Basic Information


Basic Information

  Dr. Yaru Meng, Professor, PhD supervisor

  Expert in China Ministry of Education's Education Quality Evaulation Center

  Executive Council Member in China Association for Language Testing and Assessment

  Member of China Association of Language & Education

  Member of International TESOL Association

  Director of Lantolf SLA Research Center

  Sectary of East Asia SCT Group

  Reviewer for China Social Science Funds

  Reviewer for Studies in Applied English Linguistics, System, Applied Linguistic Review, Language Testing in Asia.


    Yaru Meng got her PHD in Shanghai International Studies University. She is now a doctoral supervisor in Applied Linguistics and Systemics of Language and Culture. Her academic association membership include Executive Council Member of China Association for Language Testing and Assessment, China Ministry of Education's Education Quality Evaluation Center. She was also invited as the reviewer in SSCI journal like System, Applied Linguistic Review, Language Assessment Quarterly and CSSCI top journal in language like Modern Foreign Languages, Foreign Language Learning Theory and Practice, Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, and etc. Her research interests include Language Assessment (including Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment, Dynamic Assessment), Teacher Education  and Language Teaching & Technology. She was once a visiting scholar at the Pennsylvania State University (with James Lantolf as mentor) and University of Maryland (with Rebecca L. Oxford as mentor). She won 15 national and provincial research fundings, including National Social Science Fund, China Ministry of Education, Shaanxi Province Social Fund. She published widely on international journals like Modern Language Journal, Language Learning & Technology, Journal of Educational Measurement, System, and nationally top tier ones like Modern Foreign Languages, Foreign Language Education and Foreign Language World. She presented her studies at around 40 conferences home and abroad.​​​​​​



Address:  A825 School of Foreign Studies               

                Xi’an Jiaotong University                                                                       

               28 West Xianning Road Xi'an China, 710049     

Contact:   Fax: 86-29-82665683



Research and Selected Publications


1. AI-empowered "Human-Computer Cooperation" in Foreign Language Teaching Evaluation System Construction (SK2024085) (2024-2025).

 Shaanxi Teacher Education Reform and Development (Key project) "Diagnosis and Development Trajectory of Teacher Formative Assessment Literacy for Blended Teaching"(SJS2023ZD028) (2023-2025).

2. Ministry of Science and Technology: Neuro-cognitive Diagnosis and Language Development (G2023170015L).

3. Shaanxi Higher Education Social Science Theory Research Project "Innovations in Teaching and Assessment of Advanced Foreign Language Ability Development in University Students" (2023HZ1317) (2023-2024) 

4. Xi'an Jiaotong University: Cogntive Diagnostic Assessment Based Study of Test Quality of College English Proficiecy Level.

5. Shaanxi Province Social Fund:Diagnosis and Intervention of Township Middle Schools English Based on the Balanced Development(2022K005)(2022-2025)

6. Dynamic Assessment Informed Children Picture Book Design and Development(SKH2021201)Co-winner(2021-2022)

7. Xi'an Jiaotong University, Alignment of SCE with the In-house Assessment stystem(2020-2022)

8. English Assessment Department, China Ministry of Education Fund: China Standard of English (Level 3) in Rural

Northwest China:Diagnosisi and Dynamic Intervention (EARG2020007)(2020-2022) Winner

9. Shannxi Wentou Education--XJTU, Language Education and Research on Early Children Co-winner (2020-2022)

Improvement and Assessment of Cross Cultural Ablity (2020-2022) Winner

10. National News-press Collaboration Lab (FLTRP) FundingEye-tracking Based Primary School Reading Dynamic Assessment.NKF2018BA03)(2018-2021Winner

11. ShannXi Higher Education Association Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment based Mobile technology Acceptance Model Construction (XGH17025) Winner

12. China National Social Science Fund: From EFL Listening Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment to Dynamic Intervention (16BYY096)Winner

13. (RMB 90,000) Ministry of Education, Humanities and Social FundConstruction of MALL Integrated Teaching Ecology

