




















2016 – 2020 加州大学戴维斯分校(UC Davis),结构工程,博士学位 (导师:Rob Y. H. Chai教授)

2015 – 2016 纽约州立大学布法罗分校(SUNY Buffalo),结构工程,博士就读

2013 – 2015 同济大学,桥梁工程,工学硕士学位 (导师:刘玉擎教授)

2009 – 2013 同济大学,土木工程,工学学士学位 (导师:刘玉擎教授)

2009 – 2011 同济大学数理强化班,数学学位

2006 – 2009 湖南省长沙市第一中学,竞赛实验班,物理竞赛队,高中


2023 –          西安交通大学,副教授/硕士生导师

2021 – 2023 西安交通大学,助理教授/硕士生导师

2018 – 2020 加州大学戴维斯分校,助教 (Teaching Assistant)

2016 – 2018 加州大学戴维斯分校,助研 (Research Assistant)

2015 – 2016 纽约州立大学布法罗分校,助教 (Teaching Assistant)


(1) 快速桥梁施工(Accelerated Bridge ConstructionABC)

(2) -混凝土组合结构桥梁研究

(3) 混凝土桥面板的替换和加固

(4) 超高性能混凝土(UHPC)在桥梁工程中的应用

(5) 超高性能混凝土(UHPC)时变、断裂、疲劳性能研究




¡ 国家自然科学基金,UHPC加固破损混凝土桥面板中约束收缩与界面疲劳退化耦合机理研究,主持

¡ 旧桥检测与加固技术交通行业重点实验室,UHPC加固破损混凝土桥面板中约束收缩与界面II型疲劳耦合机理研究, 主持

¡ 陕西省科学技术厅“'秦创原'技术创新引导专项”,在役桥隧精准评估、病害处治及长寿命养护材料科学家+工程师队伍,科学家负责人

¡ 陕西省交通运输厅,超高性能混凝土(UHPC)加固破损混凝土桥面板方案智能优化和性能智能评估研究,主研

¡ 陕西省交通运输厅,不中断交通条件下空心板梁抗剪加固成套技术研究,主研

¡ 陕西省交通运输厅,大吨位预应力碳纤维板锚固体系在桥梁主动加固中的应用及应力监测研究,主研

¡ 广西防灾减灾与工程安全重点实验室,管内填充混凝土对钢管混凝土混合结构节点疲劳性能影,第二负责人

¡ 美国加州交通厅,Post-Tensioned Concrete Box-Girder Bridge Deck Replacement Analysis,第二负责人

¡ 中国交通运输部, FRP组合梁桥设计与快速施工关键技术研究,主要参与




¡   FRP屋盖-钢桁架棚洞力学性能研究与结构设计,主持

¡ 钢桥长寿命新型夹芯桥面板力学性能研究,第二负责人

¡ 新型装配式钢结构梁柱节点力学性能研究,第二负责人

¡ 超大跨径悬索桥钢箱梁 U 肋变形及疲劳性能研究,第二负责人

¡ 大跨度钢结构智能装配建造关键技术研究,主要参与

¡ 大跨度公轨合建钢桁梁桥建造关键技术研究,主要参与

¡ 普通跨径钢混组合结构桥梁应用研究, 主要参与

¡ 钢构与混凝土组合薄壁高桥墩关键技术及应用研究,主要参与




期刊论文 (一作及通讯)

¡Youyou Zhang, Hucheng Feng, Syed Yasir Shah, Haohui Xin*. "Effect of shrinkage-mitigating additive and curing condition on flexural and fracture behavior of Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) unnotched beam" Construction and Building Materials 445 (2024): 137890

¡Youyou Zhang, Lan Duan, Haohui Xin, Chunsheng Wang*. "Shrinkage behavior of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) in cold winter conditions with shrinkage reducing agent (SRA) and expansive agent (EA)." Construction and Building Materials 436 (2024): 136645.

¡Shaohua He, Xu Huang, Huaqian Zhong, Zhiyong Wan, Gao Liu, Haohui Xin, Youyou Zhang*. "Experimental study on bond performance of UHPC-to-NC interfaces: Constitutive model and size effect." Engineering Structures 317 (2024): 118681.

¡Junqiang Li, Haohui Xin, Youyou Zhang*, Qinglin Gao, Hengyu Zhang. "Ultimate resistance and fatigue performance predictions of woven-based fiber reinforced polymers using a computational homogenization method." International Journal of Structural Integrity (2024).

¡Haohui Xin, Gao Liu, Youyou Zhang*, Xiao Guo, Jie Li, Milan Veljkovic. "Discussion on ultimate resistance formulas of high-strength bolts under tensile-shear coupling loading." Journal of Constructional Steel Research 220 (2024): 108848.

¡Youyou Zhang*, Y. H. Chai. “An analytical model to evaluate short- and long-term performances of post-tensioned concrete box-girder bridges rehabilitated by an ultra-high-performance concrete overlay”. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2023, 28(3).

¡Qinglin Gao, Haohui Xin*, Youyou Zhang*. “Experimental investigation on transverse tension-tension fatigue behavior of pultruded glass-fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) unidirectional lamina”. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 399

¡Youyou Zhang, Qing Sun*, Haohui Xin, Yuqing Liu, José A.F.O. Correia, Filippo Berto. “Probabilistic flexural fatigue strength of ultra-lightweight cement concrete and high strength lightweight aggregate concrete.” International Journal of Fatigue, 2022, 158

¡Youyou Zhang*, Y. H. Chai. “Numerical Analysis of Bridge Deck Rehabilitation by ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) Overlay. Structures. 2021, 33: 4791-4802.

