2020-2025 主持中国西安交通大学“青年拔尖人才支持计划”项目基金
2022-2023 主持陕西省留学人员科技活动择优资助启动项目“基于温室气体减排视角的智慧型工业共生网络构建及其优化机理研究”
2022-2023 主持陕西省哲学社会科学重大理论与现实问题研究项目“基于“城市共生”视角下陕西省生活垃圾处理碳排放影响因素与减排潜力研究”
2022-2023 主持西安市社会科学规划基金课题“基于城市共生理论的西安市“双碳”目标实现路径研究”
2022-2023 主持中持水务股份有限公司横向课题“固废资源化政策实施及其资源环境协同效益研究”
2022-2023主持近海流域环境测控治理福建省高校重点实验室开放基金项目“基于GIS 的江阴开发区土壤重金属的分布特征及来源解析”
2022-2023 主持福建省自然科学基金面上项目“工业共生优化路径下的温室气体减排模型构建研究”
2021-2022 主持陕西省软科学项目“基于陕西省的塑料废弃物资源化路径及优化对策研究”
2021-2022 主持西安市社科项目“碳中和背景下西安市碳捕捉与封存的潜力评估与实现路径”
2019-2020 主持中国区域污染环境生态修复教育部重点实验室开放基金“基于辽宁老工业基地的工业园尺度工业共生绩效评价研究”
2016-2019 主持加拿大国家基金项目子课题“工业生态策略对于温室气体排放及其他协同效应的影响分析”
2017-2019主持加拿大Killam trust项目基金“应对气候变化下的生态工业网络优化研究”
2015-2016 主持辽宁省博士启动基金“基于产业共生的辽宁省老工业区的生态环境改造”
2011-2012 主持中国科学院大学项目“阜新市现代农业园及矿工群体生活状况调查”
发表SCI/SSCI学术论文及中文杂志论文 (*通讯作者):
1. Liu, Z*., Zhu, HL., Wilson, J., Adams, M., Walker, TR., Xu, YY., Tang, Y., Wang, ZY., Liu, TT., Chen, QH., 2024. Achieving China’s ‘double carbon goals’, an analysis of the potential and cost of carbon capture in the resource-based area: Northwestern China. Energy 292 (130441): 1-17 (IF: 9) SCI
2. Xu, YY., Liu, Z*., Walker, TR., Adams, M., Dong, HJ., 2024. Spatio-temporal patterns and spillover effects of synergy on carbon dioxide emission and pollution reductions in the Yangtze River Delta region in China. Sustainable Cities and Society 107 (105419): 1-17 (IF: 10.5) SCI
3. Zhu, HL., Liu, Z*., Wilson, J., Liu, TT., Negesa, D., Li, YZ., 2024. Spatiotemporal evolution and key driver analysis of ozone pollution from the perspectives of spatial spillover and path dependence effects in China. Environmental Pollution 356 (124318): 1-13 (IF: 7.6) SCI/SSCI
4. Tang, Y., Liu, Z*., Walker, TR., Rodenbiker, J., Li, YZ., Liu, WL., 2025. How centralizing environmental enforcement affects water quality: A quasi-experiment in China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 110 (107704): 1-12 (IF: 9.8) SSCI
5. Wu, JX., Xu, YY., Liu, Z*., 2024. A Comprehensive Review on Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions in China: Opportunities and Challenges. Carbon Footprints. https://dx.doi.org/10.20517/cf.2024.23
6. Dai, Y., Dong, HJ*., Sun, LX., Li, JZ., Zhang, TY., Geng, Y., Liu, Z., 2024. Life cycle environmental impact assessment of titanium dioxide production in China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 105 (107412): 1-11 (IF: 9.8) SSCI
7. Liu, Z*., Tang, Y., Wilson, J., Tao, XL., Lv, BJ., Wang, ZY., Xu, YY., Zhang, Z., Zhang, YL., Zhao, W., 2023. Influence of government attention on environmental quality: An analysis of 30 provinces in China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 100 (107084): 1-14 (IF: 9.8) SSCI (高被引论文)
8. Liu, Z*., Ashton, WS., Adams, M., Wang, Q., Cote, RP., Walker, TR., Sun, L., Lowitt, P., 2023. Diversity in financing and implementation pathways for industrial symbiosis across the globe. Environment, Development and Sustainability 25 (1): 960-978 (IF: 4.7) SCI
9. Liu, Z*., Xu, YY., Adams, M., Liu, WL., Walker, TR., Domenech, D., Bleischwitz, R., Geng, Y., 2023. Comparative analysis of the contribution of municipal waste management policies to GHG reductions in China. Waste Management Research 41(4): 860–870 (IF: 3.9) SCI