System for West China 2012-2015, 12YJA740057,Winner

14.  Xi’an Jiaotong University “Innovation Research Fund”: “EFL Audio-Visual Comprehension Diagnostic and Adaptive Item Pool System Based on Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment(CDA)” 2011-2013, (SK2011029) Winner

15. Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment Based Personalized English Listening Intervention and Adaption System, 2012 International Visiting Scholar GrantWinner and host professor

16. Co-inviting International Scholar (Rebecca L. Oxford) for a Short Term Visit to Xi’an Jiaotong University. 2012, No. 57 of the World Renown Expert Projects

17. Shaanxi Province Social Fund, “College Students’ use of ICT in English Study in Northwest China” 2009-2010 (No.09k004), Winner

18. Ministry of Education, Humanities and Social Fund “Personalized EFL Self-diagnostic and Tutoring System07JA7400282007-2010, 2nd head

19. Co-inviting International Scholar (Rebecca L. Oxford) for a Short Term Visit to Xi’an Jiaotong University. 2008, the World Renown Expert Projects

20. Study on College Students’ ICT Use in the Ecology of Education, Xi’an Jiaotong University Research Fund. 2008-2010. Winner




​​​​​China Minitry of Education-- British Council  Research Fund: Adopting CSE to the Cognitive Diagnostiis of EFL Learners' Inferential Ability (2020-2022)

English Writing Cognitive Diagnosis Model and Its Validation (17BYY015), Funded by China National Social Science (2017-2020) 1st participant

Research on Phonetic Category Perception (15BYY05) Funded by China National Social Science (2015-2018)

CDA Based Personalized Online English Learning Diagnosis and Advice (12BYY055), sponsored by National Social Science Foundation of China (2012-2015), 1st participant

On the Relationship between the EFL Learners Cognitive Level and Critical Thinking Competence, Shaanxi Province (2013-2015), 2nd participant

Investigation of Undergraduate EFL Learners Pragmatic Competence in Xi’an Jiaotong University (2013-2014), 1st participant   

Developing a Web System of Personalized English Learning Diagnosis and Intervention Based on Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment (2011-2013), 1st participant

Constructing Personalized English Learning and Self-diagnosis System (07JA740028) (2007-2011), 2nd participant

Function Theory Based Caption Translation Teaching, Shaanxi Province Social Fund. (2011-2012), 3rd participant

English Pronunciation Teaching Based on Brain Cognition Mechanisms, 2012-201412YJCZH022, Sponsored by Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Fund for Young Researchers (2012-2014), 2nd Participant

Exploring New Methods to Solve IDS Problems in English Pronunciation, 2011jdhz47International Cooperation Program of Xi’an Jiaotong University (2011-2013), 2nd Participant

Modern Foreign Language Education in the Light of Brain Mechanisms of Language Acquisition, Xi’an Jiaotong University “Innovation Research Fund”, (2011-2013)SK2011036

personalized English learning diagnosis and advice” as one of sub-projects “Personalized English learning system in web context” (2003-2004),  sponsored by the Funds of National Natural Science(60103022).

“Web-based personalized English learning diagnosis and advice” (2005-2007) sponsored by Fund of Teaching Reform of Xian Jiaotong University

EFL Learners’ controllable Factor-Based Personalized English Learning Strategies Tutoring and Consulting System (2002-2006), sponsored by the Chinese National Education and Science Program Planning Office.No.: FIB011311

(RMB 50,000) Chinese National Education and Science Program Planning Office “The Controllable-factors-based Individualized English Learning Styles and Strategy Consultation System”, 2003-2006


Meng, Y., & Zhang, Y. (2024). Collective reflections on James Lantolf and his influence in China. Language Teaching Research Quarterly, 46, 66-75.

