Research Fields






1. Yang Zhang, Qingyu Yang, Dou An, et al. Multi-step Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Optimal Energy Schedule Strategy of Charging Stations in Smart Grid. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2022, Accepted. 【SCI:, WOS:, EI:, IF:11.448】
2.Dou An, Feiye Zhang, Qingyu Yang, et al. Data Integrity Attack in Dynamic State Estimation of Smart Grid: Attack Model and Countermeasures. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, DOI:10.1109/TASE.2022.3149764. 【SCI, WOS:, IF:5.083】
3. Zhiqiang Zhang, Qingyu Yang, Zongze Wu. Sparse Filtering With Adaptive Basis Weighting: A Novel Representation Learning Method for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2022, 52(2): 1019-1025.【SCI, WOS:, IF:13.451】
4. Qingyu Yang, Donghe Li, Dou An, et al. Towards Inventiveness for Electrical Vehicles Demand Response with Location Privacy Guaranteeing in Microgrids. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2022, 19(1): 131-148. 【SCI, WOS:000742730400011, IF:7.329】
5. Dou An, Qingyu Yang, Donghe Li, et al. Where am I Parking: Incentive Online Parking Space Sharing Mechanism with Privacy Protection. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2022,19(1):143-162.【SCI, WOS:000739634600016, IF:5.083】
6. Zhiqiang Zhang, Qingyu Yang. Unsupervised feature learning with reconstruction sparse filtering for intelligent fault diagnosis of rotating machinery. Applied Soft Computing, 2022, 115: 108207.【SCI, WOS:000736977500010, IF:6.725】
7. Feiye Zhang, Qingyu Yang, Dou An. CDDPG: A Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Approach for Electric Vehicle Charging Control. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021, 8(5): 3075-3087.【SCI, WOS:000621420700004, IF: 9.471】
8. Yongqiang Nai, Qingyu Yang, Zongze Wu. Prescribed Performance Adaptive Neural Compensation Control for Intermittent Actuator Faults by State and Output Feedback. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2021, 32(11): 4931-4945.【SCI, WOS:000711638200017, IF:10.451】
9. Zhiqiang Zhang, Qingyu Yang, Yanyang Zi. Multi-scale and multi-pooling sparse filtering: A simple and effective representation learning method for intelligent fault diagnosis. Neurocomputing, 2021, 451: 138-151.【SCI, WOS:000662813300012, IF:5.719】
10.Yongqiang Nai, Qingyu Yang, Ying Yang, et al. Adaptive Neural Fault Tolerant Control for Uncertain MIMO Nonlinear Systems with Actuator Faults and Coupled Interconnections. Neural Computing and Applications, 2020, 32(16):12755-12770.【SCI, WOS: 000552140100046, IF:4.774】
11.Yongqiang Nai, Qingyu Yang, Zhiqiang Zhang. Adaptive Neural Output Feedback Compensation Control for Intermittent Actuator Faults Using Command Filtered Backstepping. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2020, 31(9): 3497-3511.【SCI, WOS:000566342500028, IF:8.793
12.Dou An, Qingyu Yang, Wei Yu, et al. LoPrO: Location Privacy-Preserving Online Auction Scheme for Electric Vehicles Joint Bidding and Charging. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2020, 107: 394-407【SCI, WOS:000527331800028, IF:6.125】
13.Donghe Li, Qingyu Yang, Wei Yu, et al. Towards Differential Privacy-Based Online Double Auction for Smart Grid. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security,  2020, 15: 971-986【SCI, WOS:000493566500033, IF:6.013
14.Yongqiang Nai, Qingyu Yang. Adaptive Neural Output Feedback Fault Tolerant Control for A Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with Intermittent Actuator Faults. Neurocomputing, 2020, 377: 145-158【SCI, WOS:000504873400015, IF:4.438
15.Yang Zhang, Zhengfeng Zhang, Qingyu Yang, Dou An, Donghe Li, Ce Li. EV charging bidding by Multi-DQN reinforcement learning in electricity auction Market. Neurocomputing, 2020, 397: 404-414【SCI, WOS:000535918100003, IF:4.438
16.Yang Zhang, Qingyu Yang, Wei Yu, Dou An, Donghe Li, Wei Zhao. An Online Continuous Progressive Second Price Auction for Electric Vehicle Charging. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019, 6(2):2907-2921【SCI, WOS:000467564700137, IF:9.515
17.Donghe Li, Qingyu Yang, Dou An, Wei Yu, Xinyu Yang, Xinwen Fu. On Location Privacy-Preserving Online Double Auction for Electric Vehicles in Microgrids. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019, 6(4):5902-5915【SCI, WOS:000478957600005, IF:9.515】
18.Xiaojun Yang, Hui Liu, Qingyu Yang, Wanhua Zhao. A novel precision evaluation and analysis method for the direct driven high-speed feed system. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 121:689-710【SCI, WOS: 000458228700042, IF:4.37】
19.Zhengen Zhao, Ying Yang, Jing Zhou, Linlin Li, Qingyu Yang. Adaptive Fault-Tolerant PI Tracking Control for Ship Propulsion System. ISA Transactions, 2018, Vol.80, pp:279-285【SCI, WOS:, IF:3.370】
20.Dou An, Qingyu Yang, Wei Yu, Xinyu Yang, Xinwen Fu, Wei Zhao. SODA: strategy-proof online double auction scheme for multi-microgrids bidding. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2018, 48(7):1177-1190【SCI, WOS:000435339300013, IF:5.131】
21.Qingyu Yang, Donghe Li, Yuanke Liu, Dou An, Xinyu Yang, Jie Lin. Towards Data Integrity Attacks Against Optimal Power Flow in Smart Grid. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2017, 4(5):1726-1738【SCI, WOS:000412362300054, IF:7.596 】
22.Dou An, Qingyu Yang, Wei Yu, Xinyu Yang, Xinwen Fu, Wei Zhao. Sto2Auc: A Stochastic Optimal Bidding Strategy for Microgrids.  IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2017, 4(6):2260-2274【SCI, WOS:000418174100041, IF:7.596】

