


(1). Yangzhong Wang, Wenbo Liu (*), Jiahui Zhang, Huan He, Di Yun, Piheng Chen, The evolution of radiation-induced point defects near symmetrical tilt Σ5 (310) 001grain boundary in Ga stabilised δ-Pu: A molecular dynamics study, Nuclear Materials and Energy 30 (2022) 101107 (SCI)

(2). 姜彦博, 柳文波(*), 孙志鹏, 喇永孝, 恽迪, 外加应力作用下 UO2 中空洞演化过程的相场模拟, 物理学报 71 (2022) 026103 (SCI)

(3). Yanbo Jiang, Yong Xin, Wenbo Liu(*), Zhipeng Sun, Ping Chen, Dan Sun, Mingyang Zhou, Xiao Liu, Di Yun, Phase-field simulation of radiation-induced bubble evolution in recrystallized UeMo alloy, Nuclear Engineering and Technology 54 (2022) 226-233 (SCI)

(4). Tiantian Shi, Wenbo Liu, Zhengxiong Su , Xu Yan, Chenyang Lu and Di Yun, Effect of Carbon on Dislocation Loops Formation during Self-Ion Irradiation in Fe-Cr Alloys at High Temperatures, Materials, 15 (2022) 2211 (SCI)

(5). Zhengyu Qian, Xin Xie , Yingjie Fu, Di Yun, Wenbo Liu, Xiankun Liu, Qijie Feng, Haibing Guo, Yong Sun, Wei Zhou, Xinfu He, Jinli Cao, Wenjie Li, Investigation of swelling behaviors of U-10Zr metallic fuel in the low temperature regime via a cavitational void swelling model, Journal of Nuclear Materials 556 (2022) 153665 (SCI)

(6). 刘续希, 柳文波, 李博岩, 贺新福, 杨朝曦, 恽迪, 辐照条件下Fe-Cu合金中富Cu析出相的临界形核尺寸和最小能量路径的弦方法计算,金属学报, 10.11900/0412.1961.2020.00531 (SCI)



(1). Yanbo Jiang, Wenbo Liu (*), Wenjie Li, et al., Phase-field simulation of the interaction between intergranular voids and grain boundaries during radiation in UO2, Computational Materials Science, 188 (2021) 110176 (SCI)

(2). Yangzhong Wang, Wenbo Liu (*), Jiahui Zhang, Di Yun, Piheng Chen, The evolution of radiation-induced point defects near symmetrical tilt Σ5 (310) <001> grain boundary in pure δ-plutonium: A molecular dynamics study, Nuclear Engineering and Technology,  53 (2021) 1587-1592  (SCI)

(3). 杨朝曦, 柳文波(*), 张璁雨,等, Fe-Cr合金晶界偏析及辐照加速晶界偏析的相场模拟, 物理学报,  70(11) (2021) 116101 (SCI)

(4). 柳文波,何欢,王东杰,张朋波,钨/铜界面处氢原子与空位相互作用的第一性原理计算,原子能科学技术55(1) (2021) 36-41 (EI)

(5). 柳文波,姜彦博,吴石,杨朝曦,辐照条件下空洞超点阵形成过程的相场模拟,原子能科学技术55(1) (2021) 87-93 (EI)

(6). Tiantian Shi, Wenbo Liu, Zhengxiong Su, et al, Formation of Bubble-Loop Complexes During Helium Radiation in Fe-9Cr Steel, Frontiers in Energy Research, 9 (2021) 710907 (SCI)

(7). Zhengyu Qian , Wenbo Liu, Rui Yu, Yujie Tao, Di Yun, Long Gu,  A kinetic rate theory modelling of fission gas release and fuel swelling for UN fuels, Journal of Nuclear Materials 556 (2021) 153188 (SCI)

(8). Huan He , Wenlong Liao , Yangzhong Wang , Wenbo Liu , Hang Zang , Chaohui He, Stability and interaction of cation Frenkel pair in wurtzite semiconductor materials, Computational Materials Science 196 (2021) 110554 (SCI)

(9). Wenlong Liao, Huan He, Yang Li, Wenbo Liu, Hang Zang, Jianan Wei, Chaohui He, Effects of electronic energy deposition on pre-existing defects in 6HeSiC, Nuclear Engineering and Technology 53 (2021) 2357-2363 (SCI)



(1). 孙正阳, 王昱天, 柳文波(*), 气孔与晶界相互作用的相场模拟, 金属学报, 56(12) (2020) 1643-1653 (SCI)