Zhang, Y., Meng, Y., & Zhao, G. (2024). A dramatic perezhivanie-based analysis of EFL teacher identity development: An autoethnography. Language Teaching Research Quarterly, 46, 346-361. (corresponding author)

Nikitin A. A., & Meng, Y. (2024) Teaching Chinese students Russian verb’s aspects and tense: perspectives of concept-based languageinstruction in TRFL. Russian Language Abroad. DOI: 10.37632/PI.2024.12.17.006.

Meng, Y., Fu, H., & Wang, C. (2024). The effectiveness of computerized listening dynamic assessment: Attribute-based mediation model[J]. Language Learning & Technology, 28(1), 1–28. 

Fu, H., Meng, Y. (2024). CSE3-based Organizational and Reading Strategies on Reading Development Trajectories of Urban and Rural Secondary Students in West China, Foreign Language Testing and Teaching, (02):51-59.
Meng, Y., Zhang, Y., & Xi J. (2024) The Sociocultural Concept Perezhivanie and its Implications for a Holistic Perspective in Foreign Language Education[J]. Foreign Language Learning Theory and Practice.  2024(2):11-19.

Meng,Y., Lvy H (2024) CSE3 Informed Dynamic Assessment of Northwest Rural Secondary School EFL Learners' Reading Development.[J].Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics,2024,47(01):22-41+158.

Gao Y., Wang, X., & Meng. Y,. How Do Praxis-Oriented Themes Inform the Unity of Language Teachers’ Beliefs, Practices, and Identities? A Narrative Inquiry)[J].Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics,2024,47(01):83-100+159.

Geng,X., Meng, Y. (2024) The Construction and Validation of English Listening MCQs’ Added Distractors for Dynamic Assessment [J]. Foreign Language Teaching,2024,45(03):59-65.DOI:10.16362/j.cnki.cn61-1023/h.2024.03.008.

Meng Y, Wang Y  (March, 2024) On Personalized L2 Listening Learning Path Feedback from Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment of Difficultiess[J]. Modern Foreign Languages

Meng Y, Wang Y and Zhao N. (2023) Cognitive diagnostic assessment of EFL learners’ listening barriers through incorrect responses. Front. Psychol. 14:1126106.doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.112610

Meng Y, Cui Y. (2023)EFL Teachers’ Formative Assessment Literacy for Blended Teaching and their Developmental Trajectories[J]. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching [J](5) (CSSCI)

Meng Y., & Fu H. (2023). Modeling mediation in the dynamic assessment of listening ability from the cognitive diagnostic perspective [J]. Modern Language Journal, 00, 1– 24.

Qian X., Meng Y. & Yue Z. (2023) A Study on Development of Paraphrasing in Dynamic Assessment Integrated BlendedTeaching. Foreign Language Education2013(2): 130-135(CSSCI)
Geng X., & Meng Y.(2023)The Micro-genetic Development of English Listening Inferential Ability Based on Interactionist Approach [J]. Journal of Xi’an International Studies University) 2023(2):68-74.

Cui Y. & Meng Y.. (2023). The relationship between self-efficacy, foreign language pleasure and English proficiency from the perspective of positive psychology Foreign Languages Research 2023(1): 75-81.

Yue Z.,Zhao.K.,Meng.Y.,Qian X.,& Wu L.Toward a Better Understanding of Language Learning Motivation in a Study Abroad Context: An Investigation Among Chinese English as a Foreign Language Learners[J]. Frontiers in Psychology 202213

Meng Y., Wang Y.,Qian X.,& Wu J., Children's Social-emotional Learning Intervention Based on Englihs Picture Book Co-reading [J]. Journal of Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University 20223:21-30.

Geng X., & Meng Y., (2022) Research on Computerized L2 Dynamic Assessment:Development and Framework.Modern Foreign Languages,45 (1):126-136

Meng Y., Qian X. & Yue Z.2021The Evaluation Model Construction of EGAP Blended Instruction[J] Foreign Language World (4):27-34+70.

Meng Y.(2020)The Routledge Handbook of Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Development[J]. Contemporary Foreign Languages Studies (6):94-98.

