深度学习和数据驱动力学:物理信息深度均匀化方法(Physics-Informed Deep Homogenization Neural Networks 和 Deep Fourier Homogenization Networks 方法提出者 )
复合材料均匀化理论:有限体积法(FVDAM主要开发者),有限元,等几何法,Mori-Tanaka TFA
医工交叉方向:生物力学,担任法国和以色列Clevaligner公司 R&D部门Biomechanical Scientist,领导完成牙齿矫正软件开发
陈强,西安交通大学机械工程学院“青年拔尖人才支持计划”A类教授,博士生导师,国家级青年人才。先后工作于美国弗吉尼亚大学、法国国立高等工程技术大学、法国AMVALOR公司,主要研究方向为非线性本构理论、复合材料损伤和强度理论、深度学习,研究成果在法国法雷奥和Polytechnyl Sas公司得以技术转化。在本领域知名学术期刊Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng.、Int. J. Plast.、Int. J. Solids Struct.、Compos. Sci. Technol.、Composites Part A、Composites Part B等发表唯一第一/通讯作者SCI论文49篇。主持承担国家级人才项目2项、重点研发项目(课题负责人)1项,中国和法国企业课题3项。担任Composites Communications、Int. J. Smart Nano Mater.、《复合材料学报》等多个杂志青年编委。
亮点工作一: 纳米界面效应

图1 发展了纳米尺度界面效应连续介质力学方法,揭示了尺寸效应根源


1. Chen, Q., Chen, X., Zhai, Z. and Yang, Z., 2016. A new and general formulation of three-dimensional finite-volume micromechanics for particulate reinforced composites with viscoplastic phases. Composites Part B: Engineering, 85, pp.216-232.
2. Chen, Q., Zhai, Z., Zhu, X., Xu, C. and Chen, X., 2017. Numerical simulation of strain rate effect on the inelastic behavior of metal matrix composites. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 24(2), pp.279-288.
3. Chen, Q., Chen, X., Zhai, Z., Zhu, X. and Yang, Z., 2016. Micromechanical modeling of viscoplastic behavior of laminated polymer composites with thermal residual stress effect. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 138(3), p.031005.
4. Chen, Q., Wang, G., Chen, X. and Geng, J., 2017. Finite-volume homogenization of elastic/viscoelastic periodic materials. Composite Structures, 182, pp.457-470.
5. Chen, Q., Chen, X., Yang, Z., Zhai, Z. and Gao, J., 2018. Micromechanical modeling of plain woven polymer composites via 3D finite‐volume homogenization. Polymer Composites, 39(9), pp.3022-3032.
6. Chen, Q. and Wang, G., 2018. Homogenized and localized responses of coated magnetostrictive porous materials and structures. Composite Structures, 187, pp.102-115.
7. Chen, Q., Wang, G. and Pindera, M.J., 2018. Finite-volume homogenization and localization of nanoporous materials with cylindrical voids. Part 1: Theory and validation. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 70, pp.141-155.
8. Chen, Q., Wang, G. and Chen, X., 2018. Three-dimensional parametric finite-volume homogenization of periodic materials with multi-scale structural applications. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 10(04), p.1850045.
9. Chen, Q., Wang, G. and Pindera, M.J., 2018. Homogenization and localization of nanoporous composites-A critical review and new developments. Composites Part B: Engineering, 155, pp.329-368.
10. Chen, Q., Tu, W., Liu, R. and Chen, X., 2018. Parametric multiphysics finite-volume theory for periodic composites with thermo-electro-elastic phases. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 29(4), pp.530-552.
11. Chen, Q. and Wang, G., 2019. PSO-driven micromechanical identification of in-situ properties of fiber-reinforced composites. Composite Structures, 220, pp.608-621.
12. Chen, Q. and Pindera, M.J., 2020. Homogenization and localization of elastic-plastic nanoporous materials with Gurtin-Murdoch interfaces: An assessment of computational approaches. International Journal of Plasticity, 124, pp.42-70.
13. Chen, Q., Sun, Y., Wang, G. and Pindera, M.J., 2019. Finite-volume homogenization and localization of nanoporous materials with cylindrical voids. Part 2: New results. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 73, pp.331-348.
14. Chen, Q. and Wang, G., 2020. Computationally-efficient homogenization and localization of unidirectional piezoelectric composites with partially cracked interface. Composite Structures, 232, p.111452.
15. Chen, Q., Tu, W. and Ma, M., 2020. Deep learning in heterogeneous materials: Targeting the thermo-mechanical response of unidirectional composites. Journal of Applied Physics, 127(17).
16. Chen, Q., Zhu, J., Tu, W. and Wang, G., 2021. A tangent finite-volume direct averaging micromechanics framework for elastoplastic porous materials: Theory and validation. International Journal of Plasticity, 139, p.102968.
