2020 - 周 迪
[1] Wang D, Chen J, Wang G, Lu Z, Sun S, Li J, Jiang J, Zhou Di, Song K & Reaney IM, Cold sintered LiMgPO4 based composites for low temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) applications, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2020, 103 (11), 6237-6244.
[2] Charanjeet Singh, Maria Vesna Nikolic, Sukhleen Bindra Narang, A.S.B. Sombra, Di Zhou, Sergei Trukhanov, Larrisa Panina, Jasbir Singh, Alex Trukhanov, Complex permittivity and complex permeability characteristics of Co–Ti doped barium strontium hexaferrite/paraffin wax composites for application in microwave devices, Applied Physics A, 2020, 126:850.
[3] Peng-Jian Wang, Di Zhou,* Jing Li, Li-Xia Pang, Wen-Feng Liu, Jin-Zhan Su, Charanjeet Singh, Sergei Trukhanov, Alex Trukhanov, Significantly Enhanced Electrostatic Energy Storage Performance of P(VDF-HFP)/BaTiO3-Bi(Li0.5Nb0.5)O3 Nanocomposites, Nano Energy, 2020, 78, 105247.
[4] Peng-Jian Wang, Di Zhou,* Huan-Huan Guo, Wen-Feng Liu, Jin-Zhan Su, Sergei Trukhanov, Alex Trukhanov, Ultrahigh enhancement rate of the energy density of flexible polymer nanocomposites using core-shell BaTiO3@MgO structures as the filler, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8, 11124–11132.
(This article is part of the themed collection: Journal of Materials Chemistry A HOT Papers)
[5] Jing Li, Di Zhou,* Pengjian Wang, Wenfeng Liu, Jinzhan Su, Raspberry-like LiFe5O8 nanoparticles embed on MoS2 microflower with high-performance microwave absorption, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8, 20337 - 20345.
[6] Huan-Huan Guo, Di Zhou,* Chao Du, Peng-Jian Wang, Wen-Feng Liu, Li-Xia Pang, Qiu-Ping Wang, Jin-Zhan Su, Charanjeet Singh and Sergei Trukhanov, Temperature stable Li2Ti0.75(Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.25O3-based microwave dielectric ceramics with low sintering temperature and ultra-low dielectric loss for dielectric resonator antenna applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8, 4690-4700. (Front cover paper,入选Lunar New Year collection 2021.)
[7] Chao Du, Huan-Huan Guo, Di Zhou,*He-Tuo Chen, Jian Zhang, Wen-Feng Liu, Jin-Zhan Su and Hai-Wen Liu, Dielectric Resonator Antennas based on High Quality Factor MgAl2O4 Transparent Dielectric Ceramics, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8, 14880-14885.
[8] Chao Du, Di Zhou,* Huan-Huan Guo, Yong-Qiang Pang, Hong-Yu Shi, Wen-Feng Liu, Jin-Zhan Su, Charanjeet Singh, Sergei Trukhanov, Alex Trukhanov, Larissa Panina and Zhuo Xu, Ultra-broadband terahertx metamaterials coherent absorber using multilayer electric ring resonator structures based on anti-reflection coating, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 9769-9775.
[9] Huan-Huan Guo, Di Zhou,* Wen-Feng Liu, Li-Xia Pang, Da-Wei Wang, Jin-Zhan Su, and Ze-Ming Qi, Microwave Dielectric Properties of Temperature-Stable Zircon-Type (Bi, Ce)VO4 Solid-Solution Ceramics, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2020, 103[1], 423-431.
[11] Jing Li, Di Zhou,* Enhanced Microwave Absorption of Reduced Graphene Oxide/Ni0.4Zn0.4Co0.2Fe2O4 Composite at Ultrathin Thickness, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2020, 49[3], 1721-1727.
[11] Shu-Zhao Hao, Di Zhou,* Fayaz Hussain, Wen-Feng Liu, Jin-Zhan Su, Da-Wei Wang, Qiu-Ping Wang, Ze-Ming Qi, Charanjeet Singh and Sergei Trukhanov, Spectra analysis and microwave dielectric properties of a novel x(NaBi)0.5MoO4-(1-x)Bi2(MoO4)3 ceramics with low sintering temperature, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40[10], 3569-3576.
[12] Shu-Zhao Hao, Di Zhou,* Fayaz Hussain, Jin-Zhan Su, Wen-Feng Liu, Da-Wei Wang, Qiu-Ping Wang and Ze-Ming Qi, Novel Scheelite-Type [Ca0.55(Nd1-xBix)0.3]MoO4 (0.2<x<0.95) Microwave Dielectric Ceramics with Low Sintering Temperature, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2020, 103, 7259–7266.
