
Dr. Prof. Yaping Wang(王亚平)

Department of Materials Physics

School of Sciences

Xi’an Jiaotong University

Xi’an, Shaanxi Province  710049

People’s Republic of China

E-mail: ypwang@mail.xjtu.edu.cn





l  10吨量级高强高导铜合金工业制备技术

l  -金刚石、钼-铜、铜-铁、铜-高导石墨电子封装材料

l  -金刚石、硅-铝、铝-碳化硅、铝-高导石墨电子封装材料

l  粉末冶金特种铝合金及其复合材料

l  高纯铜、高纯钴、高纯合金靶材及超纯合金粉末

l  铜铬系列触头材料、无银低银触点材料

l  通用熔渗技术

l  电弧与电接触理论





1.       研制成功高强高导铜合金10吨量级铸锭的连续化生产技术,完成了工业化中试和性能全面评测,相关成果在西安陕煤启远科技有限公司实现规模转化。

2.       研制成功大吨位高纯铜生产技术,在宁波建锡新材料有限责任公司实现大规模生产。

3.       研制成功铜基全系列电子封装材料及工业化制备技术。

4.       研制成功铝基全系列电子封装材料及工业化制备技术。

5.       研制成功铜铬触头材料的超纯冶炼技术并在辽宁金力源新材料有限公司实现大规模生产,研制成功低铬含量铜铬触头的真空熔渗技术并在陕西煤业集团实施规模生产,参与研制成功的真空熔渗铜铬50制造技术在山东莱阳科技城集团公司等单位获得大规模应用。

6.       研制成功新型无毒银氧化锡触头生产技术,参与制订了银氧化锡新型触头的国家标准,技术成果获得国家发改委技改资金支持;完成了无银、低银系列低压电接触材料产品的生产技术。

7.       完善了氧化钙坩埚制备技术并实现批量生产。

8.       CuCr50触头熔渗技术研发及技术转化工作,作为总工程师负责在山东莱阳建成企业,作为技术负责人完成了原电子工业部技改项目,被评为科教兴莱先进工作者和烟台市劳动模范,获国家级新产品和山东省优秀新产品奖。是所获国家科学技术进步二等奖成果的一个重要组成部分。



1.      提出了大吨位高纯熔炼的技术原理,解决了国内难于大规模生产含有易氧化元素铜合金材料的生产技术难题,规模应用于高纯铜、铬锆铜、铜铁合金、钛青铜的工业生产,取得了良好社会经济效益。

2.      发展了一种通用熔渗技术,可以通用于铝基、铜基、镍基复合材料的生产,在铝基靶材材料、电子封装材料、高强铝基合金等领域具有重要应用价值。

3.      发现纳米材料的特异电弧效应,提出电弧行为在材料晶粒尺寸小于电弧阴极斑点尺寸时会发生突变的学术思想,发展成为一个新的学科领域,使这一学科方向获得国家五项国家自然科学基金支持,并主笔将这一新的研究方向列入国家自然科学基金委十一五研究规划。

