Research, Science China Technological Sciences, Cell Reports Physical Science
Physical Review Applied/E/Research, Journal of Applied Physics, Applied Physics Letters
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Nano Energy, Soft Robotics, Sensors & Actuators A/B, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Advanced Intelligent Systems
Advanced Functional Materials, Soft Matter, ACS Applied Materials & Interface, Composites Sciences and Technology, Composites Part A, Smart Materials and Structures
Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Mechanics of Materials, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters
Biomaterials Advances
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of The ASME
中国科学:技术科学,中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学,机械工程学报,西安交通大学学报,科技导报,实验力学,固体力学学报,动力学与控制学报
代表性论文 (第一作者+通讯作者)
62. "A unified cut topology that endows programmable bistability in modular kirigami morphing structures." Cell Reports Physical Science 5.12 (2024).

61. "叠层式介电弹性体人工肌肉驱动器:设计,制备与柔性驱动应用." 中国科学:物理学、力学、天文学 54.6(2024):15-42.

60. "Cut, Bond and Play: Volume-Preserved Reprogrammable Soft Pneumatic Actuators." IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 9.11 (2024): 10605-10611.

59. "Tunable Lens Driven by Electrohydrodynamic Pumping." Advanced Engineering Materials 26.21 (2024): 2400898.

58. "Programmable multistable kirigami chain: Decoupling energy barrier and snapping force/displacement in a unified topology." Mechanism and Machine Theory 199 (2024): 105691.

58. "A Soft, Centimeter‐Scaled, Thin‐Cable‐Crawling Robot for Narrow Space Inspection." Advanced Intelligent Systems (2024): 2300828.

57. "Modeling of rigidly-constrained pure shear dielectric elastomer actuators: electromechanical coupling network method." Smart Materials and Structures 33.2 (2024): 025025.

56. “微小型跳跃机器人: 仿生原理,设计方法与驱动技术" 动力学与控制学报 21.12 (2024): 37-52.

55. "Mechanical Janus lattice with plug-switch orientation." Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters 14.1 (2024): 100493.

54. "Electroactive soft bistable actuator with adjustable energy barrier and stiffness" IEEE Transactions on Robotics

53. “A Tristable Actuator for a Bidirectional Crawling and Falling-Rebootable Robot.” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics

52. "Reprogrammable multistable ribbon kirigami with a wide cut." Applied Physics Letters 123.1 (2023). AIPP 编辑推荐论文

51. "Switchable and Tunable Chemical/Structure Color in a Flexible Hierarchical Surface." Advanced Intelligent Systems (2023): 2200415.

50. "Theoretical study of the electroactive bistable actuator and regulation methods." International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials (2022): 1-21.

49. "Dielectric elastomer minimum energy structure with a unidirectional actuation for a soft crawling robot: design, modeling, and kinematic study." International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (2022): 107837.

48. "Voltage-heating responsive and patternable solvatochromism display utilizing nickel complex-Nafion film composites." Advances in Mechanical Engineering 14.8 (2022): 16878132221116484.

47. "Snap-through path in a bistable dielectric elastomer actuator". Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) 43.8 (2022): 1159-1170.

46. "Bistable sound insulator with an abrupt stiffness shift using magnetic-coupled dielectric elastomer actuator." Smart Materials and Structures (2022). 065012.

45."Notch Flexure as Kirigami Cut for Tunable Mechanical Stretchability towards Metamaterial Application." International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials (2022): 1-15.

44. "A bioinspired, electroactive colorable and additive manufactured photonic artificial muscle." Soft Matter 18.8 (2022): 1617-1627.

43. "A Switchable Dual‐Mode Actuator Enabled by Bistable Structure." Advanced Intelligent Systems 4.5 (2022): 2100188. (入选HOT TOPIC: ROBOTICS)

42. Bo Li*, Yehui Wu, Ya Sun, Wentao Ma, Lei Jiang, Zicheng Yang, Fei Li, Guimin Chen*. Patterning coexisted micro/nano structures for consequential camouflage via mechanical constraint harnessed surface instability, 2021 Applied Physics Letters 119(26):264103

41. Longfei Chang, Ajuan Jiang, Manting Rao, Fuyin Ma, Haibo Huang, Zicai Zhu, Yu Zhang, Yucheng Wu*, Bo Li*, and Ying Hu*, "Progress of low-frequency sound absorption research utilizing intelligent materials and acoustic metamaterials." RSC Advances 11.60 (2021): 37784-37800.

40. 刘晨,吴业辉,李博*,董旭峰,陈花玲*,陈贵敏. 面向软体机器人的可变刚度型智能材料及结构的研究进展[J]. 科技导报, 2021, 39(17): 69-81

39. Chen Liu#, Bo Li#*, Zhuoyuang Li, Chongjing Cao, Xing Gao, Ketao Zhang*, Hualing Chen*. “3D Printable and Fringe Electric Field Adhesion enabled Variable Stiffness Artificial Muscles for Semi-active Vibration Attenuation”, Soft Matter 17.28 (2021): 6697-6706.

