- Chengyu Hu, Zihuan Ma, Xiang Ma, Yali Feng, Yuqin Xue, Jinjia Wei, Xiaoping Yang*.Experimental Investigation of Flow Boiling Heat Transfer and Instabilities in Microchannels at High Liquid Subcooling. Physics of Fluids, 37(3) (2025) 033303.
- Qingjie Cui, Xiang Ma, Ziyi You, Xiaoping Yang*, Yonghai Zhang, Jinjia Wei. Bending the heat: innovative ultra-thin flexible loop heat pipes for enhanced mobile device cooling. Energy Conversion and Management, 325 (2025) 119332.
- Shichao Bu, Zhuye Jiang, Jie Li, Xiaoping Yang*, Zhen Sun, Yonghai Zhang, Jinjia Wei. Managing 1000 W high-power chips by a high-capacity and lightweight 3D thermosyphon: an experimental and theoretical study. Applied Thermal Engineering 262 (2025) 125262.
- Yao Zhou, Jiping Liu, Yicheng Ni, Qingjie Cui, Xiaoping Yang*, Jinjia Wei, Junjie Yan. Performance of a novel loop heat pipe coupled with micro vapor-driven jet injector - an experimental and numerical study. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 231 (2024) 125853.
- Xinyu Ji, Xiaoping Yang*, Xiang Ma, Hongmiao Tian, Jinjia Wei, Bengt Sunden. Two-phase flow characteristics and visualization of distributed confined array jet boiling. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 57 (2024) 104345.
- Xiaoping Yang*, Shichao Bu, Zhuye Jiang, Hongqiang Chen, Zhen Sun, Yonghai Zhang, Jinjia Wei. Study of saturated pool boiling heat transfer characteristics of R1233zd(E) on Aluminum-based micro-pin finned surfaces. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 232 (2024) 125952.
- Xiaoping Yang, Qingjie Cui, Yao Zhou, Gaoxiang Wang, Lei Liu, Jinjia Wei*. Effect of tilt angle and base plate design on the performance of a loop heat pipe driven by vapor-liquid injector. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 255: 123921.
- Xiaoping Yang*, Shichao Bu, Zhuye Jiang, Yao Zhou, Zhen Sun, Yonghai Zhang, Jinjia Wei. Experimental study of an aluminum based three-dimensional thermosyphon heat sink with microscale enhancement structure. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 257:124273.
- Hongqiang Chen, Quan Gao, Yonghai Zhang*, Xiaoping Yang*, Jinjia Wei, Paolo Di Marco. Experimental study of the flow boiling heat transfer characteristics of teardrop-like micro-pin-finned chip surface in semi-open microchannel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 238 (2025) 126442.
- Xiaoping Yang, Qingjie Cui, Ziyi You, Jie Liu, Yonghai Zhang, Jinjia Wei*. Experimental and theoretical study on performance of bi-porous wick for passive phase-change devices. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36(12): 123308.
- 周尧,杨小平*,倪一程,刘继平,魏进家,严俊杰.应用于新型环路热管的两相引射器数值模拟.化工学报. 2024, 75 (1): 268-278.
- 刘帆,张芫通,陶成,胡成玉,杨小平*,魏进家.歧管式射流微通道液冷散热性能研究.化工学报. 2024. DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20231228.
- Chengyu Hu, Xiaoping Yang, Zihuan Ma, Xiang Ma, Yali Feng, Jinjia Wei*. Research on heat transfer and flow distribution of parallel-configured microchannel heat sinks for arrayed chip heat dissipation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 255:124003.
- Xiang Ma, Chengyu Hu, Xinyu Ji, Xiaoping Yang, Na Xu*, Yonghai Zhang*, Jinjia Wei, Yali Feng, Sundén Bengte. Flow boiling frictional pressure drop inside micro/mini-channels: A new general model and experimental investigation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 247: 123111.
- Xiang Ma, Liangxin Gui, Chengyu Hu, Gege Song, Xiaoping Yang, Yonghai Zhang*, Jinjia Wei. Jet impingement boiling heat transfer performance of refrigerant HP-1 in micro-pin-finned surfaces for high-power chips. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 221:125101.
