Contact Information


Jie Han

Professor, Ph.D. (Auckland)
XJTU Young Talent Tier-A Appointment
School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering
Xi’an Jiaotong University
Xi’an, Shaanxi 710049, P.R. China
E-mail: jiehan (at)
Member, International Water Association
Member, Chinese Chemical Society
Member, American Chemical Society
Senior Member, Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences
Member, Council of Science Editors
Member, China Editology Society of Science Periodicals
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Environmental Chemistry Letters
(JCR Q1, IF 15.7) (Springer Nature)
​​​​​​​Editorial Board, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (JCR Q1, IF 6.8) (Elsevier)
Editorial Board, Animal Diseases 
(BMC Springer Nature)


I am the Principal Investigator (PI) of the Environmental and Public Health Group and a Professor with a 'Young Talent Tier A' appointment at Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU), member of the 'C9 league' universities in China, which is ranked among the top 10 in science and engineering in the country. 


The overall theme of my research is on environment and public health, and much of my previous work was on emerging contaminants, particularly the migration of trace organic compounds into and out of polymers including membranes, common plastics, and elastomers. I have strong interests in advancing public health including exposure identification, risk assessment, mitigation, and science communication to the general public. 


Prior to joining XJTU, I received research training and experience from the University of Auckland (UoA), National University of Singapore (NUS), University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC), and University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass Amherst), and worked with the PIs of several world-renowned laboratories in my fields. Since my Auckland times, I have supervised over 50 students, including undergraduates and Master's students who later developed strong interests in scientific research and pursued their PhDs. In the past five years, I have delivered 12 research projects as the PI and received over 8 million RMB in research funding.


I have a strong passion in scientific writing, editing, and communication. I hold appointments as the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Environmental Chemistry Letters (Springer Nature, JCR Q1, IF 15.7), the Academic Editor of PLoS ONE (JCR Q2, IF 3.7), and the Editorial Board member of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (JCR Q1, IF 6.8), and the Science Editor of Animal Diseases (new journal launched in spring 2021). I serve as a member of the Council of Science Editors (U.S.) and the China Editology Society of Science Periodicals. I am a Senior Member of the Chinese Society for Enviornmental Sciences and hold long-term memberships of the International Water Association (IWA) and the American Chemical Society (ACS).

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