
许林峰,教授,博导,主持并承担国家重点研发计划“基础科研条件与重大科学仪器设备研发”重点专项、国自然面上项目、中央引导地方专项等多个国家、省级项目,入选国家海外引才、陕西省三秦引才等人才项目,总经费超千万。获得多个美国专利,并转化初创公司(完成C轮融资),相关成果发表在Nature CommunicationsAdvanced MaterialsNature MethodsLab Chip等(Google Scholar)。实验室针对生化、医学等领域的实际问题,开展学科交叉,从事“硬件研发”(微流控、质谱、光学等仪器的研发、构建与自动化控制)与“软件开发“(大数据算法、多组学数据分析),需要自动化、机械、测控、计算机等工程学科和数学、物理、生物、化学、医学等多学科学生、博后、实验人员等优秀人才,课题组经费充足,科研及转化经验丰富,尊重并支持个人兴趣与未来发展,欢迎报考硕博及联系加入!





We are looking to recruit creative, idea-generating, and self-driven researchers. Our laboratory offers exceptional training across multiple disciplines, which is ideal for individuals who aspire to establish independent, research-focused careers in academia or industry. We adhere to a philosophy that advocates conducting top-notch scientific research by developing tools and methodologies to address critical biological inquiries that have significant real-world applications, using data produced within our lab. If you are enthusiastic about acquiring the mindset of a principal investigator, taking intellectual risks, and exploring uncharted territories in order to make significant advancements in knowledge and technology, we warmly encourage you to apply.


Lab: Chuangxingang Campus

School of Automation Science and Engineering

Xi'an Jiaotong University


Email: xu.linfeng@xjtu.edu.cn

          xu.linfeng at outlook.com



文章 Papers

  1. Pengfei Zhang, Linfeng Xu, Huawei Chen, and Adam R. Abate. “Flow cytometric printing of double emulsions into open droplet arrays”, Lab on a Chip, 23(10): 2371-2377 (2023).

  2. Madrigal, Justin L., Nathan G. Schoepp, Linfeng Xu, Codian S. Powell, Cyrille L. Delley, Christian A. Siltanen, Jay Danao, Maithreyan Srinivasan, Russell H. Cole, and Adam R. Abate. "Characterizing cell interactions at scale with made-to-order droplet ensembles (MODEs)." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, no. 5 (2022).

  3. Linfeng Xu, Xiangpeng Li, Wenzong Li, Nannan Tao, Kai-chun Chang and Adam R. Abate. “Microbowls with controlled concavity for accurate microscale mass spectrometry”, Advanced Materials, 2022, 34(12) (2022).

  4. Linfeng Xu, Kai-Chun Chang, Emory M. Payne, Cyrus Modavi, Leqian Liu, Claire M. Palmer, Nannan Tao, Hal S. Alper, Robert T. Kennedy, Dale S. Cornett and Adam Abate. “Mapping enzyme catalysis with metabolic biosensing”, Nature Communications 12, 6803 (2021).

  5. Linfeng Xu*, Anyang Wang, Xiangpeng Li, and Kwang W. Oh. "Passive micropumping in microfluidics for point-of-care testing." Biomicrofluidics 14, no. 3: 031503, (2020). (Corresponding Author).

  6. Yang, B., Chen, X., Wang, Y., Feng, S., Pessino, V., Stuurman, N., Cho, N.H., Cheng, K.W., Lord, S.J., Linfeng Xu, Xie, D. and B. Huang. “Epi-illumination SPIM for volumetric imaging with high spatial-temporal resolution”. Nature methods, 16(6), pp.501-504, (2019).

  7. Hun Lee, Domin Koh, Linfeng Xu, Sindhu Row, Stelios T. Andreadis and Kwang W. Oh, "A Simple Method for Fabrication of Microstructures Using a PDMS Stamp", Micromachines, 7, 173, (2016).

  8. Linfeng Xu, Hun Lee, Deekshitha Jetta, and Kwang W. Oh. "Vacuum-driven power-free microfluidics utilizing the gas solubility or permeability of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)." Lab on a Chip 15, 20, 3962-3979, (2015).

  9. Linfeng Xu, Hun Lee, Mariana Vanderlei Brasil Pinheiro, Phil Schneider, Deekshitha Jetta and Kwang W. Oh, “Phaseguide-assisted blood separation microfluidic chip for point-of-care (POC) applications,” Biomicrofluidics, 9, 014106, (2015).

  10. Linfeng Xu, Hun Lee and Kwang W. Oh, “Syringe-assisted point-of-care micropumping utilizing the gas permeability of polydimethylsiloxane,” Microfluid Nanofluid, 17, 4, 745-750, (2014).

  11. Hun Lee, Linfeng Xu and Kwang W. Oh, “Droplet-based microfluidic washing module for magnetic particle-based assays,” Biomicrofluidics, 8, 044113, 4, (2014).

  12. Hun Lee, Linfeng Xu, D. Koh, N. Nyayapathi and Kwang W. Oh, "Various on-chip sensors with microfluidics for biological applications," Sensors, 14, 17008-17036, (2014).

  13. Linfeng Xu, Hun Lee, Rajagopal Panchapakesan and Kwang W. Oh, “Fusion and sorting of two parallel trains of droplets using a railroad-like channel network and guiding tracks,” Lab chip, 9, 3936-3942, (2012). (Featured in the cover page.)

  14. Hun Lee, Linfeng Xu, Byungwook Ahn, Kangsun Lee and Kwang W. Oh, "Continuous-flow in-droplet magnetic particle separation in a droplet-based microfluidic platform," Microfluid Nanofluid, 13, 613-623, (2012).

  15. Kangsun Lee, Choong Kim, Jae Young Yang, Hun Lee, Byungwook Ahn, Linfeng Xu, Ji Yoon Kang, and Kwang W. Oh, "Gravity-oriented microfluidic device for uniform and massive cell spheroid formation," Biomicrofluidics, 6, 014114, (2012).

  16. Jing Xu, Byungwook Ahn, Hun Lee, Linfeng Xu, Kangsun Lee, Rajagopal Panchapakesan, Kwang W Oh, "Droplet-based microfluidic device for multiple-droplet clustering," Lab Chip,12, 725-730, (2012).

  17. Hun Lee, Kangsun Lee, Byungwook Ahn, Linfeng Xu and Kwang W. Oh, "A new fabrication process for SU-8 thick photoresist structures by simultaneously removing edge-bead and air bubbles," J. Micromech. Microeng., 21, 125006, (2011).

  18. Byungwook Ahn, Kangsun Lee, Hun Lee, Rajagopal Panchapakesan, Linfeng Xu, Jing Xu and Kwang W. Oh, "Guiding, distribution, and storage of trains of shape-dependent droplets," Lab Chip, 11, 3915-3918, (2011).

  19. Gang Liu and Linfeng Xu, "Analysis and application of image fusion method Based on NSCT," Control and Decision, Vol. 25 No. 4, 1001-0920 04-0623, (2010).