4.      提出了远低于材料熔点时的新型熔化与非平衡凝固理论。



19879-19946月西安交通大学材料学院 本科、硕士研究生


19963-19985月西安交通大学材料学院 博士研究生

19986-20006月中国科学院金属研究所 博士后 副研究员

20007-20023   西安交通大学材料学院 副教授

20024-20065  中国科学院金属研究所责任研究员

20067-至今   西安交通大学理学院材料物理系 教授

201012-201112  美国密歇根大学访问学者

20144-20147  美国凯特林大学访问学者



  1. NSFC重大专项重点:铜合金-高强金属纤维3D有序复合材料的设计、性能调控与宏量制备923662072024-2027
  2. NSFC骨架结构AgSnO2触点内部电流有序流动对电弧侵蚀和接触电阻性能的影响(520732262021-2024
  3. NSFC:激光直接熔积成型高SnO2浓度银基触点材料的电弧侵蚀行为(511711462012-2015
  4. NSFC:非晶纳米晶电极材料表面电弧特异行为的形成机制(508710782007-2010
  5. NSFC:大块非晶合金的局域功函数及场致发射行为(502710502002-2004
  6. 陕西省自然科学基金重点项目:纳米结构电极材料表面真空电弧阴极斑点形成的微观机制,2009-2011
  7. 陕西省自然科学基金企业联合基金项目,高强度高导热电磁屏蔽材料的制备及性能耦合机理,2021JLM-41,2021-2023
  8. 陕西省自然科学基金高校联合项目-重点项目,铜基封装材料(2021GXLH-Z-024),2021-2023
  9. 陕西省自然科学基金高校联合项目-重点项目,大吨位高强高导铜合金的纯净化绿色制造(2023GXLH-009),2024-2025
  10. 西安市创新链条引领计划-重大科技成果就地转化资助项目:大吨位高强高导铜的连续化绿色生产科技成果转化项目(批准号:22SFGX0010),2023-2025
  11. 863:新型电触头材料的研发及其工业化应用(2001AA320714),2002-2005
  12. 国家发改委:环保无毒银氧化锡电触头材料的产业化,2005
  13. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2007)




1.《金属材料科学-学科发展战略研究报告 20062010》(编写铜合金一节),国家自然科学基金委员会工程与材料科学部,科学出版社2006





1.     Yaping Wang*, Haiyan Li, "Improved workability of the nanocomposited AgSnO2 contact material and its microstructure control during arcing process," Metall. Mater. Trans. A48(2), 2017: 609-616, (DOI: 10.1007/s11661-016-3859-y). 

2.     Zhe Wang, Yigang Tong, Yaping Wang*, "Promoting effect of silicon particles on gas-diffusion-reaction system: In-situ synthesis of AlN in Al-Si materials," J Alloy Compd. 735(25), 2018: 13-22, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.11.108

3.     Xueliang Wang, Jiarong Li, Yan Zhang, Yaping Wang*, "Improvement of interfacial bonding and mechanical properties of Cu-Al2O3 composite by Cr-nanoparticle-induced interfacial modification," J Alloy Compd. 695(25), 2017: 2124-2130. 

4.     Yanli Chang, Ziqin Guo, Animesh Koneru, Yaping Wang*, "Surface Roughness Realized and Evaluated in Different Dimensional Range and its Effect on Field Emission Behavior," Vacuum, 136, 2017: 36-39.

5.     Pengyu Chen, Wei Liu, Yaping Wang*, "Electrical contact characteristics of Ag-SnO2 materials with increased SnO2 content," J. Elect. Eng. Tech., 12(6), 2017: 2348-2352

6.     Haiyan Li, Xuan Zhou, Xueqiong Lu, Yaping Wang*, "Effect of La on arc erosion behaviors and oxidation resistance of Cu alloys," Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 27(1), 2017:102-109  

7.     Xueliang Wang, Junjun Li, Yaping Wang*, "Improved high temperature strength of Copper-Graphene Composite Material," Mater. Lett. 181, 2016: 309–312.

8.     Yanli Chang, Zhiming Zhou, Ziqin Guo, Yaping Wang*, "Ductile Chromium in Heavily Cold-Drawn Cu75Cr25 Alloy," Metall. Mater. Trans. A 47(1), 2016: 504-509. 

9.     Yanli Chang, Wei Zhenga, Zhai Yuxiang Yaping Wang*, "Preparation and Performance of CuCr Contact Materials for Low Contact Pressure," Journal of Electronic Materials, 45(11), 2016: 5647-5654. 

10.  Bi Fu, Xuan Zhou, Yaping Wang*, "Co3O4 carbon nanofiber mats as negative electrodes for sodium-ion batteries," Mater. Lett., 170, 2016: 21-24.

11.  Bi Fu, Xuan Zhou, Yaping Wang*, "High-rate performance electrospun Na0.44MnO2 nanofibers as cathode material for sodium-ion batteries," Journal of Power Sources, 310, 2016: 102-108.

12.  Zhiming Zhou, Baofeng Chen, Linjiang Chai , Yaping Wang , Weijiu Huang , Minmin Cao , Bingwei Wei, " Surface Modification of Aluminized Cu-10Fe Alloy by High Current Pulsed Electron Beam," Materials Research, 2016http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1980-5373-mr-2016-0317.