10. Shao, Q., Zhang, Y., Liu, Z., Long, LZ., Liu, ZZ., Chen, YQ., Hu, XM., Lu, MM., Huang, LZ*., 2022. Phosphorus and nitrogen recovery from wastewater by ceramsite: Adsorption mechanism, plant cultivation and sustainability analysis. Science of the Total Environment 805 (150288): 1-12 (IF: 8.2) SCI
11. Bleischwitz, R*., Yang, MY., Huang, BJ., Xu, XZ., Zhou, J., McDowall, W., Andrews-Speed, P., Liu, Z., Geng, Y., 2022. The circular economy in China: Achievements, challenges and potential implications for decarbonisation. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 183 (106350): 1-11 (IF: 11.2) SCI
12. Shrestha, K., Shah, IH., Liu, Z., Park, HS*., 2022. Regional sustainability assessment using emergy accounting approach: The case of Nepal in South Asia. Environmental Engineering Research 27(5): 210329 (IF: 3) SCI
13. Liu, Z*., 2021. Regulate waste recycling internationally. Nature 594, 333 (IF: 50.1) SCI
14. Liu, Z*., Liu, WL., Walker, TR., Adams, M., Zhao, JJ., 2021. How does the global plastic waste trade contribute to environmental benefits: implication for reductions of greenhouse gas emissions?. Journal of Environmental Management 287 (112283): 1-9 (IF: 8) SCI/SSCI
15. Shrestha, K., Shah, IH., Liu, Z., Park, HS*., 2021. Efficiency assessment in co-production systems based on modified emergy accounting approach. Ecological Indicators 126 (107675): 1-7 (IF: 7) SCI
16. Liu, Z*., MacDonald, B., 2020. New Policies and Evaluation System Needed to Address Environmental Concerns in China. Sustainability 12(12): 4924 (1-3) (IF: 3.3) SCI/SSCI (约稿)
17. Lin, YS., Liu, Z*, Liu, R., Yu, XM., Zhang, LM.,2020. Uncovering driving forces of co-benefits achieved by eco-industrial development strategies at the scale of industrial park. Energy and Environment 31(2): 275-290 (IF: 4) SSCI
18. Sun, L., Fujii, M., Li, ZL., Dong, HJ*., Geng, Y., Liu, Z., Fujita, T., Yu, XM., Zhang, YP., 2020. Energy-saving and carbon emission reduction effect of urban-industrial symbiosis implementation with feasibility analysis in the city. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 151 (119853): 1-10 (IF: 12.9) SCI/SSCI
19. Liu, Z*., Liu, WL., Adams, M., Cote, RP., Geng, Y., Chen, SL., 2019. A hybrid model of LCA and emergy for co-benefits assessment associated with waste and by-product reutilization. Journal of Cleaner Production 236 (117670): 1-9 (IF: 9.7) SCI
20. Liu, Z*., Adams, M., Wen, ZG., Massard, G., Dong, HJ., 2019. Review of eco-industrial development around the globe: Recent progress and continuing challenges. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 143: 111-113 (IF: 11.2) SCI
21. Zhang, LM., Geng, Y*., Zhong, YG., Dong, HJ., Liu, Z. 2019. A bibliometric analysis on waste electrical and electronic equipment research. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26(21): 21098–21108 (IF: 5.19) SCI
22. Huang, BJ., Geng, Y*., Zhao, J., Domenech, T., Liu, Z., Chiu, SF., McDowall, W., Bleischwitz, R., 2019. Evaluation Tool of Eco-industrial Park: Review and Critical Analysis of China's Standard System. Resources, Conservation &Recycling 140: 137-144 (IF: 11.2) SCI