17. Chen, Q., Chatzigeorgiou, G. and Meraghni, F., 2021. Hybrid hierarchical homogenization theory for unidirectional CNTs-coated fuzzy fiber composites undergoing inelastic deformations. Composites Science and Technology, 215, p.109012.
18. Chen, Q., Chatzigeorgiou, G. and Meraghni, F., 2021. Extended mean-field homogenization of viscoelastic-viscoplastic polymer composites undergoing hybrid progressive degradation induced by interface debonding and matrix ductile damage. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 210, pp.1-17.
19. Chen, Q., Jia, R. and Pang, S., 2021. Deep long short-term memory neural network for accelerated elastoplastic analysis of heterogeneous materials: An integrated data-driven surrogate approach. Composite Structures, 264, p.113688.
20. Chen, Q., Chen, W. and Wang, G., 2021. Fully-coupled electro-magneto-elastic behavior of unidirectional multiphased composites via finite-volume homogenization. Mechanics of Materials, 154, p.103553.
21. Chen, Q., Chatzigeorgiou, G., Meraghni, F. and Javili, A., 2022. Homogenization of size-dependent multiphysics behavior of nanostructured piezoelectric composites with energetic surfaces. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 96, p.104731.
22. Chen, Q., Chatzigeorgiou, G., Robert, G. and Meraghni, F., 2022. Viscoelastic-viscoplastic homogenization of short glass-fiber reinforced polyamide composites (PA66/GF) with progressive interphase and matrix damage: New developments and experimental validation. Mechanics of Materials, 164, p.104081.
23 Chen, Q., Chatzigeorgiou, G. and Meraghni, F., 2023. Extended mean-field homogenization of unidirectional piezoelectric nanocomposites with generalized Gurtin-Murdoch interfaces. Composite Structures, 307, p.116639.
24. Chen, Q., Meraghni, F. and Chatzigeorgiou, G., 2023. Recursive multiscale homogenization of multiphysics behavior of fuzzy fiber composites reinforced by hollow carbon nanotubes. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 34(4), pp.461-475.
25. Chen, Q., Chatzigeorgiou, G., Robert, G. and Meraghni, F., 2023. Combination of mean-field micromechanics and cycle jump technique for cyclic response of PA66/GF composites with viscoelastic–viscoplastic and damage mechanisms. Acta Mechanica, 234(4), pp.1533-1552.
26. Chen, Q., Du, X., Wang, W., Chatzigeorgiou, G., Meraghni, F. and Zhao, G., 2023. Isogeometric homogenization of viscoelastic polymer composites via correspondence principle. Composite Structures, 323, p.117475.
27. Chen, Q. and He, Z., 2023. Tailoring superelastic and transformation-induced plastic response of shape memory multilayers with wavy architectures. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, pp.1-16.
28. Chen, Q. and He, Z., 2024. Finite-volume micromechanics-based multiscale analysis of composite structural model accounting for elastoplastic and ductile damage mechanisms. Composites Communications, 45, p.101801.
29 Chen, Q., Xiao, C., Yang, Z., Tabet, J. and Chen, X., 2024. Deep neural network homogenization of multiphysics behavior for periodic piezoelectric composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p.108421.
30. Qiang Chen, George Chatzigeorgiou, Fodil Meraghni, Xuefeng Chen, Zhibo Yang, 2025. Physics-Informed Deep Homogenization Approach for Random Nanoporous Composites with Energetic Interfaces, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
31. Qiang Chen , Wenqiong Tu, Jiajun Wu, Zhelong He, George Chatzigeorgiou, Fodil Meraghni, Zhibo Yang , Xuefeng Chen,2025, Elasticity-inspired data-driven micromechanics theory for unidirectional composites with interfacial damage, European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids
1. Wang, G., Tu, W. and Chen, Q., 2019. Homogenization and localization of imperfectly bonded periodic fiber-reinforced composites. Mechanics of Materials, 139, p.103178.
2. Wang, G., Tu, W. and Chen, Q., 2019. Characterization of interphase/interface parameters of unidirectional fibrous composites by optimization-based inverse homogenization. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 11(08), p.1950074.
3. Wang, G., Gao, M., Yang, B. and Chen, Q., 2020. The morphological effect of carbon fibers on the thermal conductive composites. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 152, p.119477.
4. Wang, G., Chen, Q., Gao, M., Yang, B. and Hui, D., 2020. Generalized locally-exact homogenization theory for evaluation of electric conductivity and resistance of multiphase materials. Nanotechnology Reviews, 9(1), pp.1-16.