Dong Y., Ma, X.& Meng, Y. (2020) Optimizing the Q-Matrix for a Cognitive Diagnostic EFL Listening Test [J]. Modern Foreign Languages, 43(3):389-401. 

Dong, Y., Ma, X.& Meng, Y. (2020)  The Application of Mixed-CDMs to L2 Listening Diagnostic Assessment [J]. Modern Education Technology,(3):52-58.

Meng, Y., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y, & Ma, X. (2019). Mediation-based developmental mechanism of foreign language teachers’ research ability[J]. Modern Foreign Languages, 42(6), 830-841.

Meng Y., & Qin L.  (2019)Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Development--Interview of James Lantolf[J]Foreign Language Education2019(5): 56-60(CSSCI)

Meng, Y., Liu D., & Jiang S. (2019) Influencing Factors on Listening APPs: the User and Rejecter Model [J]. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching (5) (CSSCI)

Meng Y., Zhang X., Zhang Y., & Ma X.(2019). Mediation⁃based Developmental Mechanism of Foreign Language Teachers[J]Modern Foreign Languages. 42 (6):830-841.

Meng Y., Liu D., Yan Y, & Ma, X. (2019)Preliminary Exploration on Cognitive Attribute-based Dynamic Mediation Modelling for EFL Listening[J]. Language Education. (4):43-50 

Meng Y., Ma X. & Yue Z.2018University Students’Perceptions on MALL—Evidence from Metaphors[J]. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching [J](5) (CSSCI)

Meng Y., Liu D. & He G. (2018) Mobile-assisted Language Learning Acceptance: From Model Construction to Cognitive Diagnostic Classification.[J] Modern Education Technology (8) (CSSCI)

Liu, D, & Meng, Y. (2018) A Corpus-Based Study of Conceptual Metaphors on Mobile-Assisted Language Learning [J]Modern Linguistics 2018, 6(4):616-622

Wang W, Song L, Ding S, Meng Y. An EM-Based Method for Q-Matrix Validation[J] Applied Psychological Measurement,  2018:014662161775299. (SCI)

Zhang Y. & Meng Y. (2018) Theories and Review of Oral Report Method in L2 Listening Cognitive Process [J]. Foreign Language Testing and Teaching (02):47-58.

Ding, S., Wang, W., Luo, F., Xiong, J., & Meng, Y. (2017). Irreplacability of a Reachability Martix[C]. The Meeting of the Psychometric Society (pp.229-238). Springer, Cham.

Liu H, Meng Y, Qiu H. The relationship between the cognitive levels of the questions raised by English learners and their critical thinking skills[J]. Foreign Language Learning Theory & Practice, 2016. (CSSCI)

Wang W., Song,L., Chen,P., Meng Y.& Ding, S. (2015).Attribute- and Pattern-Level Classification Consistency and Accuracy Indices for Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment [J]. Journal of Educational Measurement. (SCI)

Ma X. & Meng, Y. (2015) CDA-based EFL Listening Diagnostic Modeling: Towards Personalized Online Diagnosis. China Language Strategies. Vol.1 Nanking University Press, Nanking, China.

Oxford, L. Rebecca & Focus on context: Narratives from East Asia” [J] System. 201443:50-63(SSCI)

Meng Y. (2013). On Chinese Teaching Assistant’s Cross-Cultural Issues in Classroom Teaching in US Universities—from a Pragmatic Failure of “Never Mind"[J]. Journal of Central South University (Social Science), (CSSCI) 2013(2): 243-246

Ma X., Meng Y. and (2012) Construction and Development of Self-diagnostic and Tutoring System for Personalized EFL Audio-visual Comprehension [J]. Foreign Language Education2012(4): 59-63(CSSCI)

Meng, Y. (2012). Vocabulary Strategies in Translating Publicity-oriented Materials [J].  News Research, 2012(5): 91-92

Meng, Y. (2010). Post BAND 4 students’ Feedback on TBLT [J], Journal of English Studies, 8(4): 76-81.

