Enrollment Information

Dr. Dong is currently seeking brilliant and highly motivated undergraudate and graduate students to join his team at XJTU. If you believe to be an exceptional candidate with interests in electromagnetism, plasmonics, metamaterials and/or other state-of-the-art technologies, please feel free to contact him.



We seek highly motivated students with the solid scientific strength in one of the following areas: electrical engineering, physics, applied mathematics, materials/biological science. Both graduate research assistantships and university fellowships are available. Positions in the following areas are provided:

I. Metamaterials and Plasmonics: An essential research objective in our group is focused on the physics of metamaterials and plasmonic structures. The research involves theoretical and computational study of the physics underlying metamaterials and other plasmonic-based devices. We seek for creative postgraduates with strong physics background in electromagnetics/optics/applied physics. 

II. Computational Electromagnetics (CEM)We seek candidates with a strong expertise in computational electromagnetics. The research will focus on the development of computational algorithm for complex materials and structures (e.g., graphene plasmonic devices, spacetime-like metamaterials, multi-scale arrays, etc.). Experiences are desired but not limited to: finite-differene time-domain (FDTD) method, characteristic basis function method (CBFM), method of moments (MoM), generalized Lorenz-Mie theorem, etc.

III. Wireless Power Transmission (WPT): We seek candidates with strong background in power electronics/microwaves.

Applicants should send a full CV via email to Dr. Dong (tydong[at]mail[dot]xjtu[dot]edu[dot]cn).



Dr. Dong also welcomes talented undergraduates joining his group. If you believe to be an exceptional candidate with interests in electrical engineering, physics and/or other state-of-the-art technologies, please feel free to contact him or stop by anytime.  Possible topics are list here but not limited to:

  • Sorbing energy from the air
  • Wireless power router
  • Electromagnetic propulsion
  • Haze characterization and monintor
  • Wireless power for smart home
  • Solar storms and power grid
  • Bio-inspired, biomimetics and bio-replication
  • ...

Applicants are encouraged to shoot an email or just stop by Dr. Dong's office at W240 of E. Bld. I of main campus.


 This webpage was updated on Sept. 22, 2016.