- Yuantong Zhang, Xiaoping Yang, Xinyu Ji, Chengyu Hu, Jinjia Wei*. Numerical and experimental study on manifold-distributed jet microchannel with micro-pin-fins. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 258:124675.
- Xinyu Ji, Xiang Ma, Xiaoping Yang, Jinjia Wei*, Bengt Sunden*. Jet array impingement boiling in compact space for high heat flux cooling, Applied Thermal Engineering, 219 (2023) 119538.
- Xiang Ma, Xinyu Ji, Chenyu Hu, Xiaoping Yang, Yonghai Zhang, Jinjia Wei, Godasiaei, Seyed Hamed. Saturated/subcooled flow boiling heat transfer inside micro/mini-channels: A new prediction correlation and experiment evaluation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 210: 124184.
- Lei Liu, Xiang Ma, Xinyu Ji, Xiaoping Yang, Jinjia Wei*. Performance improvement of loop heat pipe by micro-pin-fins/powders composite surface. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 208: 124093.
- Lei Liu, Bo Yuan, Xiaoping Yang*, Chenyi Cui, Jinjia Wei*. Experimental study of a novel loop heat pipe with a vapor-driven jet injector and a boiling pool. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 184: 122267.
- Xiaoping Yang, Jie Liu, Gaoxiang Wang, Jinjia Wei*. Experimental study of mechanical-capillary driven phase-change loop for heat dissipation of electronic devices and batteries. Applied Thermal Engineering 210 (2022) 118350.
- Xiaoping Yang, Nana Chen, Yao Zhou, Jiping Liu*, Jinjia Wei. Dynamics of chugging phenomenon induced by subsonic and supersonic steam-air jet condensation in water flow. Experimental thermal and fluid science. 136 (2022) 110672.
- Lei Liu, Bo Yuan, Chenyi Cui, Xiaoping Yang*, Jinjia Wei. Investigation of a loop heat pipe to achieve high heat flux by incorporating flow boiling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 195C (2022) 123173.
- Xinyu Ji, Xiaoping Yang, Yuantong Zhang, Jinjia Wei*. Experimental study of ultra-low flow resistance fractal microchannel heat sinks for electronics cooling. International Journal of Thermal Science, 179 (2022) 107723.
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- Lei Liu, Xiaoping Yang*, Bo Yuan, Yonghai Zhang, Jinjia Wei*. Experimental study of a novel loop heat pipe with a vapor-driven jet injector. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 164: 120518.
- Xiaoping Yang, Pengfei Fu, Nana Chen, Yao Zhou, Jiping Liu*, Jinjia Wei. Experimental study on pressure pulse generated by condensing subsonic/supersonic steam jet in a horizontal channel. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2021, 378: 111175.
- Yao Zhou, Xiaoping Yang*, Pengfei Fu, Jiping Liu*, Junjie Yan. Numerical investigation on submerged steam jet condensation in subcooled water flow in a restricted channel with the presence of non-condensable gas. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021, 170: 107122.
- Lei Liu, Xiaoping Yang*, Bo Yuan, Jinjia Wei*. Investigation of temperature oscillations in a novel loop heat pipe with a vapor-driven jet injector. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 179 (2021) 121672.
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- Xiaoping Yang, Daotong Chong, Jiping Liu*, Xiao Zong. Pressure oscillation induced by steam jet condensation in subcooled water flow in a channel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 98: 426-437.
- Xiaoping Yang, Jia Liu, Jiping Liu*, Nana Chen, Junjie Yan. Interface dynamics and pressure oscillation of stable steam jet condensation in water flow in a confined channel with the presence of non-condensable gas, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 111C: 1157-1171.
- Xiaoping Yang, Pengfei Fu, Nana Chen, Jiping Liu*, Jinjia Wei. Mechanisms of pressure pulse for condensing supersonic steam jet in a rectangular channel. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2019,105:223-233.
- Xiaoping Yang, Jiping Liu*, Pengfei Fu, Nana Chen, Jinjia Wei. Experimental and theoretical study of pressure oscillation of unstable steam-air jet condensation in water in a rectangular channel. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2019,119: 14-27.
- Pengfei Fu, Yao Zhou, Xiaoping Yang*, Junjie Yan, Jiping Liu*. Experimental study on the effect of non-condensable gas dissolved in sub-cooled water on steam jet condensation in a rectangular channel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019,134:668-679.
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