38. Yanjie Wang*, Zhiwei Yang, Han Zhou, Chun Zhao, Benjamin Barimah, Bo Li*, Chaoqun Xiang, Lijie Li, Xiaofan Gou, and Minzhou Luo,“Inflatable Particle-Jammed Robotic Gripper Based on Integration of Positive Pressure and Partial Filling”, 10.1089/soro.2020.0139

37. Guimin Chen, Houqi Wu, Bo Li*, Micheal Yu Wang, "Fully compliant bistable mechanisms with enhanced pitch stiffness." Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 161 (2021): 107926.

36. Xuejing Liu , Yu Xing , Wenjie Sun , Zhouqiang Zhang , Shengqi Guan and Bo Li* "Investigation of the Dynamic Breakdown of a Dielectric Elastomer Actuator Under Cyclic Voltage Excitation." (Invited paper) Frontiers of Robotics and AI. 8 (2021): 91.

35. Sun Wenjieg#, Bo Li#. Fei Zhang, Chunlong Fang, Yanjun Lu, Xing Gao, Chongjing Cao, Guimin Chen*, Chi Zhang*, and Zhong Lin Wang*. "TENG-Bot: Triboelectric nanogenerator powered soft robot made of uni-directional dielectric elastomer." Nano Energy (2021): 106012.

34. Chao Tang#, Bo Li#, Zhiqiang Li, et al. "Legged-wheeled small robot capable of terrain-adaptive locomotion via a soft actuator,"
Engineering Research Express, (2021) https://doi.org/10.1088/2631-8695/abe4bd

33. Liu, Lei, Junshi Zhang*, Yong Cai, Bo Li*, Geng Liu, and Pengfei Li. "Stiffness-tunable robotic gripper driven by dielectric elastomer composite actuators." Smart Materials and Structures (2020). 29 (12), 125013

32. Pengfei Zhao, Yong Cai, Chen Liu, Dengteng Ge, Bo Li*, Hualing Chen*, Study on the bio-inspired electrochromic device enabled via dielectric elastomer actuator. Optical Materails, https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0925346720309095

31. 李博,孙文杰,姜磊,马付雷,陈贵敏*,电活性双稳态机构及其在软体机器人中应用的研究进展,机械工程学报,https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.2187.th.20200826.0929.036.html

30. Meng Luo, Lei Liu, Chen Liu, Bo Li*, Xing Gao, Chongjing Cao, Dichen Li*, A single-chamber pneumatic soft bending actuator with increased stroke-range by local electric guidance. August 2020IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics PP(99):1-1 DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2020.3013544

29. Wang Yanjie*, Jiale Wang, Muyu Hao, Bo Li*, Zicai Zhu, Xiaofan Gou, and Lijie Li. "Rapid preparation of a Nafion/Ag NW composite film and its humidity sensing effect." RSC Advances 10, no. 46 (2020): 27447-27455.

28. Liu, Lei, Junshi Zhang*, Meng Luo, Bo Li*, Chao Tang, Hualing Chen, Zhichun Yang, Pengfei Li, and Dichen Li. "Electro-pneumatic dielectric elastomer actuator incorporating tunable bending stiffness." Physical Review Research 2, no. 2 (2020): 023202.

27. Zhao Pengfei, Bo Xu, Yakun Zhang, Bo Li*, and Hualing Chen*. "Study on the Twisted and Coiled Polymer Actuator with Strain Self-Sensing Ability." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, no. 13 (2020): 15716-15725.

26. Zhao, Pengfei, Bo Li*, Zhenhua Tang, Yang Gao, Hongmiao Tian, and Hualing Chen*. "Stretchable photonic crystals with periodic cylinder shaped air holes for improving mechanochromic performance." Smart Materials and Structures 28, no. 7 (2019): 075037.

25. Li, Bo, Pengfei Zhao, Wentao Ma, Ya Sun, Hualing Chen, and Guimin Chen. "Mechanochromics of stretchable nano metasurfaces: non-close-packed hexagonal lattices and tunable structural coloration." Applied Physics Express 13, no. 1 (2019): 015008.

24. 张亚坤,张宇,李博*,陈贵敏, 聚合物捻卷型人工肌肉及其在软体机器人领域应用的研究现状, 中国科学:技术科学 doi: 10.1360/SST-2020-0033

23. Tang, Chao, Wentao Ma, Bo Li*, Mingliang Jin, and Hualing Chen*. "Cephalopod‐Inspired Swimming Robot Using Dielectric Elastomer Synthetic Jet Actuator." Advanced Engineering Materials 22, no. 4 (2020): 1901130.

22. 马文涛, 汤超, 李博*, 朱子才, 陈花玲. "基于介电弹性体的合成射流驱动器流场仿真." 水下无人系统学报 27, no. 2 (2019): 142-148.