(2). Chao Yang, Houbing Huang (*), Liu Wenbo, et al., Explicit Dynamics of Diffuse Interface in Phase-Field Model, Advanced Theory and Simulations (2020) 2000162 (SCI)

(3). 孙正阳, 杨超, 柳文波(*), UO2烧结过程的相场模拟, 金属学报, 56(9) (2020) 1295-1303 (SCI)

(4). Huan He, Chaohui He(*), Jiahui Zhang, Wenlong Liao, Hang Zang, Yonghong Li, Wenbo Liu(*), Primary damage of 10 keV Ga PKA in bulk GaN material under different temperatures, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 52(7) (2020) 1537-1544 (SCI)
(5). Zhang Jiahui, He Huan, Liu Wenbo (*), Kang Long, Yun Di, Chen Piheng (*), Effects of grain boundaries on the radiation-induced defects evolution in BCC Fe
Cr alloy: A molecular dynamics study, Nuclear Materials and Energy 22 (2020) 100726 (SCI)

(6). Huan He , Wenbo Liu, Pengbo Zhang, et al., Dynamics Studies of Nitrogen Interstitial in GaN from Ab Initio Calculations, Materials 13 (2020) 3627 (SCI)

(7). Junkai Liu,Wenbo Liu, Zhe Hao, Tiantian Shi, Long Kang, Zhexin Cui and Di Yun, Effects of Silicon Content and Tempering Temperature on the Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of HT-9 Steels, Materials 13 (2020) 972 (SCI)

(8). L.D. Xia, Y.Z. Ji, W.B. Liu, H. Chen, Z.G. Yang, C. Zhang, L.-Q. Chen, Radiation induced grain boundary segregation in ferritic/martensitic steels, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 52 (2020) 148-154 (SCI)

(9). Huan He, Chaohui He (*), Jiahui Zhang, Wenlong Liao, Hang Zang, Yonghong Li, Wenbo Liu (*), Primary damage of 10 keV Ga PKA in bulk GaN material under different temperature, Nuclear Engineering and Technology 52 (2020) 1537-1544 (SCI)



(1). Wenbo Liu , Xiao Jin, Bo Zhang, Di Yun, Piheng Chen, A Coupled EBSD/TEM Analysis of the Microstructure Evolution of a Gradient Nanostructured Ferritic/Martensitic Steel Subjected to Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment, Materials, 12 (2019) 140 (SCI)

(2). Cong-Yu Zhang, Hao Chen, Jia-Ning Zhu, Wen-Bo Liu, Geng Liu, Chi Zhang, Zhi-Gang Yang, A new treatment of alloying effects on migrating interfaces in Fe-X alloys, Scripta Materialia, 162 (2019) 44-48 (SCI)

(3). L. Huang, Z.Q. Chen, W.B. Liu, P. Huang, X.K. Meng, K.W. Xu, F. Wang, T.J. Lu, Enhanced irradiation resistance of amorphous alloys by introducing amorphous/amorphous interfaces, Intermetallics, 107 (2019) 39-46 (SCI)

(4). Jiahui Zhang, Wenbo Liu (*), Piheng Chen (*), Huan He, Chaohui He, Di Yun, Molecular dynamics study of the interaction between symmetric tilt Σ5(2 1 0) <0 0 1> grain boundary and radiation-induced point defects in Fe-9Cr alloy, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research B 451 (2019) 99-103 (SCI)

(5). Xiao Jin, Guodong Zhang, Yanfen Zhao, Wenbo Liu (*), DIC/EBSD Coupling Analysis of Microstructure Evolution and Strain Localization During Bending of Al-Li Alloy, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 48(3) (2019) 0716-0720 (SCI)

(6). Wenhua Zhang, Di Yun(*), Wenbo Liu, Xenon Diffusion Mechanism and Xenon Bubble Nucleation and Growth Behaviors in Molybdenum via Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Materials, 12(15) (2019) 2354 (SCI)

(7). 欢,贺朝会,廖文龙,张家辉,臧 航,柳文波, GaN中质子辐照损伤的分子动力学模拟研究, 原子能科学技术53(6) (2019) 1117-1121 (EI)



(1). W.B. Liu, J.H. Zhang, Y.Z. Ji, L.D. Xia, H.P. Liu, D. Yun, C.H. He, C. Zhang, Z.G. Yang, Comparative study of He bubble formation in nanostructured reduced activation steel and its coarsen-grained counterpart, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 500 (2018) 213-219 (SCI)