5. Tu, W. and Chen, Q., 2020. Evolution of interfacial debonding of a unidirectional graphite/polyimide composite under off-axis loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 230, p.106947.
6. Tu, W. and Chen, Q., 2020. Homogenization and localization of unidirectional fiber-reinforced composites with evolving damage by FVDAM and FEM approaches: A critical assessment. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 239, p.107280.
7. Wang, G., He, Z. and Chen, Q., 2021. The surface effects on solid and hollow nanowires under diametral loading. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 96, pp.697-718.
8. Tu, W. and Chen, Q., 2021. Electromechanical response of multilayered piezoelectric BaTiO3/PZT-7A composites with wavy architecture. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 32(17), pp.1966-1986.
9. Jiang, J., Zhao, J., Pang, S., Meraghni, F., Siadat, A. and Chen, Q., 2022. Physics-informed deep neural network enabled discovery of size-dependent deformation mechanisms in nanostructures. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 236, p.111320.
10. Wu, J., Jiang, J., Chen, Q., Chatzigeorgiou, G. and Meraghni, F., 2023. Deep homogenization networks for elastic heterogeneous materials with two-and three-dimensional periodicity. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 284, p.112521.
11. Jiang, J., Wu, J., Chen, Q., Chatzigeorgiou, G. and Meraghni, F., 2023. Physically informed deep homogenization neural network for unidirectional multiphase/multi-inclusion thermoconductive composites. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 409, p.115972.
12. Tu, W., Wang, S. and Chen, Q., 2023. Continuum damage mechanics-based finite-volume homogenization of unidirectional elastoplastic fiber-reinforced composites. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 32(4), pp.549-578.
13. He, Z., Liu, J. and Chen, Q., 2023. Higher-order asymptotic homogenization for piezoelectric composites. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 264, p.112092.
14. Wang, G., Huang, Y, Gao, M. and Chen, Q., 2024. Micromechanics of Thermal Conductive Composites: Review, Developments and Applications, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica
15 Du, X., Chen, Q., George, C., Meraghni, F., Wang, W. and Zhao, G., 2024. Isogeometric homogenization of unidirectional nanocomposites with energetic surfaces. Acta Mechanica, pp.1-19.
16 Wu, J., Chen, Q., Jiang, J., Chatzigeorgiou, G. and Meraghni, F., 2024. Adaptive deep homogenization theory for periodic heterogeneous materials. Composite Structures,340, p.118171.
17 Du, X., Chen, Q., Chatzigeorgiou, G., Meraghni, F., Zhao, G. and Chen, X., 2024. Nitsche’s Method Enhanced Isogeometric Homogenization of Unidirectional Composites with Cylindrically Orthotropic Carbon/Graphite Fibers. Composites Science and Technology, 256(3), p.110787.
18 Tu, W., Jiang, H. and Chen, Q., 2024. Multiphysics Homogenization And Localization of Wavy Brick-And-Mortar Architectures with Piezoelectric Effects, Mechanics of Composite Materials, 60(4), pp. 703-716.
1. Zhu, X., Chen, X., Zhai, Z., Yang, Z. and Chen, Q., 2017. The effects of thermal residual stresses and interfacial properties on the transverse behaviors of fiber composites with different microstructures. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 24(1), pp.41-51.
2. Wang, G., Chen, Q., He, Z. and Pindera, M.J., 2018. Homogenized moduli and local stress fields of unidirectional nano-composites. Composites Part B: Engineering, 138, pp.265-277.
3. Chen, X., Wang, S., Qiao, B. and Chen, Q., 2018. Basic research on machinery fault diagnostics: Past, present, and future trends. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 13, pp.264-291.
4. Zhao, X., Tu, W., Chen, Q. and Wang, G., 2021. Progressive modeling of transverse thermal conductivity of unidirectional natural fiber composites. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 162, p.106782.
5. Zhao, X., Wang, G., Chen, Q., Duan, L. and Tu, W., 2021. An effective thermal conductivity and thermomechanical homogenization scheme for a multiscale Nb3Sn filaments. Nanotechnology Reviews, 10(1), pp.187-200.
6. Zhao, X., Wang, J., Chen, Q., Jiang, H., Chen, C. and Tu, W., 2023. Microstructure design and optimization of multilayered piezoelectric composites with wavy architectures. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, pp.1-17.
7. Chatzigeorgiou, G., Meraghni, F. and Chen, Q., 2024. Fully coupled nonlinear thermomechanical modeling of composites using mean-field Mori–Tanaka scheme combined with TFA theory. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 296, p.112828.
8. He, Z., Zheng, J., Chen, Q. and Liu, J., 2024. Design optimization of continuous fiber composites with thermo-mechanical coupling and load uncertainties. Composites Communications, p.102143.