21. 李博, 王延杰, 赵鹏飞, 刘磊, 陈花玲. 电活性聚合物驱动的仿生变色伪装技术研究进展. 科技导报. 2018;36(21):99-108.

20. Tang, Chao, Bo Li*, Lei Liu, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Langquan Shui, and Hualing Chen*. "Nonlinear out-of-plane resonation of a circular dielectric elastomer." Smart Materials and Structures 29, no. 4 (2020): 045003.

19. Li, Bo, et al. "A flexible morphing wing by soft wing skin actuation utilizing dielectric elastomer: experiments and electro-aerodynamic model." Smart Materials and Structures 29.1 (2019): 015031.

18. Shui, Langquan, Yilun Liu*, Bo Li*, Chenbang Zou, Chao Tang, Liangliang Zhu, and Xi Chen*. "Mechanisms of electromechanical wrinkling for highly stretched substrate-free dielectric elastic membrane." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 122 (2019): 520-537.

17. 刘学婧, 贾书海, 李博*, 陈花玲. (2019). 介电弹性体驱动器动态电压下的变形特征及击穿行为研究. 西安交通大学学报, (2019 年 02), 9-15.

16. Tang, Chao, Bo Li*, Chenbang Zou, Lei Liu, and Hualing Chen*. "Voltage-induced wrinkle performance in a hydrogel by dielectric elastomer actuation." Polymers 10, no. 7 (2018): 697.

15. Tang, Chao, Bo Li*, Hongbin Fang, Zhiqiang Li, and Hualing Chen*. "A speedy, amphibian, robotic cube: Resonance actuation by a dielectric elastomer." Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 270 (2018): 1-7.

14. Liu, Xuejing, Shuhai Jia, Bo Li*, Yu Xing, Hualing Chen*, Hui Ma, and Junjie Sheng. "An electromechanical model for the estimation of breakdown voltage in stretchable dielectric elastomer." IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 24, no. 5 (2017): 3099-3112.

13. Tang, Chao, Bo Li*, Wenjie Sun, Zhiqiang Li, and Hualing Chen*. "Identification and characterization of the out-of-plane resonance in a dielectric elastomer to drive an agile robotic cube." Journal of Applied Physics 122, no. 16 (2017): 165104.

12. Liu, Lei, Bo Li*, Wenjie Sun, Hualing Chen*, and Dichen Li. "Viscoelastic effect and creep elimination of dielectric elastomers in adversarial resonance." Journal of Applied Physics 120, no. 16 (2016): 164502.

11. Li, Bo, Hualing Chen, and Dichen Li. "Effect of solvent diffusion on reactive chromotropic polyelectrolyte gel." International Journal of Applied Mechanics 8.07 (2016): 1640008. (invited paper for Special Issue on Mechanics of Soft Materials and Machines)

10. Li, Bo, et al. "A multi-physical model of actuation response in dielectric gels." Smart Materials and Structures 25.12 (2016): 125032.

9. Li, Bo, et al. "Voltage-induced pinnacle response in the dynamics of dielectric elastomers." Physical review E 93.5 (2016): 052506.

8. Li, Bo, et al. "Voltage-induced crumpling of a dielectric membrane." EPL (Europhysics Letters) 112.5 (2015): 56004.

7. Li, Bo, Hualing Chen, and Jinxiong Zhou. "Modeling of the muscle-like actuation in soft dielectrics: deformation mode and electromechanical stability." Applied Physics A 110.1 (2013): 59-63.

6. Li, Bo, Hualing Chen, and Jinxiong Zhou. "Electromechanical stability of dielectric elastomer composites with enhanced permittivity." Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 52 (2013): 55-61.

5. Li, Bo, Jinxiong Zhou, and Hualing Chen. "Electromechanical stability in charge-controlled dielectric elastomer actuation." Applied Physics Letters 99.24 (2011): 244101.

4. Li, Bo, et al. "A model for conditional polarization of the actuation enhancement of a dielectric elastomer." Soft Matter 8.2 (2012): 311-317.

3. Li, Bo, et al. "Polarization-modified instability and actuation transition of deformable dielectric." EPL (Europhysics Letters) 95.3 (2011): 37006.

2. Li, Bo, et al. "Effect of mechanical pre-stretch on the stabilization of dielectric elastomer actuation." Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44.15 (2011): 155301.

1. Li, Bo, Liwu Liu, and Zhigang Suo. "Extension limit, polarization saturation, and snap-through instability of dielectric elastomers." International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials 2.2 (2011): 59-67.


1. Li, Bo, Longfei Chang, and Yanjie Wang. "Modeling of Dielectric Gel Using Multi-physics Coupling Theory." Soft Actuators. Springer, Singapore, 2019. 561-580.
2. Li, Bo, Hualing Chen, and Guimin Chen. "Modeling of Dielectric Elastomer Actuator." Soft Actuators. Springer, Singapore, 2019. 547-560.

介电弹性体智能材料力电耦合性能及其应用,科学出版社,2020年05月 (1,2,4,9章)