¡ 2023级硕士
★ 姓名:冯虎城
★ 兴趣爱好:健身、游泳、听书
★ 座右铭:好好运动,好好学习,好好玩耍,好好吃饭,好好休息,过一个开心有趣,精神百倍的人生
★ 研究方向:UHPC加固破损混凝土桥面板中约束收缩与界面断裂/疲劳退化耦合机理研究
★ 研究成果:
(1) Youyou Zhang, Hucheng Feng, Syed Yasir Shah, Haohui Xin*. "Effect of shrinkage-mitigating additive and curing condition on flexural and fracture behavior of Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) unnotched beam" Construction and Building Materials 445 (2024): 137890
(2) 冯虎城. “超高性能混凝土(UHPC)加固破损混凝土桥面板中约束收缩研究”. 第四届土木水利工程学科研究生论坛, 珠海, 中国, 2023年12月10日
(3) Youyou Zhang, Syed Yasir Shah, Hucheng Feng, Haohui Xin*. “Fracture crack propagation in ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) flexural beam with I-type and I-II mixed type notch.” Engineering Structures (Under review)
★ 姓名:Syed Yasir Shah
★ 兴趣爱好:Gardening, Reading, Swimming, Boxing
★ 座右铭:Beyond Limits: Explore, Innovate, Achieve
★ 邮箱:syedyasir1741@qq.com
★ 研究方向:
(1) 不中断交通条件下空心板梁抗剪加固成套技术研究
(2) 超高性能混凝土腐蚀性能研究
★ 研究成果:
(1) Youyou Zhang, Hucheng Feng, Syed Yasir Shah, Haohui Xin*. "Effect of shrinkage-mitigating additive and curing condition on flexural and fracture behavior of Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) unnotched beam" Construction and Building Materials 445 (2024): 137890
(2) Syed Yasir Shah, Youyou Zhang*, Haohui Xin. “Understanding the corrosion behavior in normal concrete and Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC): a comprehensive review” (In revision)
(3) Youyou Zhang, Syed Yasir Shah, Hucheng Feng, Haohui Xin*. “Fracture crack propagation in ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) flexural beam with I-type and I-II mixed type notch.” Engineering Structures (Under review)
★ 姓名:Simba Awadh Miraj
★ 兴趣爱好:游泳、踢球、看书
★ 座右铭:好好踢球,好好学习,好好吃饭,好好休息,快乐的人生和诚实的自由
★ 邮箱:awadhsimba11@gmail.com
★ 研究方向:基于物理嵌入机器学习 UHPC-旧混凝土界面性能智能评估
¡ 2024级硕士
★ 姓名:赵佳蕊
★ 兴趣爱好:健身 (ACE证书)、小提琴(十级)、户外运动
★ 座右铭:行远自迩,笃行不怠
★ 邮箱:zhaojiarui06@163.com
★ 研究方向:超高性能混凝土(UHPC)加固破损混凝土桥面板方案智能优化和性能智能评估研究
¡ 本科生毕业论文/毕业设计
★ 姚子恺:《UHPC加固混凝土桥面板约束收缩机理研究》
★ 张晨阳:《(65+120+65)m三跨预应力混凝土连续刚构桥设计》
★ 李星宇:《2×56m铁路预应力混凝土T构桥设计》