(1.)Basic Information

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Jianbin Liu, PhD

Email: liujianbin@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
The School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University



My research interests including quantum optical coherence theory, ghost imaging, Feynman's path integral theory, cold atomic gases.


 Ph.D. (Sept. 2006 – Jul. 2011)

Quantum Photonics Lab., School of Physics, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300071, China
Area of research: multi-photon interference, first-, second- and higher-order optical coherence
Title of PhD dissertation: Optical Coherence in Feynman’s Path Integral Theory
Advisor: Prof. Guoquan Zhang
Exchanging Student selected by China Scholarship Council (Sept. 2007 – Sept. 2008)
Quantum Optics Group, Department of Physics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County,
Baltimore, MD, 21250, USA
Area of research: multi-photon interference of thermal light
Advisor: Prof. Yanhua Shih
B. Sc. (Sept. 2002 – Jul. 2006)
Major: Material Physics. School of Physics, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300071, China
Title of Bachelor dissertation: Studies on the Propagation Dynamics of Gaussian Pulses in BSO
Dissertation advisor: Prof. Guoquan Zhang

(5.)Scientific Research

My selected publications:

1. Jianbin Liu and Guoquan Zhang, "Unified interpretation for second-order subwavelength interference based on Feynman's path-integral theory", Physics Review A 82, 013822 (2012).

2. Jianbin Liu and Yanhua Shih, "Nth-order coherence of thermal light", Physics Review A 79, 023819 (2009).


Refereed Journals:

1.    Jianbin Liu*, Yu Zhou, Fu-li Li and Zhuo Xu, “The second-order interference between laser and thermal light,” Europhysics Letters, 105, 64007 (2014).

2.    Jianbin Liu*, Yu Zhou, Wentao Wang, Fu-li Li and Zhuo Xu, “Experimental study of the second-order coherence of partially polarized thermal light,” Optics Communications, 317, 18 (2014).

3.    Jianbin Liu*, Yu Zhou, Fu-li Li and Zhuo Xu, “Changing correlation into anticorrelation by superposing thermal and laser light,” Journal of Optical Society of America A, 31, 1481 (2014).

4.    Jianbin Liu*, Yu Zhou, WentaoWang, Rui-feng Liu, Kang He, Fu-li Li, and Zhuo Xu, "Spatial second-order interference of pseudothermal light in a Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer," Optics Express, 21, 19209 (2013).

5.    Peilong Hong, Jianbin Liu, Guoquan Zhang*, “Two-photon superbunching of thermal light via multiple two-photon path interference”, Physcial Review A, 86, 013807 (2012).

6.    Yu Zhou*, Jianbin Liu, and Yanhua Shih, “Resolution and Visibility Enhancement of the Third-order Thermal Light Ghost Imaging in the Photon Counting Regime”, Journal of Optical Society of America B, 29, 377 (2012)

7.    Jianbin Liu and Guoquan Zhang*, “Observation on the incompatibility between the first-order and second-order interferences with laser beams”, 2011, Optics Communications, 284, 2658 (2011).

8.    Jianbin Liu* and Guoquan Zhang, “Unified interpretation for second-order subwavelength interference based on Feynman’s path-integral theory”, Physical Review A, 82, 013822 (2010).

9.    Yu Zhou*, Jason Simon, Jianbin Liu, and Yanhua Shih, “Third-order correlation function and ghost imaging of chaotic thermal light in the photon counting regime”, Physical Review A, 81, 043831 (2010).

10.  Jianbin Liu* and Yanhua Shih, “Nth-order coherence of thermal light”, Physical Review A, 79, 023819 (2009).



1.    Jianbin Liu*, Mingnan Le, Bin Bai, Wentao Wang, and Zhuo Xu, “Transient first-order interference of two independent thermal light beams,” Oral presentation, URSI GASS, Beijing, China, Aug. 17-23, 2014.

2.    Jianbin Liu* and Guoquan Zhang, “The second-order subwavelength interference with single-mode continuous wave laser”, Poster, The 14th quantum optics of China, Qufu, Shandong, Aug. 2010. 

3.    Yu Zhou*, Jianbin Liu, and Yanhua Shih, “Observation of nontrivial 3-photon correlation of chaotic thermal light”, Oral presentation, CLEO/QELS, Baltimore, MD, Jun, 2009.