23.Qingyu Yang, Dou An, Rui Min, Wei Yu, Xinyu Yang, Wei Zhao. On optimal PMU placement-based defense against data integrity attacks in smart grid. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2017,12(7):1735-1750【SCI, WOS:000400919700019, CCF A类期刊, IF:4.332】 

24.Jie Lin, Wei Yu, Xinyu Yang, Qingyu Yang, Xinwen Fu, Wei Zhao. A Real-Time En-route Route Guidance Decision Scheme for Transportation-based Cyber-Physical Systems. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2017, 66(3):2551-2566【SCI, WOS:000396401400051, IF:4.066】

25Qingyu Yang, Liguo Chang, Wei Yu. On False Data Injection Attacks against Kalman Filtering in Power System Dynamic State Estimation. Security and Communication Networks, 2016, 9(9):833-849【SCI, WOS:000375785400004, IF:1.067】

26.Qingyu Yang, Dou An, Yuanli Cai. A Novel Evolution Kalman Filter Algorithm for Short-Term Climate Prediction. Asian Journal of Control, 2016, 18(1): 400-405【SCI, WOS:000368829800034, IF:1.421】
27Qingyu Yang, Jie Yang, Wei Yu, Dou An, Nan Zhang, Wei Zhao. On False Data Injection Attacks Against Power System State Estimation: Modeling and Countermeasures. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2014, 25(3):717-729【SCI, WOS:000334672200019, CCF A类期刊, IF:4.181】