[13] Lei Zhang, Wen-Bo Li, Li-Xia Pang,* Di Zhou,* Extreme high energy storage efficiency in perovskite structured (1-x)(Ba0.8Sr0.2)TiO3-xBi(Zn2/3Nb1/3)O3 (0.04≤x≤0.16) ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40[8], 3343-3347.
[14] Lu, Yumeng; Su, Jinzhan*; Shi, Jinwen; Zhou Di, Surface recombination passivation of BiVO4 photoanode by synergistic effect of cobalt/nickel sulfide cocatalyst, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2020, 3[9] 9089–9097.
[15] Qianbi Lin, Kaixin Song, Bing Liu, Hadi Barzegar Bafrooei, Di Zhou, Weitao Su, Feng Shi, Dawei Wang, Huixin Lin, Ian M Reaney, Vibrational spectroscopy and microwave dielectric properties of AY2Si3O10 (A= Sr, Ba) ceramics for 5G applications, Ceramic International, 2020, 46 (1), 1171-1177.
[16] Dawei Wang, Shiyu Zhang, Ge Wang, Yiannis Vardaxoglou, Will Whittow, Darren Cadman, Di Zhou, Kaixin Song, Ian M Reaney, Cold sintered CaTiO3-K2MoO4 microwave dielectric ceramics for integrated microstrip patch antennas, Applied Materials Today, 2020, 18, 100519
[17] Nurul Aida Mohamed, Javad Safaei, Aznan Fazli Ismail, Muhammad Najib Khalid, Muhammad Fareez Amir Mohd Jailani, Mohamad Firdaus Mohamad Noh, Nurul Affiqah Arzaee, Di Zhou, Jagdeep S. Sagu and Mohd Asri Mat Teridi, Boosting photocatalytic activities of BiVO4 by creation of g-C3N4/ZnO@BiVO4 Heterojunction, Materials Research Bulletin, 2020, 125, 110779.
[18] Moustafa A. Darwish, Alex V. Trukhanov, Oleg S. Senatov, Alexander T. Morchenko, Samia A. Saafan, Ksenia A. Astapovich, Sergei V. Trukhanov, Ekaterina L. Trukhanova, Andrey A. Pilyushkin, Antonio Sergio B. Sombra, Di Zhou, Rajshree B. Jotania, and Charanjeet Singh, Investigation of AC-Measurements of Epoxy/Ferrite Composites, Nanomaterials, 2020, 10, 492.
[19] Tatiana Zubar, Valery Fedosyuk, Daria Tishkevich, Oleg Kanafyev, Ksenia Astapovich, Artem Kozlovskiy, Maxim Zdorovets, Denis Vinnik, Svetlana Gudkova, Egor Kaniukov, Sergio Sombra, Di Zhou, Rajshree B. Jotania, Charanjeet Singh, Sergei Trukhanov*, Alex Trukhanov, The effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 2D nanostructured Au/NiFe system, Nanomaterials, 2020, 10, 1077.
[20] Dawei Wang, Beatia Siame, Shiyu Zhang, Ge Wang, Xingshen Ju, Jinglei Li, Zhilun Lu, Yiannis Vardaxoglou, Will Whittow, Darren Cadman, Shikuan Sun, Di Zhou, Kaixin Song, Ian M Reaney, Direct Integration of Cold Sintered, Temperature-Stable Bi2Mo2O9-K2MoO4 Ceramics on Printed Circuit Boards for Satellite Navigation Antennas, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40, 4029–4034.
[21] Fayaz HUSSAIN, Amir Khesro, Zhilun Lu, Nouf Alotaibi, AHMAD AZMIN MOHAMAD, Ge Wang, Di Zhou, Dawei Wang, Acceptor and Donor, Dopants in Potassium Sodium Niobate Based Ceramics, Frontiers in Materials, 2020, 7, 160.
[22] A.V. Trukhanov, K.A. Astapovich, V.A. Turchenko, M.A. Almessiere, Y. Slimani, A. Bayka, A.S.B. Sombra, Di Zhou, R.B. Jotania, C. Singh, T.I. Zubar, D.I. Tishkevich, S.V. Trukhanov, Influence of the dysprosium ions on structure, magnetic characteristics and origin of the reflection losses in the Ni-Co spinels, Journal of Alloys Compound, 2020, 841, 155667
[23] Ronaldo Glauber Maia de Oliveira, D; D. C. Souza; J. E. V. de morais; G. S. Batista; M. A. S. Silva; D. X. Gouveia; S. Trukhano; A. Trukhanov; L. Panina; C. Singh; D. Zhou; A. S. B. Sombra, "High Thermal Stability of RF Dielectric Properties of BiVO4 Matrix with added ZnO", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2020, 31:13078–13087.