Meng, Y. (2010). A Comparative Study of College Students’ IT Application in English Learning [J]. Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology (Social Sciences), 4(4): 122-127.

Meng, Y. (2010). College students’ Perceptions on TBLT[J]. Journal of Yantai University (Philosophy and Social Science). 23 sup.: 119-123.

Meng, Y. (2010) College Students’ Perceptions on the Issues of Task-based Language Teaching in Mainland China [J]. Journal of Language Teaching and Research. 1(4): 434-442

Meng, Y. (2009). College Students’ ICT Literacy and Influencing Factors in the Ecology of English Education [J]. Computer-assisted Foreign Language Education. (6): 30-34 (CSSCI)

Meng, Y. (2009) On Chinese teaching assistants’ professional development in American universities [J]. US-China Foreign Language7(10): 39-44

Meng, Y. (2009) College Students’ Use of ICT in English Study From the Perspective of Ecology of Education Information Technology. China Educational Technology & Equipment (2): 131-132

Meng, Y. (2009) An Investigation into ICT use of College Freshmen. Education for Chinese After School (Theoretic Version) (8): 105-106

Meng, Y. (2008) Development of Diagnosis and Advice System for Personalized English Learning Strategies Based on EFL Learners’ Controllable-factors. Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages 31(4): 38-42 (CSSCI)

Ma, X, Meng, Y. (2008) The Empirical Studies and System Construction of “Personalized English Learning Diagnosis and Advice”. Foreign Language Teaching and Research. 40 (3): 184-187 (CSSCI)

Meng, Y. Liu, Yi. (2003). A Case Study on Internet-assisted English Writing Instruction, Proceedings of the First National TEFL Convention. 2003

Meng, Y. (2002). Probing Information in Stresses in Listening  An Express Way to English August, 2002

Meng, Y. & Wang, D. (2002), A Case Study on After-class Audio-visual Environment  Collected Essays on Foreign Language Teaching and Research in Xi’an Jiaotong University 2002

Liu, Y. & Meng, Y. (2002) The Cultural Background of the Song Scarborough Fair  Collected Essays on Foreign Language Teaching and Research in Xi’an Jiaotong University 2002



Meng, Y. & Hua F. (2024) Chapter 5 Attribute-Based Mediation Model for EFL Listening: the Combination of Cognitive Diagnosis Assessment and Dynamic Assessment, in Dmitri Leontjevv, Matthew E. Poehner, Ari Huhta Dynamic and diagnostic language assessment: Learning across frameworks to support L2 education.

Meng, Y. (2007) A Journey to Take: the Academic and Cultural Identity Construction of Chinese Teaching Assistants in American Universities. In P. Probers, Bridging the Sino-American Divide Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ( 237-259)

Oxford, R., Meng. Y., et al. (2007) Use of Adversity: Moving Beyond L2 Learning Crises. In A. Barfield & S. H. Brown (Eds.), Reconstructing Autonomy Language Education (P131-142). New York: Palgrave Macmillan


Dynamic Assessment in EFL Listening (2016-2019s)

Personalized English Learning: Diagnosis and Guidance

EFL Audio and Visual Comprehension Diagnosis and Advice: Aural-Visual

BOOKS Edited

English for General Academic Purpose EGAPXi’an: Xi’an Jiaotong University Press,2021.8C

dan University Press.Authorship by surname sequence

Chen, X., Cao, Y., Dong, Y., Liu, R., & Meng, Y. (2009). 21st Century New College English Listening, Speaking and Watching, (Teacher’s Book, book 4) (National Planned Course book) Shanghai: Fudan University Press. Authorship by surname sequence

Meng, Y., Li, Y., & Nolan. P (2008) New Survival English for Travelling Abroad. Xi’an: Xi’an Jiaotong University Press.

Meng, Y., Li, Y., & Nolan. P (2009) New Survival English for Travelling Abroad (2nd Edition). Xi’an: Xi’an Jiaotong University Press.

