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Dr. Dong is an Associate Professor [副教授(博导)] in the School of Electrical Engineering at Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU) in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China. He is affiliated with the Research Center for Advanced Electromagnetic Manipulation (ReCAEM), an interdisciplinary center for research and education with an emphasis on electromagnetics, circuits, power electronics, nonlinear phenomenons and renewable energies. He is also affiliated with the State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment (SKLEI), and the State Key Laboratory for Strength and Vibration of Mechanical Structures (MSSV) at XJTU. His research interests span over a broad range of scientific and technical areas, including applied electromagnetics, nanophotonics, plasmonics, energy harvesting and wireless power transfer, and other defense/industrial relevance in electrical engineering and applied physics. 


Dr. Dong is currently seeking brilliant and highly motivated undergraudate and graduate students to join his team. [课题组经费充足,研究氛围宽松活跃,欢迎报考!] If you believe to be an exceptional candidate with interests in electromagnetism, plasmonics, metamaterials and/or other state-of-the-art technologies, please feel free to contact him.

Work Experience

Research Highlights

  Optical response of cylindrical multilayers in the context of hydrodynamic convection-diffusion model
In this work, we generalize the cascading scattering matrix algorithm for calculating the optical response of concentric multilayered structures comprised of either plasmonic metal or dielectric, within the framework of hydrodynamic convection-diffusion model of electrodynamics...


  Modeling large nonuniform optical antenna arrays for metasurface application
We analyze large non-uniform optical antenna arrays of nanorods, which form optical vortices, axicons and lenses, by using a numerically efficient technique, called the Characteristics Basis Function Method (CBFM). The efficiency is realized by deriving an accurate, efficient simplified representation of nanorod, and by using the CBFM, which not only reduces the number of unknowns significantly without sacrificing the computational accuracy, but also enables us to handle large, truncated and non-uniform arrays ...


  Optical response in subnanometer gaps due to nonlocal response and quantum tunneling
In this work, we derive the optical response of nanowire dimers with subnanometer gap sizes using different models, viz., the classical, quantum-corrected, nonlocal, and quantum-corrected nonlocal models. Our results indicate that both the quantum tunneling and the nonlocal response should be considered for the gap sizes less than 0.5 nm ...

Main Responsibility

Latest News

Congratulations to Ms. Si CHEN for her successful defense on her M.S. degree regarding the design and analysis of metamaterials-enhanced compact wireless power systems!

May 25, 2017

Our recent paper on the optical response of stratified structures has been published in J. Appl. Phys. 120, 123102 (2016).

Sept. 22, 2016

Dr. Tianyu Dong has delivered a plenary talk regarding the precise integration time domain method at the 7th International Conference on Electromagnetic Field Problems and Applications (ICEF2016).

Sept. 19, 2016

Welcome Prof. Dr. Raj Mittra from Penn State & UCF to visit our group.

Jul. 7, 2016

Congratulations to Ms. Hui LIU for her successful graduation admission interview. And we'd be happy to host her in the following academic years.

Mar. 22, 2016

The State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment (SKLEI) has granted the proposal "Investigation on potential applications of temporal-spatial-transformation-optics(TSTO)-enhanced metamaterials and their computational methods" (2016.01 - 2017.12, under grant no.: EIPE16304; P.I.: Dr. Dong).

Jan. 5, 2016

Our proposal, "Study on Electromagnetic Model and Highly Efficient Computational Methods for Graphene-based Plasmonic Nano-devices", has been approved by the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (2016.01 - 2018.12, under grant no.: 51507123; P.I.: Dr. Dong).

Aug. 19, 2015

Congratulations to Ms. Lizhen LU and Mr. Zongyao CHEN for the successful defences on their BS degrees!

Jun. 17, 2015



Honorary Title




 This webpage was updated on Sept. 22, 2016.