13.  Bi Fu, YaodongYang, Kun Gao and Yaping Wang, "Significant increase of TC and large piezoelectriccoefficient in Ba(Ti0.80Zr0.20)O3-0.5(Ba0.70Ca0.30)TiO3 nanofibers," Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 042903, 2015.

14.  Bi Fu, Ruie Lu, Kun Gao, Yaodong Yang and Yaping Wang, "Magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 composite nanofiber via electrospinning." Europhysics Lett.111, 2015: 17007.

15.  Bi Fu, Ruie Lu, Kun Gao, Yaodong Yang and Yaping Wang, "Substrate clamping effect onto magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 core-shell nanofibers via coaxial electrospinning," Europhysics Lett. 112, 2015: 27002.

16.  Bi Fu, Ruie Lu, Miao Liu, Kun Gao,Yigang Tong, Xuan Zhou, Baolin Guo, Yaodong Yang, Yaping Wang, "Variation of local piezoelectricity in multiferroic CoFe2O4-Pb(Zr0.3,Ti0.7)O3 composite nanofibers." Mater. Lett.157, 2015: 311-314.

17.  Bi Fu, Yigang Tong, Xuan Zhou, Prem Vaishnava and Yaping Wang, "Fe3O4 Hollow Mesocrystal for Advanced Energy Storage." Battery Congress 2015.

18.  Jun Wang, Shengnian Tie, Yaping Wang. Contact resistance characteristics of Ag-SnO2 contact materials with high SnO2 content. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 644, 2015: 438-443.

19.  Zhou Z M, Zhou T, Chai L Ja,Tu J,Wang Y P, Huang WJXiao HM, Xiao ZP, "Microstructure and liquid phase separation of CuCr alloys treated by high current pulsed electron beam," Mater. Res. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1516-1439.323714, 2015

20.  Guo Y L, Zhou Z B and Wang Y P, Preparation, electrical contact performance and arc-erosion behavior of Cu/La2NiO4 composites, 3rd International Conference on Material, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering(IC3ME 2015)

21.  Yigang Tong, Bi Fu, Xuan Zhou and Yaping Wang, "Graphene Composite for Advanced Energy Storage." Battery Congress, 2015.

22.  Chai L J, Zhou Z M, Xiao Z P, Tu J, Wang Y P, “Evolution of surface microstructure of Cu-50Cr alloy treated by high current pulsed electron beam,” Sci. China –Tech. Sci. 2015, 58(3), : 462-469

23.  Zhou Z M, Xiao, H M, Huang W J, Tu J, Chen Y F, Xiao Z P Luo T X Wang Y P, “Surface Modification of Cucr25 Alloy with Cr Coatings Treated by High Current Pulsed Electron Beam,” AASRI Inter. Conf. on Indust. Electr. and Appl. London, ENGLAND, 2015

24.  Zhou Z M, Liu J, Huang W J, Hu J J, Tang L W, Wei B W, Yang B, Wang Y P, “Microstructures of CuCr50 alloys by high current pulsed electron beam,” Inter. confer. On Auto. Mech. & Electrical Engineering, Phuket, Thailand, 2015: 520-525

25.  Yaping Wang, Zhimao Yang, Bingjun Ding and Jingen Zhou, “The effect of electrode materials and additives on the breakdown strength of a vacuum gap,” IEEE Trans. on DEI, 5(2), 1998: 245-249

26.  Yaping Wang and Bingjun Ding, “The preparation and the properties of microcrystalline and nanocrystalline CuCr contact materials,” IEEE Trans. on CPT, 22(3), 1999: 467-472

27.  Yaping Wang and Ke Lu, “Electrical resistance measurement of crystallization kinetics of amorphous Ni80P20 alloy,” Z. Metallkd, 91(4), 2000: 285-290

28.  Yaping Wang and Ke Lu, “Accurate electrical resistance measurement of the crystallization kinetics of amorphous alloys,” Science in China, Ser E 44(1), 2001: 33-41

29.  Yaping Wang and Ke Lu, “Electrical resistance study of glass transition and crystallization characteristics of Zr-Al-Cu-Ni metallic glasses,” J. Mater. Sci. Tech. 18, 2002: 492-496