[2] Charanjeet Singh, Maria Vesna Nikolic, Sukhleen Bindra Narang, A.S.B. Sombra, Di Zhou, Sergei Trukhanov, Larrisa Panina, Jasbir Singh, Alex Trukhanov, Complex permittivity and complex permeability characteristics of Co–Ti doped barium strontium hexaferrite/paraffin wax composites for application in microwave devices, Applied Physics A, 2020, 126:850.
[3] Peng-Jian Wang, Di Zhou,* Jing Li, Li-Xia Pang, Wen-Feng Liu, Jin-Zhan Su, Charanjeet Singh, Sergei Trukhanov, Alex Trukhanov, Significantly Enhanced Electrostatic Energy Storage Performance of P(VDF-HFP)/BaTiO3-Bi(Li0.5Nb0.5)O3 Nanocomposites, Nano Energy, 2020, 78, 105247.
[4] Peng-Jian Wang, Di Zhou,* Huan-Huan Guo, Wen-Feng Liu, Jin-Zhan Su, Sergei Trukhanov, Alex Trukhanov, Ultrahigh enhancement rate of the energy density of flexible polymer nanocomposites using core-shell BaTiO3@MgO structures as the filler, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8, 11124–11132.
[5] Jing Li, Di Zhou,* Pengjian Wang, Wenfeng Liu, Jinzhan Su, Raspberry-like LiFe5O8 nanoparticles embed on MoS2 microflower with high-performance microwave absorption, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8, 20337 - 20345.
[6] Huan-Huan Guo, Di Zhou,* Chao Du, Peng-Jian Wang, Wen-Feng Liu, Li-Xia Pang, Qiu-Ping Wang, Jin-Zhan Su, Charanjeet Singh and Sergei Trukhanov, Temperature stable Li2Ti0.75(Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.25O3-based microwave dielectric ceramics with low sintering temperature and ultra-low dielectric loss for dielectric resonator antenna applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8, 4690-4700. (Front cover paper,入选Lunar New Year collection 2021.)
[7] Chao Du, Huan-Huan Guo, Di Zhou,*He-Tuo Chen, Jian Zhang, Wen-Feng Liu, Jin-Zhan Su and Hai-Wen Liu, Dielectric Resonator Antennas based on High Quality Factor MgAl2O4 Transparent Dielectric Ceramics, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8, 14880-14885.
[8] Chao Du, Di Zhou,* Huan-Huan Guo, Yong-Qiang Pang, Hong-Yu Shi, Wen-Feng Liu, Jin-Zhan Su, Charanjeet Singh, Sergei Trukhanov, Alex Trukhanov, Larissa Panina and Zhuo Xu, Ultra-broadband terahertx metamaterials coherent absorber using multilayer electric ring resonator structures based on anti-reflection coating, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 9769-9775.
[9] Huan-Huan Guo, Di Zhou,* Wen-Feng Liu, Li-Xia Pang, Da-Wei Wang, Jin-Zhan Su, and Ze-Ming Qi, Microwave Dielectric Properties of Temperature-Stable Zircon-Type (Bi, Ce)VO4 Solid-Solution Ceramics, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2020, 103[1], 423-431.
[11] Jing Li, Di Zhou,* Enhanced Microwave Absorption of Reduced Graphene Oxide/Ni0.4Zn0.4Co0.2Fe2O4 Composite at Ultrathin Thickness, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2020, 49[3], 1721-1727.
[11] Shu-Zhao Hao, Di Zhou,* Fayaz Hussain, Wen-Feng Liu, Jin-Zhan Su, Da-Wei Wang, Qiu-Ping Wang, Ze-Ming Qi, Charanjeet Singh and Sergei Trukhanov, Spectra analysis and microwave dielectric properties of a novel x(NaBi)0.5MoO4-(1-x)Bi2(MoO4)3 ceramics with low sintering temperature, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40[10], 3569-3576.
[12] Shu-Zhao Hao, Di Zhou,* Fayaz Hussain, Jin-Zhan Su, Wen-Feng Liu, Da-Wei Wang, Qiu-Ping Wang and Ze-Ming Qi, Novel Scheelite-Type [Ca0.55(Nd1-xBix)0.3]MoO4 (0.2<x<0.95) Microwave Dielectric Ceramics with Low Sintering Temperature, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2020, 103, 7259–7266.