23. Liu, Z., Adams, M*., Cote, RP., Geng, Y*., Chen, QH., Liu, WL., Zhu, XS., 2018. Co-benefits accounting for the implementation of eco-industrial development strategies in the scale of industrial park based on emergy analysis. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 81: 1522-1529 (IF: 16.3) SCI/SSCI
24. Liu, Z*., Adams, M., Cote, RP., Chen, QH*., Wu, R., Wen, ZG., Liu, WL., Dong, L., 2018. How does circular economy respond to greenhouse gas emissions reduction: an analysis of Chinese recycling plastic industry. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 91: 1162-1169 (IF: 16.3) SCI /SSCI
25. Liu, Z*., Adams, M., Cote, RP., Geng, Y., Li, YZ., 2018. Comparative study on the pathways of industrial parks towards sustainable development between China and Canada. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 128: 417–425 (IF: 11.2) SCI
26. Liu, Z., Adams, M., Walker, RT*., 2018. Are exports of recyclable from developed to developing countries waste pollution transfer or part of the global circular economy? Resources, Conservation &Recycling 136: 22-23 (IF: 11.2) SCI
27. Liu, Z*., Walker, RT., 2018. China’s ban is all not doom for global recycling industries. Science (eLetters): http://science.sciencemag.org/content/339/6127/1526/tab-e-letters
28. Wang, H., Liu, Z., Sun, LN*., Wang, YG., Luo, Q., Wu, H., Wang, XX., 2018. Characterization and Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Surface Water from Liaohe River, Northeast China. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds 38(5): 389-401 (IF: 2.4) SCI
29. Liu, Z*., Adams, M., Cote, RP., Chen, QH., Liu, WL., Sun, L., Yu, XM., 2017. Comprehensive development of industrial symbiosis for the response of greenhouse gases emission mitigation: challenges and opportunities in China. Energy Policy 102: 88-95 (IF: 9.3) SCI/SSCI
30. Liu, Z*., Adams, M., Wen, ZG., Massard, G., Dong, HJ., 2017. Eco-industrial development around the globe: recent progress and continuing challenges. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 127:A1-A2 (IF: 11.2) SCI
31. Wang, H., Sun, LN., Liu, Z*., Luo, Q., 2017. Spatial Distribution and Seasonal Variations of Heavy Metal Contamination in Surface Waters of Liaohe River, Northeast China. Chinese Geographical Science 27(1): 52-62 (IF: 3.4) SCI
32. Dong, HJ., Dai, HC., Geng, Y*., Fujita, T., Liu, Z., Yang, X., Wu, R., Fuji, M., 2017. Exploring impact of carbon tax on China's CO2 reductions and provincial disparities. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 77:596-603 (IF: 16.3) SCI/SSCI
33. Lu, YSY., Geng, Y*., Liu, Z., Cote, PR., Yu, XM., 2017. Measuring sustainability at the community level: An overview of China's indicator system on National Demonstration Sustainable Communities. Journal of Cleaner Production 143: 326-335 (IF: 9.7) SCI
34. Chen, W., Liu, Z., Geng, Y*., Chiu, A., Han, WY., Liu, ZQ., Zhong, SZ.,, Qian, YY., You, W., Cui, XW., 2017. A Bibliometric Review: Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Residential Sector. Journal of Cleaner Production 159: 301-316 (IF: 9.7) SCI
35. Li, ZL., Sun, L., Geng, Y*., Dong, HJ*., Ren, JZ., Liu, Z., Tian, X., Yabar, H., Higano, Y., 2017. Examining industrial structure evolution changes and corresponding carbon emission reduction effect by combining an input-output analysis and a social network analysis: A comparative study of China and Japan. Journal of Cleaner Production 162:61-70 (IF: 9.7) SCI