30.  Yaping Wang, Chengyu Zhang, Hui Zhang, Bingjun Ding and Ke Lu, “Effect of the microstructure of electrode materials on arc cathode spot dynamics,” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36, 2003: 2649-2654

31.  Yanli Chang, Wei Zheng, Yuxiang Zhai, Yaping Wang*, "Preparation and Performance of CuCr Contact Materials for Vacuum Switches with Low Contact Pressure," Journal of Electronic Materials, 45(11), 2016: 5647-5654

32.  Xueliang Wang, Junjun Li, Yaping Wang*, "Improved high temperature strength of Copper-Graphene Composite Material," Mater. Lett. 181, 2016: 309-312

33.  Yanli Chang, Zhiming Zhou, Ziqin Guo, Yaping Wang*, "Ductile Chromium in Heavily Cold-Drawn Cu75Cr25 Alloy," Metall. Mater. Trans. A 47(1), 2016: 504-509.

34.  Bi Fu, Xuan Zhou, Yaping Wang*, "High-rate performance electrospun Na0.44MnO2 nanofibers as cathode material for sodium-ion batteries," Journal of Power Sources, 310, 2016: 102-108.

35.  Bi Fu, Xuan Zhou, Yaping Wang*, "Co3O4 carbon nanofiber mats as negative electrodes for sodium-ion batteries," Mater. Lett., 170, 2016: 21-24.

36.  Bi Fu, YaodongYang*, Kun Gao and Yaping Wang*, "Significant increase of TC and large piezoelectriccoefficient in Ba(Ti0.80Zr0.20)O3-0.5(Ba0.70Ca0.30)TiO3 nanofibers," Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 2015: 042903

37.  Bi Fu, Ruie Lu, Kun Gao, Yaodong Yang* and Yaping Wang*, "Magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 composite nanofiber via electrospinning." Europhysics Lett.111, 2015: 17007.

38.  Bi Fu, Ruie Lu, Kun Gao, Yaodong Yang* and Yaping Wang*, "Substrate clamping effect onto magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 core-shell nanofibers via coaxial electrospinning," Europhysics Lett. 112, 2015: 27002.

39.  Bi Fu, Ruie Lu, Miao Liu, Kun Gao,Yigang Tong, Xuan Zhou, Baolin Guo, Yaodong Yang*, Yaping Wang*, "Variation of local piezoelectricity in multiferroic CoFe2O4-Pb(Zr0.3Ti0.7)O3 composite nanofibers." Mater. Lett.157, 2015: 311-314.

40.  Bi Fu, Yigang Tong, Xuan Zhou*, Prem Vaishnava and Yaping Wang*, "Fe3O4 Hollow Mesocrystal for Advanced Energy Storage." Battery Congress 2015.

41.  Jun Wang, Shengnian Tie, Yaping Wang*, "Contact resistance characteristics of Ag-SnO2 contact materials with high SnO2 content," J Alloy Compd. 644, 2015: 438-443.

42.  Zhou Z M, Zhou T, Chai L Ja,Tu J,Yaping Wang, Huang WJ, Xiao HM, Xiao ZP, "Microstructure and liquid phase separation of CuCr alloys treated by high current pulsed electron beam," Mater. Res. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1516-1439.323714, 2015

43.  Yongli Guo, Zhibin Zhou and Yaping Wang*, "Preparation, electrical contact performance and arc-erosion behavior of Cu/La2NiO4 composites," 3rd International Conference on Material, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (IC3ME 2015)

44.  Yigang Tong, Bi Fu, Xuan Zhou* and Yaping Wang, "Graphene Composite for Advanced Energy Storage." Battery Congress 2015.