1Yang Zhang, Bo Tang, Qingyu Yang, Dou An, Hongyin Tang, Chenyang Xi, Xueying Li, Feiyu Xiong. BCORLE(λ): A Offline Reinforcement Learning and Evaluation Framework for Coupons Allocation in E-commerce Market. 35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021), December 6-14, 2021.EI:
2Yang Zhang, Qingyu Yang, Dou An, Chengwei Zhang. Coordination Between Individual Agents in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2021), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, February 2-9, 2021, AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 35: 11387-11394.EI: 
3Yingzhuo Zhao, Qingyu Yang, Donghe Li, Dou An. Data Aggregation and Real-time Electricity Billing Scheme Based on Homomorphic Encryption in Smart Grid. The 33th Chinese Control and Decision Conference(2021 CCDC), Kunming, May. 22-24, 2021, pp. 2545-2550.EI:20220911715792
4Yushuo Zhang, Donghe Li ,Qingyu Yang. A Stackelberg Game for Relieving Peak Pressure of Power Grid Using Electric Vehicles with V2G Technology. 2021 China Automation Congress (2021 CAC), Beijing, October. 22-24, 2021.EI:
5Feiye Zhang, Qingyu Yang. Energy Trading in Smart Grid: A Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Approach. The 32th Chinese Control and Decision Conference(2020 CCDC), Hefei, Aug. 22-24, 2020, pp: 3677-3682.EI: 20204009254326
6Zhiqiang Zhang, Qingyu Yang. An Ensemble of Filters and Classifiers for Fault Diagnosis. 2019 International Conference on Sensing, Diagnostics, Prognostics, and Control (2019 SDPC), Beijing, August 15-17, 2019, pp:348-353.EI: 20203909248072
7Donghe Li, Qingyu Yang, Dou An, Wei Yu, Xinwen Fu. Towards incentive Mechanism for Taxi Services Allocation with Privacy Guarantee. the 37th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IEEE IPCCC), Orlando, Florida, USA, Nov.17-19, 2018, pp1-8.EI: 20192307006714
8Hanyang Kong, Qingyu Yang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Yongqiang Nai, Dou An, Yibo Liu. One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Exponential Linear Units for Bearing Fault Diagnosis. 2018 Chinese Automation Congress(CAC), Xi’an, Dec.1-2, 2018, pp: 1052-1057EI: 20191106633266
9Yang Zhang, Qingyu Yang, Dou An, Donghe Li. A Blockchain based Peer-to-peer Electricity Trading Mechanism in Residential Electricity Market. 2018 Chinese Automation Congress(CAC), Xi’an, Dec.1-2, 2018, pp: 2646-2651EI: 20191106633232
10Yongqiang Nai, Qingyu Yang. ELM-Based Adaptive Fault Tolerant Control of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems with Actuator Faults. The 37th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Wuhan, Jul. 25-27, 2018, pp: 5717-5722【EI: 20184606054361】
11Yibo Liu, Qingyu Yang, Dou An, Yongqiang Nai, Zhiqiang Zhang. An Improved Fault Diagnosis Method Based on DeepWavelet Neural Network. The 30th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Shenyang, Jun. 9-11, 2018, pp1048-1053【EI:20183205650567】
12Dou An, Qingyu Yang, Wei Yu, Donghe Li, Yang Zhang, Wei Zhao. Towards Truthful Auction for Big Data Trading. 36th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IEEE IPCCC), San Diego, Califonia, USA, Dec.10-12, 2017, pp1-7.【EI:20182105237375】
13Donghe Li, Qingyu Yang, Wei Yu, Dou An, Xinyu Yang, Wei Zhao. A Strategy-proof Privacy-preserving Double Auction Mechanism for Electrical Vehicles Demand Response in Microgrids. 36th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IEEE IPCCC), San Diego, Califonia, USA, Dec.10-12, 2017, pp1-8.【EI:20182105237147】
14Donghe Li, Qingyu Yang, Wei Yu, Dou An, Xinyu Yang. Towards Double Auction for Assisting Electric Vehicles Demand Response in Smart Grid. The 13th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE), Xi'an, Aug. 20-23, 2017, pp1604-1609【EI:20181504993182】
15Qingyu Yang, Yongqiang Nai. ELM-Based Adaptive Neural Estimation for Actuator Faults Detection and Diagnosis of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems. The 29th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Chongqing, May 28-30, 2017, pp2987-2992【EI:20173504089502】
16Qingyu Yang, Yuanke Liu, Wei Yu, Dou An, Xinyu Yang, Jie Lin. On Data Integrity Attacks Against Optimal Power Flow in Power Grid Systems. 2017 14th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, United states, Jan. 8-11, 2017, pp1008-1009【EI:20173304053004】
17Qingyu Yang, Zhengan Tan, Dou An, Wei Yu, Xinyu Yang. On Optimal Electric Vehicles Penetration in a Novel Archipelago Microgrids. The 17th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD), Shanghai, May 30- June 1, 2016, pp331-336【EI:20163502746799】
18Qingyu Yang, Rui Min, Dou An, Wei Yu, Xinyu Yang. Towards Optimal PMU Placement against Data Integrity Attacks in Smart Grid. The 50th Annual Conference on Information Systems and Sciences (CISS), Princeton, NJ, United states, Mar.16-18, 2016, pp54-58【EI:20164402962294】
19杨清宇, 李东鹤, 蔡远利, 杨新宇. 针对电力系统中最优潮流的假数据注入攻击研究. 第十七届中国系统仿真技术及其应用学术年会(CCSSTA), 系统仿真技术及其应用, 2016, Vol.17, pp312-316【大会优秀论文】
20Qingyu Yang, Dou An, Wei Yu, Xinyu Yang, Xinwen Fu. On Stochastic Optimal Bidding Strategy for Microgrids. The 34th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IEEE IPCCC), Nanjing, Dec.14-16, 2015【EI:20162202443685】
21Xiaofei He, Xinyu Yang, Jie Lin, Linqiang Ge, Wei Yu, Qingyu Yang. Defending against Energy Dispatching Data Integrity Attacks in Smart Grid. The 34th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IEEE IPCCC), Nanjing, Dec.14-16, 2015【EI:20162202443745】
22Jie Lin, Wei Yu, Xinyu Yang, Qingyu Yang, Xinwen Fu, Wei Zhao. A Novel Dynamic En-Route Decision Real-Time Route Guidance Scheme in Intelligent Transportation Systems. International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE ICDCS), Columbus, United states, June 29-July 2, 2015【EI:20154201413614】
23Lin Jie, Yu Wei, Yang Xinyu, Zhao Cong, Yang Qingyu. On effectiveness of integrating intermittent resources and electricity vehicles in the smart grid. The IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC), June 9-13, 2013, pp4266-4270 【EI:20140117168864】
24Qingyu Yang, Dou An, Wei Yu. On Time Desynchronization Attack against IEEE 1588 Protocol in Power Grid Systems. IEEE EnergyTech 2013, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, May 21-23, 2013, pp1-5【EI:20135217142460】