36. Liu, Z*., Geng, Y., Adams, M., Dong, L., Sun, LN., Zhao, JJ., Dong, HJ., Wu, J., Tian, X., 2016. Uncovering driving forces on greenhouse gas emissions in China’ aluminum industry from the perspective of life cycle analysis. Applied Energy 166: 253-263 (IF: 10.1) SCI
37. Liu, Z., Geng, Y*., Sergio, U., Park, HS., Fujita, T., Wang, H., 2016. Uncovering key factors influencing one industrial park’s sustainability: a combined evaluation method of emergy analysis and index decomposition analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 114: 141-149 (IF: 9.7) SCI
38. Liu, Z., Geng, Y*., Park, HS., Dong, HJ., Dong, L., Fujita, T., 2016. An emergy-based hybrid method for assessing industrial symbiosis of an industrial park. Journal of Cleaner Production 114: 132-140 (IF: 9.7) SCI
39. Tian, X., Geng, Y*., Dai, HC., Fujita, T., Wu, R., Liu, Z., Masui, T., Yang, X., 2016. The effects of household consumption pattern on regional development: A case study of Shanghai. Energy 103: 49-60 (IF: 9) SCI
40. Tian, X., Geng, Y*., Dong, HJ., Dong, L., Fujita, T., Wang, YT., Zhao, HY., Wu, R., Liu, Z., Sun, L., 2016. Regional household carbon footprint in China: a case of Liaoning Province. Journal of Cleaner Production 114: 401-411 (IF: 9.7) SCI
41. Sun, L., Dong, HJ., Geng, Y*., Li, ZL., Liu, Z., Fujita, T., Ohnishi S., Fuji, M., 2016. Uncovering driving forces on urban metabolism—A case of Shenyang. Journal of Cleaner Production 114: 171-179 (IF: 9.7) SCI
42. Yu, XM., Geng, Y*., Dong, HJ., Fujita, T., Liu, Z., 2016. Emergy-based sustainability assessment on natural resource utilization in 30 Chinese provinces. Journal of Cleaner Production 133: 18-27 (IF: 9.7) SCI
43. Yu. XM., Geng, Y*., Dong, HJ., Ulgiati, S., Liu, Z., Liu, ZX., Ma, ZX., Tian, X., Sun, L., 2016. Sustainability assessment of one industrial region: A combined method of emergy analysis and IPAT (Human Impact Population Affluence Technology). Energy 107: 818–830 (IF: 9) SCI
44. Sun, L., Li, H., Dong, L*., Fang, K., Ren, JZ., Geng, Y., Fuji, M., Zhang, W., Zhang, N., Liu, Z., 2016. Eco-benefits assessment on urban industrial symbiosis based on material flows analysis and emergy evaluation approach: A case of Liuzhou city, China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 119: 78-88 (IF: 11.2) SCI
45. Wang, H., Sun, LN*., Liu, Z., Wang, YG., Luo, Q., Shen, S., Wang, XX., Wu, |H., 2016. The Levels and Risks of Heavy Metals, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Hun River in Northeastern China. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 25(5): 2167-2175 (IF: 3.397) SCI
46. Liu, Z*., Geng, Y*., Wang, H., Sun, L., Ma, ZX., Tian, X., Yu, XM., 2015. Emergy-based comparative analysis of energy intensity in different industrial systems. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22:18687-18698 (IF: 5.19) SCI
47. Liu, Z., Geng, Y*., Wang, FF., Liu, ZX., Ma, ZX., Yu, XM., Tian, X., Sun, L., He, QX., Zhang, LM., 2015. Emergy-ecological footprint hybrid method analysis on the industrial parks from the geographical and regional perspective. Environmental Engineering Science 32(3): 193-202 (IF: 1.8) SCI
