(1.)Basic Information

Jiang Zhuangde

Jiang Zhuangde,Professor of School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Honorary Professor of the University of Birmingham, UK and visiting professor of the University of New South Wales, Australia. He was a member of the Standing Committee of the 11th and 12th National People's Congress, a member of the Environmental and Resource Protection Committee, and vice president of Xi'an Jiaotong University (2004-2014); He is currently the chairman of Shaanxi Association for Science and Technology, the consultant of the Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Education, the member of the Standing Committee of the Department of Machinery and Transportation of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the convener of the Mechanical Discipline Evaluation Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, the vice president of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering, the vice president of the Chinese society of Micro and Nanotechnology, and the chief editor of the Discipline of Machinery and Transportation Engineering of the Journal of the Chinese Academy of engineering.

He has been engaged in the research of micro nano manufacturing and advanced sensing technology, precision and ultra precision machining and testing technology and equipment for a long time, and has made outstanding contributions in the technical fields of high-end MEMS sensor chips, nano national standard materials, large-diameter turning and grinding compound machining machine tools, complex surface precision and ultra precision detection and instruments, and has  carried out innovative research in the basic theories related to micro nano technology, quantum sensing technology and  biological detection technology and instruments. He has won two 2nd National Technological Invention Awards,  two 2nd National Technology Progress Awards, 11 other provincial and ministerial awards, Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology award, He Liang He li Foundation Science and Technological Progress Award  and the first National Innovation Competition Award, etc.


Email: zdjiang@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
School of Mechanical Engineering
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Xi'an, 710049, P. R. China



1988              Graduated from School of Mechanical Engineering in Xi’an Jiaotong University,

                      and gained the Master Degree
Working Experience

1996  ~          Promoted to be a professor

1996 - 1998   Sub-dean of School of Mechanical Engineering

1999 - 2003   Promoted to be the Director of Science & Technology Department

2003  -2004   Assistant president of Xi’an Jiaotong University

2004-             Vice president of Xi’an Jiaotong University


2nd National Technological Invention Awards
2nd National Technology Progress Awardse
Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award

He Liang He li Foundation Science and Technological Progress Award

1st National Innovation Competition Award


《Mechanical Precision Design》
《MEMS Technologies and its Applications》


1) Membership

Chairman of Shaanxi Association for Science and Technology,

Consultant of the Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Education

Member of the Standing Committee of the Department of Machinery and Transportation of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

Convener of the Mechanical Discipline Evaluation Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council

Vice president of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering

Vice president of the Chinese society of Micro and Nanotechnology

Chief editor of the Discipline of Machinery and Transportation Engineering of the Journal of the Chinese Academy of engineering.
2) Editorship

The vice director of editorial board of Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators

The vice director of editorial board of Manufacturing Technology and Machine Tool

The member of editorial board of Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering and so on.


A. Research fields
 1) Mechanical Engineering.
 2) Instrument Science & Technology.
B. Direction of interes
 1) Micro ElectroMechanical System (MEMS) and Micro-Nano Technology.
 2) Precision Instrument & Sensing Technology.
 3) Precision Optoelectronic Testing & Measurement Technology.
 4) Precision and Ultra-precision Machining Technology


Porfessor Jiang has edited 3 textbooks:

1.MEMS pressure sensor [M] It is expected to be published by Higher Education Press in 2022 (supported by the national publishing Fund)

2.MEMS Technology and Application [M] Higher Education press, 2018

3. Fundamentals of Mechanical Accuracy Design [M] Xi'an Jiaotong University Press, 2017


More than 600 papers  have been published; More than 200 invention patents and more than 20 software copyrights have been authorized