
曹东元 西安交通大学口腔医院研究中心研究员,博士生导师。中国神经科学会神经内稳态和内分泌分会委员,西安交通大学医学部学术委员会委员。九三学社陕西省委参政议政研究中心智库专家,九三学社西安交通大学口腔医院支社副主委。

2003年在西安交通大学医学院获得博士学位,200411月起先后在美国纽约州立大学石溪分校、帕默整脊医学院做博士后,20106月起在马里兰大学牙医学院做Research Associate20154月被西安交通大学口腔医院引进为专职科研人员。

已发表专业论文80余篇,其中SCI收录论文50 篇,第一作者和通讯作者SCI论文30篇,单篇最高影响因子23.057,参与编写英文专著4部。Google学术统计文章被引用1260余次,H因子21。研究成果获得教育部自然科学二等奖和陕西省科技进步三等奖(第三名)。在研国家自然科学基金2项和陕西省社会发展项目1项,主持完成国家自然科学基金1项和陕西省自然科学基金2项,主持完成美国马里兰大学科研基金一项,以主要执行者身份参与美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)课题5项。国家自然科学基金一审专家、中国博士后基金评审专家。SCI杂志 Frontiers in Neuroscience 和 BioMed Research International 编委,曾任SCI杂志 J Altern Complement Med 编委(2009-2016),Neuropsychopharmacology, Brain Behavior and Immunity, Neuroscience Bulletin 20余种SCI杂志审稿人









Email : dongyuan_cao@hotmail.com

地址:西安市西五路98号 西安交通大学口腔医院研究中心



Researchgate:  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dong_Yuan_Cao

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=zh-CN&user=paFA9i0AAAAJ










  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(81971049):5-HT3 和 5-HT2C 受体介导颌面部炎症合并应激引起躯体和内脏痛敏化.55万元,2020-2023,负责人
  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(81671097):表观遗传学调控脊髓和杏仁中央核神经元组蛋白乙酰化对应激诱发内脏痛的抑制作用.52万元,2017-2020,负责人
  3. 陕西省社会发展领域研究项目(2020SF-018):丙戊酸钠调控颞下颌关节紊乱病与纤维肌痛综合征共病的表观遗传学机制.8.0万元,2020-2021,负责人
  4. 医学神经生物学国家重点实验室开放课题:颌面部炎性痛合并应激刺激引起躯体痛敏化的机制研究5.0万元,2019-2020,负责人
  5. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划面上项目(2016JM3015):组蛋白去乙酰化酶抑制剂通过调节谷氨酸GluN1受体调节内脏痛.3.0万元,2016-2017,负责人


1. Cao DY, Bai G, Ji Y, Traub RJ. Epigenetic upregulation of metabotropic glutamate receptor 2 in the spinal cord attenuates oestrogen-induced visceral hypersensitivity. Gut, 2015; 64 (12): 1913-20 [PubMed 25378524] (IF 23.057).

2. Cao DY, Hu B, Xue Y, Hanson S, Dessem D, Dorsey SG, Traub RJ. Differential activation of colonic afferents and dorsal horn neurons underlie stress-induced and comorbid visceral hypersensitivity in female rats. J Pain, 2021:22(10):1283-1293. (IF 5.82).

3. Cao DY, Bai G, Ji Y, Karpowicz J, Traub RJ. Histone hyperacetylation modulates spinal type II metabotropic glutamate receptor alleviating stress-induced visceral hypersensitivity in female rats. Mol Pain, 2016; 12:1-12 [PubMed: 27385724] (IF 3.533).

4. Cao DY, Ji Y, Tang B, Traub RJ. Estrogen receptor β activation is antinociceptive in a model of visceral pain in the rat. J. Pain, 2012, 13(7): 685-694 [PubMed 22698981] (IF 5.82).

5. Xiang T, Li JH, Su HY, Bai KH, Wang S, Traub RJ, Cao DY. Spinal CCK1 Receptors Contribute to Somatic Pain Hypersensitivity Induced by Malocclusion via a Reciprocal Neuron-Glial Signaling Cascade. J Pain, 2022; 2022; 23(10):1629-1645 [PubMed 35691467] (IF 5.383)

6. Tao ZY, Qiu XY, Wei SQ, Bai G, Li JF, Cao DY. SAHA inhibits somatic hyperalgesia induced by stress combined with orofacial inflammation through targeting different spinal 5-HT receptor subtypes. Neurochemical Research, 2022, in press (IF 3. 996) (corresponding author).

7. Li YX, Li JH, Guo Y, Tao ZY, Qin SH, Traub RJ, An H, Cao DY. Oxytocin inhibits hindpaw hyperalgesia induced by orofacial inflammation combined with stress. Mol Pain. 2022:17448069221089591 [PubMed 35266833] (IF 3.395) (corresponding author)

8. Duan LL, Qiu XY, Wei SQ, Su HY, Bai FR, Traub RJ, Zhou Q, Cao DY. Spinal CCK contributes to somatic hyperalgesia induced by orofacial inflammation combined with stress in adult female rats. Eur J Pharmacol. 2021, 174619 (IF 4. 432) (corresponding author).

