Jie Han
Jie Han
I am the Principal Investigator (PI) of the Environmental and Public Health Group and a Professor with a 'Young Talent Tier A' appointment at Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU), member of the 'C9 league' universities in China, which is ranked among the top 10 in science and engineering in the country.
The overall theme of my research is on environment and public health, and much of my previous work was on emerging contaminants, particularly the migration of trace organic compounds into and out of polymers including membranes, common plastics, and elastomers. I have strong interests in advancing public health including exposure identification, risk assessment, mitigation, and science communication to the general public.
Prior to joining XJTU, I received research training and experience from the University of Auckland (UoA), National University of Singapore (NUS), University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC), and University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass Amherst), and worked with the PIs of several world-renowned laboratories in my fields. Since my Auckland times, I have supervised over 50 students, including undergraduates and Master's students who later developed strong interests in scientific research and pursued their PhDs. In the past six years, I have delivered over a dozen research projects as the PI or co-PI, and received over eight million RMB in research funding.
I have a strong passion in scientific writing, editing, and communication. I hold appointments as the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Environmental Chemistry Letters (Springer Nature, JCR Q1, IF 15.0) and I am a member of the Editorial Board of Chemical Engineering Journal (JCR Q1, IF 13.3), Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (JCR Q1, IF 6.8), and Animal Diseases (a new journal launched in spring 2021, indexed by ESCI). I serve as a member of the Council of Science Editors (U.S.) and the China Editology Society of Science Periodicals. I am a Senior Member of the Chinese Society for Enviornmental Sciences and hold long-term memberships of the International Water Association (IWA) and the American Chemical Society (ACS).
1. 品学兼优,热爱科研,思维活跃;
2. 工作踏实,有进取心和责任感;
3. 有良好的沟通能力与协作能力;
4. 乐观开朗,身心健康。
1. 专业不分先后:环境、化学、材料、公共卫生或与公众健康相关的其它学科;计算机、软件、大数据、人工智能及与数据科学相关的其它学科
2. 具备较好的英文阅读能力、逻辑思维能力。
1. 个性化培养:根据学生自身兴趣与职业规划制定培养方案
2. 分阶段培养:结合课程安排与科研项目特点,以学期为单位
1. 国内外高校中一流水平的办公和实验条件;
2. 研究生宿舍:全新电梯公寓式单人间(单人单间),带地暖和空调;
2. 课题组经费充足、导师时间精力充沛,保证足够交流与指导时间。
1. 简历(包括个人信息,学习与工作经历,论文列表,重要奖励)
2. 本科/硕士学位论文题目与摘要
3. 本科、硕士成绩单
4. 科研或实践项目参与情况简表