48. Wang, H., Liu, Z., Sun, LN*., Luo, Q., 2015. Optimal Design of River Monitoring Network in Taizihe River by Matter Element Analysis. Plos One 10(5), e0127535 (IF: 3.7) SCI
49. Liu, Z*., Geng, Y*., Zhang, P., Dong, HJ., Liu, ZX. 2014. Emergy-based comparative analysis of industrial clusters: Economic and Technological Development of Shenyang Area, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21(17): 10243-10253 (IF: 5.19) SCI
50. Geng, Y*., Ma, ZX., Xue, B., Ren, WX., Liu, Z., Fujita, T., 2013. Co-benefit evaluation for urban public transportation sector-A Case of Shenyang, China. Journal of Cleaner Production 58(1): 82-91 (IF: 9.7) SCI
51. Liu, R*., Jadeja, RN., Zhou, QX., Liu, Z., 2012. Treatment and remediation of petroleum-contaminated soils using selective ornamental plants. Environmental Engineering Science 29(6): 494-501 (IF: 1.8) SCI
52. Wang, H*., Sun, LN., Bao, T., Zhang, Z., Shi, M., Liu, Z., 2011. Surface water quality assessment in Tieling reach of Liaohe river main stream. 2011. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering 10.1109/icbbe.2011.5780879 (EI)
53. 汤瑜, 刘哲*, 王子瑜. 异质性社会反馈、差序回应与政府环境治理. 公共管理与政策评论. 2024. 3: 38-53
54. 汤瑜, 刘哲*, 陶小垒. 集中式环境执法体制改革如何影响环境执法与空气质量——基于 192个城市的“准实验”.中国环境科学. 2024. DOI:10.19674/j.cnki.issn1000-6923.20241119.002
55. 汤瑜, 刘哲*. 中国环境执法体制改革的制度变迁与多重逻辑—全球环境治理的中国经验. 暨南学报 (哲学社会科学版). 2023. 299 (12): 42-54
56. 刘哲*, 徐玥莹. 基于AHP综合测度的陕西省煤炭资源利用效率研究. 福建师范大学福清分校学报. 2021. 39 (2): 180-188 (约稿)
57. 杨青,耿涌*,孙露,刘哲, 董惠娟,于晓曼,吕晓蓉. 天然石墨矿及球形石墨价值的能值核算研究. 生态学杂志. 2017. 36 (9): 2592-2604
58. 王辉*,吴昊,孙丽娜,王晓旭,刘哲.吐温80对柴油污染老化土壤的洗脱特征及影响. 环境工程学报. 2017. 5: 3239-3243
59. 王辉*,孙丽娜,刘哲,罗庆,王晓旭,吴昊,孙家君. 大辽河地表水中多环芳烃的污染水平及致癌风险评价. 生态毒理学报. 2015. 4: 187-194
60. 王辉*,孙丽娜,刘哲,罗庆,吴昊,王晓旭.浑河水环境健康风险特征研究. 生态毒理学报. 2015. 2: 394-402
61. 于晓曼,耿涌*,薛冰,董会娟,田旭,刘哲,马志孝. 资源禀赋对区域可持续发展的影响研究. 生态环境学报. 2015, 24(2): 359-364
62. 邴龙飞*,郗凤明,王美玲, 刘哲,王志刚. 沈阳铁西老工业区土地的集约利用特征. 应用生态学报. 2014. 25 (1): 219-227
63. 孙露,耿涌*,刘祚希,薛冰,刘哲,刘竹. 基于能值和数据包络分析的城市复合生态系统生态效率评估. 生态学杂志. 2014. 33(2): 462-468
64. 王辉*,孙家君,孙丽娜,刘哲. 贴进度法的改进及在浑河干流水质监测断面优化中应用. 生态学杂志. 2014. 33(12): 3470-3474
65. 刘哲*,邴龙飞. 基于能值理论对于不同种类产业集群的对比研究. 环境科学与技术. 2013. 36(51): 428-432
66. 刘哲*,邴龙飞,刘晔. 基于IPCC方法的区域牲畜温室气体排放研究. 环境科学与技术. 2013, 36(51): 377-381
67. 刘哲*,张江山,许丽忠,吴春山. 山仔水库库区周边乡镇生态环境质量未确知测度评价,环境科学与技术,2006,10:56-58
68. 刘哲*,张江山,孔健健. 应用属性识别模型评价运河杭州段底泥污染,安全与环境工程,2005,2(12):19-22
69. 刘哲*,张江山. 层次分析法在水库水质评价中的模型设计及应用,环境科技,2005,2(18):33-35
1. Liu, Z*., Cote, R.P. (2023). The Pathway Toward Circular Economic Development in China: Policies, Case Studies, and the Role of Universities. In: Ghosh, S.K., Ghosh, S.K. (eds) Circular Economy Adoption . Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-4803-1_3
2. 参与编写专著一部:《生态学未来之展望—挑战、对策与战略》. 高等教育出版社. 2011年
韩兴国、伍业钢、古滨河、孙阁、刘哲、刘秦勤、李百炼、邬建国、陈吉泉、林光辉、武昕原、袁志文、唐剑武、黄长志、彭长辉、程维信、缪世利、潘绪斌. 《生态学未来之展望—挑战、对策与战略》
1. 决策建言“破解****再生沉疴,助力绿色循环向“新”而行”教育部办公厅采纳2025.02(1/4)
2. 决策建言“找“痛点”梳“堵点”:稳步推进****分区精准管控”陕西省委办公厅采纳2024.09(1/3)
3. 决策建言“***生态违法行为的突出情况、监管难点与应对之道”陕西省委办公厅采纳2024.09(1/3)
4. 决策建言“污染防治与碳减排:破解****困境“四板斧””陕西省委办公厅采纳2024.03(1/3)
5. 决策建言“**地区的生态环境保护”中共中央办公厅采纳2023.06(1/3)
6. 智库报告“基于***的塑料废弃物资源化路径及优化对策研究”陕西省科技报告服务系统收录 2022.05(1/5)