家界,2018年10月26-28日。

    8.    柏彬,刘建彬,周宇,徐卓,利用线性光学系统实现双光子超聚束赝热光,口头报告,第八届全国量子成像会议,苏州,2017119-11日。

    7.     刘建彬,两束独立光的干涉,口头报告,第七届全国量子成像会议,长沙,2016115-6日。

    6.     刘建彬,两束独立光的一阶和二阶干涉,口头报告,第十七届全国量子光学学术会议,兰州,201685-8日。

    5.     王婧婧,刘建彬,超声波鬼成像,墙报,第十七届全国量子光学学术会议,兰州,201685-8日。

    4.     刘建彬, 两束独立热光的一阶干涉,口头报告,第六届全国量子成像会议,西安,20151116-17日。

    3.     Jianbin Liu*, Mingnan Le, Bin Bai, Wentao Wang, and Zhuo Xu, “Transient first-order interference of two independent thermal light beams,” Oral presentation, URSI GASS, Beijing, China, Aug. 17-23, 2014.

    2.     Jianbin Liu* and Guoquan Zhang, “The second-order subwavelength interference with single-mode continuous wave laser”, Poster, The 14th quantum optics of China, Qufu, Shandong, Aug. 6-8, 2010.

    1.     Yu Zhou*, Jianbin Liu, and Yanhua Shih, “Observation of nontrivial 3-photon correlation of chaotic thermal light”, Oral presentation, CLEO/QELS, Baltimore, MD, Jun. 2-4, 2009.