
课题组特邀综述论文在《High Voltage》杂志正式发表
发布者: 李盛涛 | 2017-06-30 | 215

          近日,由李盛涛教授和李建英教授联合撰写的特邀综述文章在High Voltage期刊上正式发表。该文章全面地介绍了电力设备(变压器、GIS、电缆、外绝缘、风力发电、电力电容器等)状态监测与诊断技术方面的研究进展和存在问题。同时,文章将电力设备的状态评价、故障诊断与物联网、云计算、大数据等技术结合,提出了未来研究与发展的方向。




Title: Condition monitoring and diagnosis of power equipment: review and prospective

Authors: Shengtao Li, Jianying Li

Abstract: To ensure the power system operates safely and reliably, it is essential to monitor and evaluate the health condition of power equipment on-line or off-line. This study reviews the research status in condition monitoring and diagnosis of power equipment, including transformer, gas insulated switchgear, cable, external insulation, generator, and power capacitor in recent years. Although much progress has been made in technologies of condition monitoring and fault diagnosis such as test accuracy, fast and accurate fault localization and recognition of fault types, there are still many deficiencies which needs further research work, including the reliability of signal collection from sensors, the accuracy of data treatment and analysis, anti-interference performance of test equipment, appropriate models used for condition evaluation. The prospective of condition monitoring and diagnosis technologies of power equipment are also presented in this study. It is proposed that the application of big data, internet of things and cloud computing should be expected and given special attention in the near future.




(撰稿:聂永杰 编辑:Leon)