Meng, Y., Li, Y., and Xie, L. (2008) 710 for Band 6 Reading. Xi’an: Xi’an Jiaotong University Press

Meng, Y., Li, Y., and Xie, L. (2009) 710 for Band 6 Reading. (2nd Edition). Xi’an: Xi’an Jiaotong University Press.

Meng, Y., (2002), Macbeth. in L. X. Du Selected American Literature, Xi’an Jiaotong University Press

Tian, P. and Meng, Y., 1999, Simulated Tests for BAND Six, Xi’an Jiaotong University Press





Ya Wang &Yaru Meng, On Personalized L2 Listening Learning Paths from the Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment of Difficulties, The Sixth Conference on English as Foreign Language Teaching and Assessment. April, 2023

Yaru Meng & Huafu, From organizational and reading strategies to reading ability in the 8th grade EFL learners, The 4th International Conference on Situating Strategy Use: Strategic Learning in an Uncertain World Victor ia University of Wellington Wellington, New Zealand, Nov.22-24, 2022. Invited Symposium presentation.

Xiaomei Ma, Wenbo Du & Yaru Meng From Online Diagnostic Language Assessment to Tailored EFL Learning – Diagnosing Learning Strategies in EFL Reading,The 4th International Conference on Situating Strategy Use: Strategic Learning in an Uncertain World Victor ia University of Wellington Wellington, New Zealand,Nov.22-24, 2022.

Yaru MengInternational Association of Applied LinguisticsAILA),Cognitive Attribute-based Dynamic Mediation Modelling for EFL Listening Development, University of Groningen, The NetherlandsAug. 15-24, 2021)

Meng Yaru (Plenary Talk) Frontiers in Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment based  Dynamic Intervention. Cognitive Diagnosis and Modern Education Techonolgy in Language Assessment (Oct. 30, 2020)

Yaru Meng International Association of Applied LinguisticsAILA),Cognitive Attribute-based Dynamic Mediation Modelling for EFL Listening Development, University of Groningen, The NetherlandsAug. 15-24, 2021)

Meng Yaru (Plenary Talk) Frontiers in Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment based  Dynamic Intervention. Cognitive Diagnosis and Modern Education Techonolgy in Language Assessment (Oct. 30, 2020) 

Meng Yaru (Plenary Talk) Frontiers in Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment based  Dynamic Intervention. Cognitive Diagnosis and Modern Education Techonolgy in Language Assessment (Oct. 30, 2020)

Geng, Xue & Meng, Yaru, Computerizd Dynamic Assessment in L2 Development: A Review and Framework Construction (2nd National In-class SLA Symposium (Oct, 18,2020)

Meng, Yaru University Students’Perceptions on MALL—Evidence from Metaphors, ICLL 2018 Conference, Rome ItalyJuly 212018

Liu, Dan & Meng YaruThe Construction of Computerized Dynamic AssessmentC-DAModel for EFL ListeningXi'an, May2018.

Meng,Yaru & Liu,Dan(2017). From Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment (CDA)to Dynamic Intervention(DA) in EFL Listening The 8th International Conference on English Language Teaching in China Oct. Xi’an, 20,2017.

Meng Yaru & Zhang Yanhua(2017). Retrospective Verbal Reports in Diagnostic Listening Test, The International Conference on Second Language Acquisition from Social Cognitive PerspectivesXi’an Oct.11,2017

Meng, Yaru, Liu,Dan & Zhang, Yanhua(2017). Immediate Retrospective Verbal Reports in L2 Listening Constructs: A Cognitive Diagnostic Approach Based Validation at the Fourth National Foreign Language Assessment ConferenceGuang Zhou. Sep.22, 2017

Yan, Yihe, Meng Yaru, Ma,xiaomei & Zhang Yanhua(2017). Construction of Attribute-based Dynamic Mediation for  Cognitive Diagnostic EFL Listening Test,   Theory and Practice: Imperatives on Contemporary second Language Acquisition Research, June 3,2017.

