Basic Information

施坦 副教授,研究生导师

Tan Shi, Associate Professor



Xi'an Jiaotong University 


School of Energy and Power Engineering


Department of Nuclear Sciences and Technology


2024年    副教授

                 Associate Professor


2020年    助理教授,西交青秀计划A类,


                 Assistant Professor


2019年    密歇根大学-核工程与放射科学 博士

                 Ph.D, University of Michigan -

                 Nuclear Engineering and

                 Radiological Sciences, USA


2014年    法国里昂国立应用科学学院与

                国立核科学技术学院 双硕士

                M.S. dual degrees, INSA de Lyon

                & INSTN, France

Contact Information



Research Fields

- 科研经历 (Research experience)


施坦,副教授,2020年9月入职西安交通大学,西安交大青秀计划A类。美国密歇根大学核工程与放射科学专业(专业排名全美第一)博士,法国里昂国立应用科学学院与法国国立核科学技术学院双硕士。目前主要研究方向为:材料辐照效应研究(高熵合金、锆合金、二维材料等)、中子探测器应用、辐射屏蔽等。针对上述研究方向,以一作或通讯作者身份在Acta Materialia,International Journal of Plasticity,Scripta Materialia,JMST,NIM-A 等期刊发表论文20余篇,共发表SCI论文40余篇。在美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室、洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室、中国高能物理研究所等研究机构拥有丰富科研经历。获博士后国际交流引进项目,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,国家重点研发计划子课题,博士后基金面上项目,共主持或参与十余项国家级纵向、省部级纵向及企业科研项目。


Tan Shi, Associate Professor, joined Xi'an Jiaotong University in September 2020. He holds a Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences from the University of Michigan (GO BLUE!) and dual master's degrees from the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Lyon (INSA de Lyon) and the French National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology (INSTN). His current research focuses on: irradiation effects in materials (high-entropy alloys, zirconium alloys, two-dimensional materials, etc.), neutron detector applications, and radiation shielding. In these areas, he has published over 20 papers as the first or corresponding author in journals such as Acta Materialia, International Journal of Plasticity, Scripta Materialia, JMST, and NIM-A, with a total of more than 40 papers. He has extensive research experience at institutions including Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the Institute of High Energy Physics in China. He has led or participated in over ten national, provincial, and enterprise-level research projects.



- 科研方向(Research fields)




Irradiation effects in metal and semiconductor materials, Radiation detection and nuclear safety, Radiation shielding.



- 相关文章(Publications)


T. Shi, Z. X. Su, J. Li, C. G. Liu, J. X. Yang, X. F. He, D. Yun, Q. Peng*, and C, Y. Lu*, “Distinct point defect behaviours in body-centered cubic medium-entropy alloy NbZrTi induced by severe lattice distortion”, Acta Materialia 229, 117806 (2022).

T. Shi, X. Qiu, Y. Zhou, S. Lyu, J. Li, D. Sun, Q. Peng, Y. Xin*, and C. Lu*, “Unconventional energetics of small vacancy clusters in BCC high-entropy alloy Nb0.75ZrTiV0.5”, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 146, 61-71 (2023).

T. Shi, S. Lyu, Z. Su, Y. Wang, X. Qiu, D. Sun, Y. Xin, W. Li, J. Cao, Q. Peng, Y. Li*, and C. Lu*, “Spatial inhomogeneity of point defect properties in refractory multi-principal element alloy with short-range order: A first-principles study”, Journal of Applied Physics 133.7 (2023).

T. Shi, D. Sun, I. Jovanovic*, G. Kalinchenko, K. Krushelnick, C. C. Kuranz, A. Maksimchuk, J. Nees, A. G. R. Thomas, and L. Willingale, “Optimization of the electron beam dump for a GeV-class laser electron accelerator’’, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 176, 109853 (2021)

T. Shi, Q. Peng, Z. T. Bai, F. Gao, and I. Jovanovic*, “Proton irradiation of graphene: insights from atomistic modeling”, Nanoscale, 11, 20754 (2019).

