Name: Ma Xiaomei
Sex: female
Tel:: 029-82665499
Mailbox: xiaomei@xjtu.edu.cn
Research area:
language testing and assessment,Second Language acquisition, English teaching and technology.
Job Resume:
Professor at the Center of Graduate Studies of Applied Linguistics in School of Foreign Studies;
Academic Committee Member of the Academic Committee Board of Xian Jiaotong University
Courses delivered
《English Teaching theories and practice》《Guide of practical English teaching》《ESP Discourse Analysis 》《College English》《Chinese Culture》《Frontiers in Linguistics Research》
Ma Xiaomei, professor and PhD supervisor of applied linguistics, is now working at the Center of Graduate Studies of Applied Linguistics and meanwhile as Academic Committee Member of the Academic Committee Board of Xian Jiaotong University.
She has accomplished 9 research projects, of which 3 were sponsored and funded by State and 6 by University. She published over 40 research papers on EFL assessment and teaching and learning, 8 textbooks and EFL teaching materials on reading and writing. Meanwhile she won 17 Awards or Honors involving teaching, research and whole- person education.