Meng, Yaru & Ma, Xiaomei2015. EFL Listening Diagnostic Assessment Based on Cognitive Diagnostic Approaches, International Conference on Language Testing and Assessment. Guangzhou, China. Nov.30.2015

Ma, Xiaomei & Meng, Yaru Towards Diagnostic Language Assessment (DLA): Cognitive Diagnostic Approach(CDA) and its Application in EFL Listening3rd National FL Testing Conference. Chongqing, China. Oct.17,2015.

Ma, Xiaomei & Meng, Yaru, (Keynote) Development of Personalized English Learning Diagnosis and Guidance System, at the Asia-Pacific Language Acquisition Symposium, University of Western Sydney, Australia, November 22, 2013

Meng, Yaru, Cognitive Diagnostic Approach(CDAin College EFL Listening Diagnostic Model Construction, Applied Linguistics Department, Pennsylvanian State University, PA. United States, November 15, 2013

Meng, Yaru3 Rivers TESOLPsychometric Analysis of TAP Based EFL Listening Cognitive Diagnostic ModelPittsburg University. October 26, 2013

Meng, Yaru. (2012) Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in China’s Higher Education Context, Globalization and Localization in Computer Assisted Language Learning. Oct17-20, 2012

Ma, Xiaomei & Meng, Yaru (2012) Construction of Self-diagnostic and Tutoring Online System for Personalized EFL Listening Comprehension, Globalization and Localization in Computer Assisted Language Learning. Oct17-20, 2012

Meng, Yaru & Ma, Xiaomei (2012) CDA based Verification and Establishment of College EFL Audio-Visual Comprehension Diagnostic Model, Chinese English teaching and Research Association 2012 annual meeting. Aug. 20-23, 2012

Meng, Y. and Oxford, R. (2011) Asian Doctoral Students’ Views of Task-based WebCT Discussions in an American Education Program. 3rd International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication, Macao Polytechnic Institute. June 21-24 2011

Ma, Xiaomei and Meng, Yaru (2011) Construct Validity of Online Dynamic English Audio-visual Diagnostic Tests.  3rd International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication, Macao Polytechnic Institute. June 21-24 2011

Meng, Y. (2009). EFL Teaching and Learning in China from the Perspective of Chinese Teaching Assistants in the U.S.” on June 20th, 2009. 2rd International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication Macao and Urumqi, June 18th — 24th 2009

Ma, X., & Meng, Y. (2007) Diagnosis and Advice System for Personalized English learning Strategies Based on EFL learners’ Controllable-factors. China 2007 Conference on Online Foreign Language Education, Weihai Vocational Institute, Shandong province

Meng, Y, and Li, H (2006). A Journey to Take: the Linguistic, Academic and Cultural Identity Construction of Chinese Teaching Assistants in American Universities, on Nov. 3rd 2006 “Bridging the Sino-American Divide: American Studies in an International Context” at University of Hong Kong, November 3-5, 2006

Jung, S., & Meng, Y, (2006) Information and Communication Technology Use among Chinese College Learners of English as an International Language presented at AAAL Montreal, Canada, 2006

Meng, Y. & Oxford R. (2006) How Task-based Web-CT Discussions Facilitate Academic Learning and English Acquisition of Asian Graduate Students, on August 19th 2006. In Asian FEL Conference in Fukuoka, Japan, August, 2006

Meng, Y. & Cheng, B. (2006) Chinese College Students’ Perceptions of Communicative Task-based Language Teaching. ELT IN CHINA 2006 & 3rd International Symposium on CET. At Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Nov. 7-9, 2006

Meng, Y., & Liu, Y., (2002) A Case Study on Internet-assisted English Writing Instruction, The First China National TEFL Convention, in Nanking