T. Shi*, J. Nattress, M. Mayer, M. W. Lin, and I. Jovanovic, “Neutron spectroscopy by thermalization light yield measurement in a composite heterogeneous scintillator”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 839, 86 (2016).

- Wang, X. G., M. Sun*, X. Q. Liu, Y. B. Ke, T. Shi*, J. X. Liu, W. B. Jiang, C. Y. Lu, X. P. Wang*, and Q. F. Fang, “Ultrabroad distribution of multiple anelasticities in O-doped refractory multiprincipal element alloys”, Acta Materialia, 271, 119911 (2024).

- S. A. Ibrahim, T. Shi*, Y. Zhou, J. Li, C. Zhang, P. Zhang, Z. Su, R. Gao, and C. Lu*, “Effect of local chemical order on monovacancy diffusion in CoNiCrFe high-entropy alloy”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 601, 155335 (2024).

- P. Zhang, D. Sun, S. A. Ibrahim, Z. Su, T. Shi*, Y. Li, X. Qiu, and C. Lu*, “Influence of multiphase microstructure on the strength and ductility of Nb–Zr–Ti–V refractory high entropy alloys”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 912, 146954 (2024).

- Y. Zhou, T. Shi*, J. Li, L. Wu, Q. Peng*, and C. Lu*, “Element-dependent evolution of chemical short-range ordering tendency of NiCoFeCrMn under irradiation”, International Journal of Plasticity, 171, 103768 (2023). 

- R. C. Walker II+, T. Shi+, B. Jariwala, I. Jovanovic, and J. A. Robinson*, “Stability of the tungsten diselenide and silicon carbide heterostructure against high energy proton exposure”, Applied Physics Letters, 111, 143104 (2017).

- Y. Shi, Q. Xia, M. Xie, Q. Zhou*, D. Hua, L. Chai, T. Shi, J. Stefan*, H. Wang*, P. Wang, and W. Liu, “Insights into Irradiation-affected Structural Evolution and Mechanical Behavior of Amorphous Carbon”, Acta Materialia, 120424 (2024).

- Z. Zhang+, Z. Su+, B. Zhang, Q. Yu, J. Ding, T. Shi, C. Lu*, R. Ritchie*, and E. Ma*. “Effect of local chemical order on the irradiation-induced defect evolution in CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, no. 15, e2218673120 (2023)

- Z. Su+, J. Ding+, M. Song, L. Jiang, T. Shi, Z. Li, S. Wang*, F. Gao, D. Yun, E. Ma*, and C. Lu*, “Enhancing the radiation tolerance of high-entropy alloys via solute-promoted chemical heterogeneities”, Acta Materialia, 245, 118662 (2023).

- Z. Su, T. Shi, J. Yang, H. Shen, Z. Li, S. Wang*, G. Ran*, and C. Lu*, “The effect of interstitial carbon atoms on defect evolution in high entropy alloys under helium irradiation”, Acta Materialia 233, 117955 (2022).

- Z. Su, T. Shi, H. Shen, L. Jiang, L. Wu, M. Song, Z. Li*, S. Wang*, and C. Lu*, “Radiation-assisted chemical short-range order formation in high-entropy alloys”, Scripta Materialia, 212, 114547 (2022).

- T. C. Wu, T. Shi, and I. Jovanovic, “Compound pulse characteristics of a heterogeneous composite scintillator in a gamma-ray field”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 976, 164265 (2020).

- A. Arnold, T. Shi, I. Jovanovic, and S. Das*, “Extraordinary radiation hardness of atomically thin MoS2”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11, 8391 (2019).

- Y. Zhou*, Y. P. Lu, Z. G. Wu, T. Shi, X. D. Ju, J. Dong, H. B. Zhu, and Q. Ouyang, “Highly compact digital pixel structures developed for the CEPC vertex detector”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 980, 164427 (2020).



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