9. Xiang T, Tao ZY, Liao LF, Wang S, Cao DY. Animal models of temporomandibular disorder. J Pain Res, 2021; 14: 1415-1430  (IF 3.133) (通讯作者).

10. Li JH, Yang JL, Wei SQ, Li ZL, Collins AA, Zou M, Wei F, Cao DY. Contribution of central sensitization to stress-induced spreading hyperalgesia in rats with orofacial inflammation. Mol Brain, 2020;13(1):106. (IF 4.686) (通讯作者

11. Xue Y, Wei SQ, Wang PX, Wang WY, Liu EQ, Traub RJ, Cao DY. Down-regulation of spinal 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors contributes to somatic hyperalgesia induced by orofacial inflammation combined with stress. Neuroscience, 2020;440:196-209 (IF 3.59) (通讯作者

12. Xu GZ*, Xue Y*, Wei SQ, Li JH, Traub RJ, Wang MD, Cao DY. Valproate reverses stress-induced somatic hyperalgesia and visceral hypersensitivity by up-regulating spinal 5-HT2C receptor expression in female rats. Neuropharmacology, 2020;165:107926 (IF 5.27) (通讯作者).

13.Tao ZY, Wang PX, Wei SQ, Traub RJ, Li JF, Cao DY. The role of descending pain modulation in chronic primary pain: potential application of drugs targeting serotonergic system. Neural Plast, 2019:1389296 (IF 3.591) (通讯作者).

14. Li YX, An H, Wen Z, Tao ZY, Cao DY. Can oxytocin inhibit stress-induced hyperalgesia? Neuropeptides, 2020;79:101996 (IF 3.286) (通讯作者)

15. Li ZL, Xue Y, Tao ZY, Du WZ, Jiang YG, Cao DY. Spinal 5-HT3 receptor contributes to somatic hyperalgesai induced by sub-chronic stress. Mol Pain, 2019: 1744806919859723. doi: 10.1177/1744806919859723 [PubMed: 31184246](IF 3.395) (通讯作者).

16. Xu GZ, Li YF, Wang MD, Cao DY. Complementary and alternative interventions for fatigue management after traumatic brain injury: a systematic review. Ther Adv Neurol Disord. 2017; 10(5):229-239 [PubMed 28529544] (IF 6.57) (通讯作者).

17. Zhao YJ, Li JH, Hu B, Wang Y, Chang XF, Traub RJ, Cao DYExtracellular signal-regulated kinase activation in the spinal cord contributes to visceral hypersensitivity induced by craniofacial injury followed by stress. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2018; 30(2). doi: 10.1111/nmo. 13161. [PubMed 28730748] (IF 3.842) (通讯作者).

18. Tao ZY, Xue Y, Li JF, Traub RJ, Cao DY. Do microRNAs modulate visceral pain? BioMed Res Intern, 2018: 5406973 (IF 3.411) (通讯作者)

19. Li JH, He PY, Fan DN, Alemujiang D, Huo FQ, Zhao Y, Cao DYPeripheral ionotropic glutamate receptors contribute to Fos expression increase in the spinal cord through antidromic electrical stimulation of sensory nerves. Neurosci Lett. 2018;678:1-7. [PubMed 29705538] (IF 3.046) (通讯作者).

20. Xu GZ, Jia J, Jin L, Li JH, Wang ZY, Cao DYLow-level laser therapy for temporomandibular disorders: A systematic review with Meta-analysis. Pain Res Manag. 2018: 4230583 [PMID 29861802] (IF 3.037) (通讯作者).

21. Wang Y, Cao DY, Remeniuk B, Krimmel S, Seminowicz DA, Zhang M. Altered brain structure and function associated with sensory and affective components of classic trigeminal neuralgia. Pain. 2017;158(8):1561-1570 [PubMed:28520647] (IF 6.961).

22. Wang Y, Yang Q, Cao DY, Seminowicz DA, Remeniuk B, Gao L, Zhang M. Correlation between nerve atrophy, brain grey matter volume and pain severity in patients with primary trigeminal neuralgia. Cephalalgia. 2018: 333102418793643 [PMID:30086682] (IF 6.292).

23. Traub RJ, Cao DY, Karpowicz J, Pandya S, Ji Y, Dorsey S, Dessem D. A clinically relevant animal model of temporomandibular disorder and irritable bowel syndrome comorbidity. J. Pain, 2014; 15(9): 955-966 [PubMed 24981128] (IF 5.82).

24. Ji Y, Tang B, Cao DY, Wang G, Traub RJ.Sex differences in spinal processing of transient and inflammatory colorectal stimuli in the rat. Pain, 2012; 153(9):1965-1973. [PubMed 22819535] (IF 6.961).