2022 Second Prize of Xi'an Social Science Research Achievements (1st)

2022 Thrid Prize of Xi'an Social Science Research Achievements (3rd)

2021Third Award for Shaanxi Higher Education Excellent Achievement in Humanities and Social SciencesFirst author

2021First Award for Shaanxi Higher Education Excellent Achievement in Humanities and Social SciencesThird author

2020 National Teaching Innovation(the 6th Foreign Language Micro Contest) 3rd Award (2020) (2nd participant)

2019 National Blended Teaching Design Excellent Award (2nd participant)

2019 16th Xi'an Jiaotong University Teaching Reform, 2nd Award (2nd participant)

2019 Shannxi Province College English Association Best Paper Award, 2nd Award.

2018 Shannxi Province College English Association Best Paper Award, 3rd Award

2018 the 4th National Foreign Language Mocro-class Contest, Shannxi Province. 2nd Award:"Listening Between the Lines"

2018 the 3rd Shannxi Province Mirco Class Contest. 2nd Award:"Distinguish Between Facts and Opinions".

2018 the 3rd “Science Publishing House Cup” Xi’an Jiaotong University Mirco Class Contest. 2nd Award

2017 Shannxi Province College English Association Best Paper Award, 2nd Award

2016 Excellent Online Project Award of China Ministry of Education Online Education Center.

Second Award for 2015 Higher Education Humanities and Social Sciences Achievement in Shaanxi Province

2015 Shannxi Province College English Association Best Paper Award, 2nd Award (2nd author)

2015 Shannxi Province College English Association Best Paper Award, 2nd Award (3rd author)

2018 the 4th National Foreign Language Mocro-class Contest, Shannxi Province. Second Award:"Listening Between the Lines"

2015 Higher Education Humanities and Social Sciences Achievement in Shaanxi Province,2nd Award

2011  “The 12th Xi’an Jiaotong University Best Course Book”, 2nd Award forNov. 2011

2012 School of Foreign Studies Best Teacher Award for 2011-2012

2011 2nd Award for “The 10th Shaanxi Province Humanities and Social Sciences”

“Best Teacher Award for 2009-2010”, School of Foreign Studies, Xi’an Jiaotong University

2011 School of Foreign Studies Best Teacher Award for 2010-2011

2010 3rd Award for “the First National Teaching Contest Funded by Foreign Language Teaching Education Press”, Shaanxi Province, 2010.

2010 3rd Award for “Best Papers in Annual Foreign Language Teaching Conference in Shaanxi”, 2010.

 2010 1st Award for “Teaching Contest” School of Foreign Studies, Xi’an Jiaotong University

2009 1st Award for “Teaching Contest ” Xi’an Jiaotong University

2005“Best Teacher Award for 2004-2005” School of Foreign Studies, Xi’an Jiaotong University,

2003“Best Teacher Award for 2001-2002” by School of Energy and Power Engineering 2002, Xi’an Jiaotong University,

2003“Best Teacher Award for 2000-2001” by School of Energy and Power Engineering 2001, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Education& Experience


Ph.D. in English Language and Culture, Shanghai International Studies University. 2013

M. A. in English linguistics and Applied Linguistics, School of Foreign Studies, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, 2003

B. A. of English Language & Literature Foreign Language Department, Lan Zhou University, 1995


EFL Teaching    June 1995— Present

College School of Foreign Studies, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China

Visiting Scholar with Professor James P. Lantolf   2013— 2014

Applied Linguistics Department, College of the Liberal Arts, The Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity Park, PA 16802US

Visiting Scholar with Professor Rebecca L. Oxford   2005—2006

Second Language Education, School of Education, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, US

Teacher of Chinese in Confucius Institute  Feb., 2006-August, 2006

Confucius Institute, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, US



Graduate: Frontiers in SLA Research (co-teaching)

                English Testing (MA course for Applied Linguistics)

                Statistics and Measurement Language Research (MA course for Applied Linguistics)

Undergraduate: College English Integrated Course (I-VI)—Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing

                         English  for General Academic Purpose(EGAP)