[13] Lei Zhang, Wen-Bo Li, Li-Xia Pang,* Di Zhou,* Extreme high energy storage efficiency in perovskite structured (1-x)(Ba0.8Sr0.2)TiO3-xBi(Zn2/3Nb1/3)O3 (0.04≤x≤0.16) ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40[8], 3343-3347.
[14] Lu, Yumeng; Su, Jinzhan*; Shi, Jinwen; Zhou Di, Surface recombination passivation of BiVO4 photoanode by synergistic effect of cobalt/nickel sulfide cocatalyst, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2020, 3[9] 9089–9097.
[15] Qianbi Lin, Kaixin Song, Bing Liu, Hadi Barzegar Bafrooei, Di Zhou, Weitao Su, Feng Shi, Dawei Wang, Huixin Lin, Ian M Reaney, Vibrational spectroscopy and microwave dielectric properties of AY2Si3O10 (A= Sr, Ba) ceramics for 5G applications, Ceramic International, 2020, 46 (1), 1171-1177.
[16] Dawei Wang, Shiyu Zhang, Ge Wang, Yiannis Vardaxoglou, Will Whittow, Darren Cadman, Di Zhou, Kaixin Song, Ian M Reaney, Cold sintered CaTiO3-K2MoO4 microwave dielectric ceramics for integrated microstrip patch antennas, Applied Materials Today, 2020, 18, 100519
[17] Nurul Aida Mohamed, Javad Safaei, Aznan Fazli Ismail, Muhammad Najib Khalid, Muhammad Fareez Amir Mohd Jailani, Mohamad Firdaus Mohamad Noh, Nurul Affiqah Arzaee, Di Zhou, Jagdeep S. Sagu and Mohd Asri Mat Teridi, Boosting photocatalytic activities of BiVO4 by creation of g-C3N4/ZnO@BiVO4 Heterojunction, Materials Research Bulletin, 2020, 125, 110779.
[18] Moustafa A. Darwish, Alex V. Trukhanov, Oleg S. Senatov, Alexander T. Morchenko, Samia A. Saafan, Ksenia A. Astapovich, Sergei V. Trukhanov, Ekaterina L. Trukhanova, Andrey A. Pilyushkin, Antonio Sergio B. Sombra, Di Zhou, Rajshree B. Jotania, and Charanjeet Singh, Investigation of AC-Measurements of Epoxy/Ferrite Composites, Nanomaterials, 2020, 10, 492.
[19] Tatiana Zubar, Valery Fedosyuk, Daria Tishkevich, Oleg Kanafyev, Ksenia Astapovich, Artem Kozlovskiy, Maxim Zdorovets, Denis Vinnik, Svetlana Gudkova, Egor Kaniukov, Sergio Sombra, Di Zhou, Rajshree B. Jotania, Charanjeet Singh, Sergei Trukhanov*, Alex Trukhanov, The effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 2D nanostructured Au/NiFe system, Nanomaterials, 2020, 10, 1077.
[20] Dawei Wang, Beatia Siame, Shiyu Zhang, Ge Wang, Xingshen Ju, Jinglei Li, Zhilun Lu, Yiannis Vardaxoglou, Will Whittow, Darren Cadman, Shikuan Sun, Di Zhou, Kaixin Song, Ian M Reaney, Direct Integration of Cold Sintered, Temperature-Stable Bi2Mo2O9-K2MoO4 Ceramics on Printed Circuit Boards for Satellite Navigation Antennas, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40, 4029–4034.
[21] Fayaz HUSSAIN, Amir Khesro, Zhilun Lu, Nouf Alotaibi, AHMAD AZMIN MOHAMAD, Ge Wang, Di Zhou, Dawei Wang, Acceptor and Donor, Dopants in Potassium Sodium Niobate Based Ceramics, Frontiers in Materials, 2020, 7, 160.
[22] A.V. Trukhanov, K.A. Astapovich, V.A. Turchenko, M.A. Almessiere, Y. Slimani, A. Bayka, A.S.B. Sombra, Di Zhou, R.B. Jotania, C. Singh, T.I. Zubar, D.I. Tishkevich, S.V. Trukhanov, Influence of the dysprosium ions on structure, magnetic characteristics and origin of the reflection losses in the Ni-Co spinels, Journal of Alloys Compound, 2020, 841, 155667
[23] Ronaldo Glauber Maia de Oliveira, D; D. C. Souza; J. E. V. de morais; G. S. Batista; M. A. S. Silva; D. X. Gouveia; S. Trukhano; A. Trukhanov; L. Panina; C. Singh; D. Zhou; A. S. B. Sombra, "High Thermal Stability of RF Dielectric Properties of BiVO4 Matrix with added ZnO", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2020, 31:13078–13087.