(1.)Basic Information

Wenbo Liu


Associate Professor, PhD Supervision

Dept. of Nuclear Science and Technology


2011-2015 Tsinghua University (P.R. China), Doctor's Degree of Materials Science


2013-2015 the Pen. State University(USA), Visiting Scholor


2007-2009 Tsinghua University(P.R. China), Master's Degree of Materials Science


2003-2007 Xi'an Jiaotong University(P.R. China),  Bachelor‘s Degree of Materials Science


(5.)Scientific Research

1. Phase-field simulation of microstructure evolution in nuclear materials, including the sintering of ceramics, void/bubble formation in nuclear fuel, interaction of void/bubble with grain boundary, etc.


2. Phase-field simulation of the microstructure evolution in structural materials, including the solid-state phase transformation in metals and alloys, grain boundary segregation, etc.


3. Moleculor dynamics study of nuclear materials, such as Fe-Cr alloys, Fe-Cu alloys, Pu-Ga alloys, etc.




Anyone who is interested in my research is warmly welcomed. Please do not hesitate to contact with me if you want to join us.



E-mail: liuwenbo@xjtu.edu.cn