(2). Wen-bo Liu, Peng-cheng Song, Chi Zhang, Di Yun, Chun-fa Yao & Zhi-gang Yang, Crystallographic analysis of lath martensite in a 13Cr-5Ni steel by electron backscattering diffraction, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 25 (2018) 213-220 (SCI)

(3). L.D. Xia, W.B. Liu, H.P. Liu, J.H. Zhang, H. Chen, Z.G. Yang, C. Zhang, Radiation damage in helium ion-irradiated reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel, Nuclear Engineering and Technology 50 (2018) 132-139 (SCI)

(4). Pengbo Zhang, Tingting Zou, Wenbo Liu, Yan Yin, Jijun Zhao, Stability of X-C-vacancy complexes (X=H, He) in vanadium from first principles investigations, Journal of Nuclear Materials 505 (2018) 119-126 (SCI)

(5). Senbao Jiang, Zhongliang Tian, Wenbo Liu, Hao Chen, Zhigang Yang, Zhengdong Liu, Chi Zhang, Yuqing Weng, Microstructural evolution and hardness of a heat resistant alloy during long term aging at 700°C, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 765 (2018) 1267-1274 (SCI)



(1). Yuan-Yuan Wang, Jian-Hua Ding, Wen-Bo Liu, Shao-Song Huang, Xiao-Qin Ke, Yun-Zhi Wang, Chi Zhang, Ji-Jun Zhao. Irradiation-induced void evolution in iron: A phase-field approach with atomistic derived parameters, Chinese Physics B, 26 (2) (2017) 026102 (SCI)

(2). Hu Chen, Yanzhou Ji, Chi Zhang, Wenbo Liu, Hao Chen, Zhigang Yang, Long-Qing Chen, Lei Chen, Understanding cementite dissolution in pearlitic steels subjected to rolling-sliding contact loading: A combined experimental and theoretical study, Acta Materialia, 141 (2017) 193-205 (SCI)

(3). 宋鹏程, 柳文波, 刘璐, 张弛, 杨志刚, Fe-13Cr-5Ni马氏体不锈钢在连续加热过程中两相区的奥氏体生长行为, 工程科学学报, 39 (2017) 68-74 (EI)



(1). W.B. Liu, Y.Z. Ji, P.K. Tan, C. Zhang, C.H. He, Z.G. Yang. Microstructure evolution during helium irradiation and post-irradiation annealing in a nanostructured reduced activation steel, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 479 (2016) 323-330 (SCI)

(2). W.B. Liu, N. Wang, Y.Z. Ji, P.C. Song, C. Zhang, Z.G. Yang, L.Q. Chen. Effects of surface energy anisotropy on void evolution during irradiation: A phase-field model, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 479 (2016) 316-322 (SCI)

(3). Wenbo Liu, Yanzhou Ji, Pengkang Tan, Hang Zang, Chaohui He, Di Yun, Chi Zhang, Zhigang Yang. Irradiation Induced Microstructure Evolution in Nanostructured Materials: A Review, Materials, 9 (2016): 105. (SCI)

(4). 宋鹏程,柳文波,陈磊,张弛,杨志刚. 形状记忆合金Au30Cu25Zn45中热弹性马氏体相变的相场模拟, 金属学报, 52 (2016): 1000-1008. (SCI)

(5). Hang Zang, Weilin Jiang, Wenbo Liu, Arun Devaraj, Danny J. Edwards, et al. Vacancy effects on the formation of He and Kr cavities in 3C-SiC irradiated and annealed at elevated temperatures, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 389-390 (2016) 40-47 (SCI)

(6). P. Song, W. Liu, C. Zhang, L. Liu, Z. Yang. Reversed Austenite Growth Behavior of a 13%Cr-5%Ni Stainless Steel during Intercritical Annealing, ISIJ International, 56 (2016) 148-153. (SCI)

(7). H. Chen, C. Zhang, W. Liu, Q. Li, H. Chen, Z. Yang, Y. Weng. Microstructure evolution of a hypereutectoid pearlite steel under rolling-sliding contact loading, Materials Science and Engineering A, 655 (2016): 50-59. (SCI)

(8). P. Song, Y. Ji, L. Chen, W. Liu, C. Zhang, L.-Q. Chen, Z. Yang. Phase-field simulation of austenite growth behavior: Insights into the austenite memory phenomenon, Computational Materials Science, 117 (2016): 139-150. (SCI)