25Qingyu Yang, Jie Yang, Wei Yu, Nan Zhang, and Wei Zhao. On a Hierarchical False Data Injection Attack on Power System State Estimation. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM), Houston, Texas, USA, Dec.5-9, 2011, pp1-5【EI:20120814799833】



编号 专利名称 申请(专利)号 专利类型 申请(授权)日期


一种结合改进稀疏滤波器与KELM的轴承故障诊断方法 ZL 201910081340.4 发明专利 2020.05.19


一种非线性系统自适应神经容错控制方法 201811223073.1 发明专利 2018.10.18


一种基于多微网系统下的电动车规模调度方法及调度系统 201710279405.7 发明专利 2017.04.25
4 一种基于多代理商的电动汽车有序充电方法 ZL 201710284232.8 发明专利 2019.08.23


一种抵御电力系统直流状态估计中数据完整性攻击的方法 ZL 201610112168.0 发明专利 2019.05.03
6 基于改进球向量机闭包球求解的往复式压缩机故障诊断方法 ZL 201510219582.7 发明专利 2018.04.17
7 电力系统直流最优潮流计算的数据完整性的攻防演练方法 ZL 201510530302.4 发明专利 2017.08.15
8 一种多特征多级综合评判的风电机组主传动装置故障诊断方法 ZL 201210553609.2 发明专利 2015.10.28
9 一种在电力系统直流状态估计中防御假数据注入攻击的方法 ZL 201110350698.6 发明专利 2013.10.23
10 一种基于卡尔曼滤波及演化建模的短期气候预测方法 ZL 201110057399.3 发明专利 2013.07.10
11 一种扫描离子电导显微镜的高频振动夹持器 ZL 201310263763.0 发明专利 2015.05.27
12 动梁式龙门机床双驱同步机械特性的建模方法 ZL 201010537955.2 发明专利 2012.07.04
13 多级往复式压缩机故障检测与诊断芯片用数据处理方法 ZL 201010530922.5 发明专利 2012.07.04


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