¡Haohui Xin, Yuqing Liu, Ayman Mosallam, Jose A.F.O. Correia, Youyou Zhang*, Jun He. “Numerical simulation of non-fick moisture diffusion of pultruded composite GFRP bridge deck plates.” Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. 2021,35(6),1-12

¡Haohui Xin, Yuqing Liu, Ayman Mosallam, Youyou Zhang*, Jun He. “Moisture diffusion in web-flange junctions of pultruded GFRP bridge profies.” Polymer Composites.2021,42(12):6570-6587

¡Youyou Zhang, Haohui Xin*, and José AFO Correia. "Fracture evaluation of ultra-high-performance fiber reinforced concrete (UHPFRC)." Engineering Failure Analysis 120 (2021): 105076.

¡Youyou Zhang*, Y. H. Chai. “Bridge Deck Replacement for Post-tensioned Concrete Box Girder Bridges”. Journal of Bridge Engineering 25, no. 12 (2020): 04020107.

¡Youyou Zhang, Yuqing Liu, Haohui Xin*, Jun He. "Numerical parametric study on ultimate load and ductility of concrete encased equal-leg angle steel composite columns." Engineering Structures 200 (2019): 109679.

¡Youyou Zhang, Ayman Mosallam, Yuqing Liu, Yun Sun, Haohui Xin*, and Jun He. (2019). “Assessment of Flexural Behavior of Pultruded GFRP Laminates for Bridge Deck Applications”. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2019:6751636.




¡Zhang, Y., and Chai, Y. H. (2019). “Post-Tensioned Concrete Box-Girder Bridge Deck Replacement Analysis”. No. CA19-2781. California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), Sacramento, California, USA




¡张由由 (2024). “Effect of shrinkage-mitigating additive and curing condition on flexural and fracture behavior of Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) beam”. Disaster Prevention and Resilience 研讨会,线上,中国, 2024730

¡张由由 (2023). “不同外加剂及养护条件下超高性能混凝土(UHPC)断裂性能试验及相场模拟”. -混凝土组合结构分会第十八次学术会议,武汉,中国, 202362~64

¡张由由 (2023). “冬季低温养护环境中不同外加剂UHPC收缩及基本力学性能研究”. 第十二届全国高强与高性能混凝土学术交流会, 北京,中国, 2023414~416

¡张由由 (2022). “后张预应力混凝土箱梁桥及正交异性钢桥面板加固效果评估研究”. 2022世界交通运输大会WTC (桥梁疲劳断裂和长寿命设计与运维论坛) 线上,中国, 2022122

¡Zhang, Y., Chai, Y. H. (2019). “Evaluation of Bridge Deck Replacement by Use of Full-depth Precast Panels for Post-tensioned Concrete Box Girder Bridges”. 2019 International Accelerated Bridge Construction Conference, Miami, USA, December 12-13, 2019

¡Zhang, Y., Liu Y. Q., Xin, H. H. (2015). “Study on Integral Composite Bridge considering Pile-Soil Effect and Girder-Abutment Joint Performance”. IABSE Conference Nara 2015 ‘Elegance in Structures’, Nara, Japan, May 13-15, 2015

¡Zhang, Y., Xin, H. H., Liu, Y. Q., Du, A. (2014). “Tensile Behavior of Pultruded Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets for Bridge Engineering”. The 7th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2014), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 19-22, 2014.

¡Zhang, Y., Liu Y. Q. (2014). “Mechanical Performance of Integral Composite Bridge with Innovative Steel Girder-Abutment Joints”. The 27th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Shanghai, China, November 9-12, 2014

¡Zhang, Y., Liu, Y. Q., Wu, J. L., Zhao, C. J. (2013). “Theoretical Calculation of Girder-Abutment Hybrid Joint”. The 14th Academic Conference of China Steel Construction Society Association for Steel-Concrete Composite Structures, Xi’an, Shanxi Province, September 13-15, 2013.









  ECI 213 Analysis of Structures Subjected to Dynamic Loads, UC Davis (高等结构动力学)

  ECI 130 Structural Analysis, UC Davis (结构力学)

  ECI 135 Structural Design: Concrete Elements, UC Davis (混凝土原理)

  ECI 201 Introduction to Theory of Elasticity, UC Davis (弹性力学)

  CIE 324 Structural Analysis 2, SUNY Buffalo (结构力学)

  EAC 209 Mechanics of Materials, SUNY Buffalo (材料力学)

  CIE 308 Engineering Statistics, SUNY Buffalo (工程统计学)


¡担任以下期刊审稿人: ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Engineering Structures, Composites Part B: Engineering, Structures, Engineering Failure Analysis, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering


¡担任以下期刊首席客座编辑/客座编辑: Buildings, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering , Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures


2023 天津市钢结构学会科学技术奖二等奖 (个人排名第4)

2017 加州大学戴维斯分校学术研究口头汇报竞赛(UC Slam),全校前10

2015 纽约州立大学布法罗分校,校长奖学金

2015 纽约州立大学布法罗分校,院长奖学金

2014 同济大学桥梁工程系,国家奖学金

2013 全美数学建模竞赛,二等奖

2012 全国高等学校土木工程专业本科优秀创新实践成果奖,三等奖

2011 同济大学第 12 届结构竞赛,一等奖

2011 8 届周培源全国力学竞赛,三等奖

2011 同济大学物理竞赛,二等奖

2009 入选同济大学数理强化班

常用软件 & 兴趣爱好

常用软件       CSiBridge, ABAQUS, ANSYS, SAP2000, MATLAB, Excel VBA, AutoCAD

兴趣爱好      小提琴,长跑,户外运动,乒乓球