(9). Zhenqiang Wang, Han Zhang, Chunhuan Guo, Wenbo Liu, Zhigang Yang, Xinjun Sun, Zhengyan Zhang, Fengchun Jiang. Effect of molybdenum addition on the precipitation of carbides in the austenite matrix of titanium micro-alloyed steels, Journal of Materials Science, 51 (2016) 4996-5007. (SCI)

(10). 汪海锋, 张玉朵, Salam Shahzad, 柳文波, 杨志刚, 张弛, ScCoNiCrAl 合金高温氧化性能的影响, 稀有金属, 40 (2016) 857-863 (EI)



(1). 武慧东, 张弛, 柳文波, 杨志刚. 考虑位错相互作用的混合控制模型下先共析铁素体生长动力学模拟,金属学报, 51 (2015): 1136-1144. (SCI)

(2). Z.X. Xia, C. Zhang, X.F. Huang, W.B. Liu, Z.G. Yang. Improve oxidation resistance at high temperature by nanocrystalline surface layer, Scientific reports, 5 (2015): 13027. (SCI)



(1). W.B. Liu, C. Zhang , Y.Z. Ji, Z.G. Yang, H. Zang, T.L. Shen, L.Q. Chen. Irradiation-induced grain growth in nanocrystalline reduced activation ferrite/martensite steel, Applied Physics Letters, 105 (2014): 121905. (SCI)

(2). W.B. Liu, C. Zhang, Z.X. Xia, Z.G. Yang. Improving High Temperature Creep Resistance of Reduced Activation Steels by Addition of Nitrogen and Intermediate Heat treatment, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 455 (2014): 402-406. (SCI)

(3). W. Liu, C. Zhang, Z. Yang, Z. Xia. Microstructure and thermal stability of bulk nanocrystalline alloys produced by surface mechanical attrition treatment, Applied Surface Science, 292 (2014): 556-562. (SCI)

(4). Z.X. Xia, C. Zhang, W.B. Liu, Z.G. Yang. Effect of surface mechanical attrition on microstructure and oxidation behavior in T91 steel at high temperature, ISIJ International, 54 (2014): 1935-1942. (SCI) 

(5). F. Ye, C. Yin, K. Tong, C. Zhang, W.B. Liu, Structural evolution of vacancy clusters by combination of cluster units in alpha-iron, Materials Research Innovations, 18(S4) (2014): S4-1003-S4-1006 (SCI)

(6). 夏志新,张弛,柳文波.P92钢表层纳米组织的热稳定性.材料科学与工艺, 22 (2014): 108-113. (EI)



(1). W.B. Liu, C. Zhang, Z.G. Yang, Z.X. Xia. Nanocrystallization of a quenched RAFM steel and microstructure evolution during annealing heat treatment, Materials Science and Engineering A, 583 (2013): 61-68. (SCI)

(2). W.B. Liu, C. Zhang, Z.X. Xia, et al. Strain-induced refinement and thermal stability of a nanocrystalline steel produced by surface mechanical attrition treatment, Materials Science and Engineering A, 568 (2013): 176-183. (SCI)

(3). 柳文波,张弛,杨志刚,夏志新,高古辉,翁宇庆. 表面纳米化对低活化钢的组织及其热稳定性的影响,金属学报, 49 (2013): 707-716. (SCI)

(4). G.H. Gao, H. Zhang, Z.L. Tan, W.B. Liu and B.Z. Bai. A carbide-free bainite/martensite/austenite triplex steel with enhanced mechanical properties treated by a novel quenching-partitioning-tempering process, Materials Science and Engineering A, 559 (2013): 165-169. (SCI)



(1). L. Liu, Z.G. Yang, C. Zhang, W.B. Liu. An in situ study on austenite memory and austenitic spontaneous recrystallization of a martensitic steel. Materials Science and Engineering A, 527 (2010): 7204-7209. (SCI)

(2). 柳文波, 张弛, 杨志刚, 许峰云.纯铜动态再结晶的三维元胞自动机模拟.材料热处理学报, 30 (2009): 196-200. (EI)



1. 柳文波,师田田,雒晓涛,谢秦,恽迪,刘俊凯,一种事故容错核燃料包壳双层涂层结构及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 2020 1 0688798.9, 授权日期:2021.8.6

2. 柳文波,刘俊凯,恽迪,单建强,葛莉,吴攀,一种提高锆合金抗腐蚀性能及表面硬度的方法,专利号:ZL 2018 1 1617585.6, 授权日期:2020.3.31