45.  Chai L J, Zhou Z M*, Xiao Z P, Tu J, Yaping Wang, “Evolution of surface microstructure of Cu-50Cr alloy treated by high current pulsed electron beam,” Sci. China –Tech. Sci. 2015, 58(3), : 462-469

46.  Zhou Z M*, Xiao, H M, Huang W J, Tu J, Chen Y F, Xiao Z P Luo T X Yaping Wang, “Surface Modification of Cucr25 Alloy with Cr Coatings Treated by High Current Pulsed Electron Beam,” AASRI Inter. Conf. on Indust. Electr. and Appl. London, ENGLAND, 2015

47.  Zhou Z M*, Liu J, Huang W J, Hu J J, Tang L W, Wei B W, Yang B, Yaping Wang, “Microstructures of CuCr50 alloys by high current pulsed electron beam,” Inter. confer. On Auto. Mech. & Electrical Engineering, Phuket, Thailand, 2015: 520-525

48.  Jun Wang, Xuan Zhou, Lin Lu, Dongmei Li, Pravansu Mohanty*, Yaping Wang*. "Microstructure and properties of Ag-SnO2 coatings prepared by cold spraying," Surf. Coating Technol. 236 (2013) 224-229.

49.  Jun Wang, Dongmei Li, Yaping Wang*, "Microstructure and properties of Ag-SnO2 materials with high SnO2 content," J. Alloy Compd. 2014, 582: 1-5.

50.  Jun Wang, Wei Liu, Yaping Wang*, "The behavior and effect of CuO in Ag-SnO2 materials," J. Alloy Compd. 2014, 588: 378-383.

51.  Xuan Zhou, N Moroz, Pravansu Mohanty, Fu Bi, Yaping Wang, B C Satishkumar*, "Microstructure effects on electrochemical characteristics for plasma spray deposited LiFePO4 Films," J. Coating Sci. Technol. 2014, 1: 17-24.

52.  Hui Cai, Dongde Tong, Yaping Wang*, Xiaoping Song and Bingjun Ding, “Reactive synthesis of porous Cu3Si compound,” J Alloy Compd, 2011, 509(5): 1672-1676

53.  Hui Cai, Yaping Wang*, Xiaoping Song and Bingjun Ding, “Phase composition, microstructure and thermal diffusivity of Cu/Si composites sintering temperature dependence,” Adv Mater Res, 2011, 275:200-203

54.  Zhiming Zhou, Jianrong Gao, Feng Li, Yaping Wang, M Kolbe, “Experimental determination and thermodynamic modeling of phase equilibria in the Cu–Cr system,” J Mater Sci, 2011, 46: 7039–7045

55.  Fei Wang, Yaping Wang*, “Microstructure Evolution of a Fine Grain Al-50wt%Si alloy Fabricated by High Energy Milling,” Key Eng. Mater. 2011, 479: 54-61

56.  Hui Cai, Debao Tong, Yaping Wang*, Xiaoping Song and Bingjun Ding, “Novel Cu/Si composites: A sol-gel-derived Al2O3 film as barrier to control interfacial reaction,” J. Mater. Res, 25(11), 2010: 2238-2244

57.  Liu Y W, Zhang C Y, Qiao S R, Wen H, Yang Z M and Yaping Wang, Characteristics of arc erosion for Cu-C composite materials in air,” Modern Physics Letters B, 23(27), 2009: 3281-3287

58.  Zhou Z M, Gao J R, Li F, Zhang Y K, Yaping Wang and Kolbe M, “On the metastable miscibility gap in liquid Cu-Cr alloys”, JMater. Sci. 44, 2009: 3793-3799

59.  Qibin Ye and Yaping Wang*, “Redistribution of SnO2 particles in Ag/SnO2 materials during rapid solidification,” Mater. Sci. Eng. A449-451, 2007: 1045-1048.

60.  Yang S C, Yaping Wang, Wang Q F, Zhang R L and Ding B J, “UV irradiation induced formation of Au nanoparticles at room temperature: The case of pH values,” Colloids Surf., A 301(1-3), 2007: 174-183

61.  Yang S C, Yaping Wang, Wang Q F, Zhang R L, Yang Z M, Guo Y and Ding B J, “Growth of Gold Nanoplates: The Case of a Self-Repair Mechanism,” Cryst. Growth Des. 7(11), 2007: 2258-2261

62.  Yang S C, Zhang R L, Wang Q FDing B J, Yaping Wang, “Coral-shaped 3D assemblies of gold nuclei induced by UV irradiation and its disintegration,” Colloids Surf., A 311(1-3), 2007: 174-179

