
You-Song Ding published a new article on J. Rare Earth Congratulations!
发布者: Yan-Zhen Zheng郑彦臻 | 2021-06-09 | 3571

You-Song Ding published a new article on J. Rare Earth Congratulations!

Title:Anisotropic magnetocaloric effect in a dysprosium(III) single-molecule magnet

- Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Academician Guangxian Xu

You-Song Ding and Yan-Zhen Zheng*


亮点:具有高磁各向异性的镝化合物作为单分子磁体被广泛研究。本文用单晶方法研究了DyIIISMM {[Dy(OSiMe3)2(4-Mepy)5(BPh4)]0.5Toluene}中的各向异性磁热效应。由于高磁各向异性,在300 K时可以观察到角磁化。沿易轴方向测量的SMM行为与多晶样品相同。从易磁化轴到难磁化平面的旋转磁化19 KB= 5T时产生的最大磁熵变为3.05kJ/kgK,使DyIIISMM可用作低温旋转磁制冷剂。




J. Rare Earth. 2021. DOI:10.1016/j.jre.2021.03.005.