
ASME Transactions-Journal of Heat Transfer 期刊副主编Phil Ligrani教授讲座预告
发布者: 谢永慧 | 2012-05-20 | 15

应能动学院叶轮机械研究所谢永慧教授的邀请,美国 Saint Louis University航空工程技术学院PHIL LIGRANI教授近期来访我校,访问期间将作学术报告。

报告名称:Experimental Investigations of Jet Array Impingement Heat Transfer and Full-Coverage Film Cooling



PHIL LIGRANI教授是流动与传热领域,特别是燃机叶片强化传热方面的知名学者,目前担任ASME Transactions-Journal of Heat Transfer Associate Editor


Dr. Phil Ligrani is currently the Oliver L. Parks Endowed Chair, and Director of Graduate Programs at Parks College of Saint Louis University. His previous academic position was as the Donald Schultz Professor of Turbomachinery in the Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford. There, from 2006 to 2009, he was also Director of Oxford University’s Rolls-Royce UTC (University Technology Centre) in Heat Transfer and Aerodynamics. As of January 2012, Dr. Ligrani is author or co-author of more than 140 publications in archival journals, 7 book chapters, as well as approximately 92 conference publications and presentations. From 1995 to 2011, he also presented approximately 74 lectures at different institutions and establishments, including many invited lectures.

Dr. Ligrani’s general research areas include convective heat transfer, laminar, turbulent and transitional flows, micro-scale flow and heat transfer, turbomachinery flows, and experimental techniques. Specific research projects focus on gas turbine heat transfer and cooling, film cooling, internal cooling, surface heat transfer augmentation, transonic flows, aerodynamic losses in turbines, effects of surface roughness, electronics cooling, micro-scale heat transfer and flow phenomena, micro-scale and miniature pump flows, protein laden flows, bio-medical particle-laden flows, and general heat transfer topics including mixed convection, conduction heat transfer, and two-phase flows. Interests also include topics in applied analytic chemistry, including Continuous SPLITT Fractionation.