63.  Gao J, Yaping Wang, Zhou Z M and Kolbe M, “Phase separation in undercooled Cu–Cr melts,” Mater. Sci. Eng. A449-451, 2007: 654-657

64.  Zhang C Y, Yang Z M, Yaping Wang, Ding B J, Guo Y, “Preparation of CuCr25 contact materials by vacuum induction melting,” J Mater. Proc. Tech., 178, 2006 : 283-286

65.  Jiang P, Li F and Yaping Wang, “Effect of different types of carbon on icrostructure and arcing behavior of Ag/C contact materials,” IEEE Trans. CPT. A 29(2), 2006: 420-423

66.  Zhang C Y, Yang Z M, Yaping Wang, Ding B J, “Properties of nanocrystalline CuCr50 contact material,” Advanc. Eng. Mater., 7, 2005: 1114-1117

67.  Zhou Z M, Yaping WangGao J and Kolbe M, “Microstructure of rapidly solidified Cu-25 wt.% Cr alloys,” Mater. Sci. Eng. A398 (2005) 318-322

68.  Luo Q F, Yaping Wang and Ding B J, “Microstructure and arc erosion characteristics of Ag/Ni contacts by mechanical alloying,” IEEE Trans. CPT. A 28, 2005: 785-788

69.  Zhang C Y, Yaping Wang, Yang Z M, Guo Y and Ding B J, “Microstructure and properties of vacuum induction melted CuCr25 alloys,” J. Alloys & Compds. 366, 2004: 289-292

70.  Zhang C Y, Yaping Wang, Yang Z M, Ding B J and Li Y L, “Microstructure and properties of CuCr25 alloys with different Ni content,” Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 16(2), 2003: 151-154

71.  Zhuge F, Ye Z Z, Wang F Z, Yaping Wang, Zhang H, Ding B J, “Nanocomposite W-4.5%ThO2 thermionic cathode,” Mater. Lett., 57, 2003 : 2776-2779

72.  Cao H, Yaping Wang, Zheng Z and Xian A P, Properties of CuCr contact materials with low chromium content and fine particles. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China.13(2003) 930-932

73.  Zhang C Y, Yang Z M, Yaping Wang and Ding B J, “A worm-like trace of cathode spots on Cu-Zr-Ti amorphous ribbons,” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36(2003) 2276-2280.

74.  Zhang C Y, Yang Z M, Yaping Wang and Ding B J, “Cathode spot propagation on the surface of amorphous, nanocrystalline and crystalline Cu60Zr28Ti12 cathodes, ” Phys. Lett. A, 318(2003) 435-439.

75.  Ding B J, Yaping Wang, Yang Z M, Ni S L, Wang C L, Cui W and Chen J P, "The influence of electrode materials on late discharges in vacuum switching devices," IEEE Trans. on DEI, 6(6), 1999: 913-915.

76.  王亚平,王菲,细晶硅铝材料的制备及其均匀导热特性,中国科技论文在线,62),2011131-36

77.  王亚平,新型银基电接触材料,科技开发动态,12200422-23

78.  王亚平,张晖,丁秉钧,孙军,电极材料组织对真空电弧阴极斑点运动行为的影响,金属学报,1220041269-73

79.  王亚平,张丽娜,丁秉钧,周敬恩,选择性相强化对CuCr触头材料在真空小间隙中耐电压强度的影响,中国电机工程学报,19(3)199946-49

80.  王亚平,赵峰,丁秉钧,周敬恩,纳米晶CuCr触头材料的制备及性能,兵器材料科学与工程,21(3)19989-12

81.  王亚平,李季勇,丁秉钧,周敬恩,合金材料在真空中的电击穿行为,高电压技术,24(2)199810-12

82.  王亚平,崔建国,杨志懋,丁秉钧,周敬恩,微晶CuCr触头材料的制备及电击穿性能的研究,西安交通大学学报,31(3)199776-80

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6.王菲,王亚平,丁秉钧,宋晓平,一种高硅含量的铝/硅合金的制备方法,ZL 2008 1 023 6490




