Recent Publications/近期期刊论文
- Haodi Zhu, Jianping Zhao, Yanren Hou, A stable Generalized Finite Element Method for stokes interface problems, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 163 (2024) 474–481
- Muhammad Usman, Yanren Hou, etc., Unveiling the role of MHD forces in Oldroyd 8-constant fluid during Forward roll-coating: Comparing numerical and analytical computations, Results in Physics, 58 (2024) 107492
- Muhammad Usman, Yanren Hou, Muhammad Zahid, Fateh Ali and Muhammad Afzal Rana, Soft computing through supervised neural network based on Levenberg–Marquardt back propagation for numerical treatment of steady flow of Oldroyd 4-constant fluid between two rolls, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 35:6(2024) DOI 10.1142/S0129183124500712.
- Dandan Xue, Yanren Hou, Yi Li, A second-order time parallel decoupled algorithm for the Stokes/Darcy model, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 161(2024), 13-31
- 张馨丹,赵建平,侯延仁,抛物型最优控制问题的全离散Crank-Nicolson 有限元法,新疆大学学报(自然科学版),41:1(2024), 1-11
- Xindan Zhang, Jianping Zhao, Yanren Hou, A priori error estimates of Crank-Nicolson finite element method for parabolic optimal control problems, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 144(2023), 274-289
- Yi Qin, Yang Wang, Yanren Hou, Jian Li, An unconditionally stable artificial compression method for the time-dependent groundwater-surface water flows, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 39:5(2023), 3705-3724
- Longzhao Qi, Yanren Hou, Error analysis of a linear unconditionally energy-stable Leapfrog scheme for the Swift-Hohenberg equation, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 120(2023), 107185
Yongbin Han, Yanren Hou, Analysis of an Embedded-Hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Time-Dependent Incompressibe Navier-Stokes Equations, Journal of Scientific Computing, 97:3(2023), 56
Fateh Ali, Yanren Hou, Xinlong Feng, et. al., Levenberg-Marquardt neural network-based intelligent computation for the non-Newtonian polymer during forward roll coating, Physics of Fluids, 35:11(2023), 113111;
Fateh Ali, Yanren Hou, Xinlong Feng, Backpropagation of Levenberg-Marquardt artificial neural networks for reverse roll coating process in the bath of Sisko fluid, European Physical Journal Plus, 138:10(2023), 944;
Fateh Ali, Yanren Hou, Xinlong Feng, et. al., Theoretical and numerical investigation of the carreau fluid model during a non-isothermal roll coating process: A comparative study, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 51(2023), 103503;
Muhammad Usman, Yanren Hou, et. al., Analytical study of viscoelastic fluid during forward roll coating process under lubrication approximation theory, International Journal of Modern Physics B, (2023), 2450287;#
- Longzhao Qi, Yanren Hou, An energy-stable second-order finite element method for the Swift–Hohenberg equation, Computational and Applied Mathematics, (2023) 42:5
- Longzhao Qi, Yanren Hou, Error estimates for the Scalar Auxiliary Variable (SAV) schemes to the modified phase field crystal equation, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 417(2023), 114579
- Yongbin Han, Yanren Hou, Min Zhang, Analysis of divergence-free H1 conforming FEM with IMEX-SAV scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations at high Reynolds number, Mathematics of Computation, 92(2023),557--582
- Fateh Ali, Yanren Hou, et al, Numerical analysis of heat transfer and magnetohydrodynamic flow of viscoelastic Jeffery fluid during forward roll coating process, Heat Transfer, 52(2023), 911--935
- Fateh Ali, Yanren Hou, et al, Influence of Magnetohydrodynamics and Heat Transfer on the Reverse Roll Coating of a Jeffrey Fluid: A Theoretical Study, Journal of Plastic Film and Sheeting, 38:1(2022), 72--104
- Fateh Ali, Yanren Hou, et al, Perturbation Based Analytical and Numerical Solutions of Non-Newtonian Differential Equation during Reverse Roll Coating Process under Lubrication Approximation Theory, Physica Scripta, 97:11(2022), 115203
- Fateh Ali, Muhammad Zahid, Yanren Hou, Jalil Manafian, M. A. Rana, Afandiyeva Hajar, A Theoretical Study of Reverse Roll Coating for a Non-Isothermal Third-Grade Fluid under Lubrication Approximation Theory, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022(2022), 5029132
- Yanren Hou, Dandan Xue, Yaolin Jiang, On the Weak Solutions to Steady-State Mixed Navier-Stokes/Darcy Model, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, DOI 10.1007/s10114-022-9134-9
- Longzhao Qi, Yanren Hou, Error analysis of first- and second-order linear, unconditionally energy-stable schemes for the Swift-Hohenberg equation, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 127(2022), 192–-212
- Longzhao Qi, Yanren Hou, An unconditionally energy-stable linear Crank-Nicolson scheme for the Swift-Hohenberg equation, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 181(2022), 46--58
- Yongbin Han, Yanren Hou, Semi-robust analysis of H(div)-conforming DG method with semi-implicit time-marching for the evolutionary incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 42(2022), 1568--1597
- Yanren Hou, Dandan Xue, Numerical Analysis of Two-Grid Decoupling Finite Element Scheme for Navier-Stokes/Darcy Model, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 113(2022), 41-54
- Longzhao Qi, Yanren Hou, Error estimate of a stabilized second-order linear predictor-corrector scheme for the Swift-Hohenberg equation, Applied Mathematics Letters, 127(2022), 107836
- Shuaichao Pei, Yanren Hou, Wenjing Yan, Efficient Unconditionally Stable Numerical Schemes for a Modified Phase Field Crystal Model with a Strong Nonlinear Vacancy Potential, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 38:1(2022), 65--101
Papers on Conference Proceedings/会议论文
- Wu Zhang, Yanren Hou, Numerical investigation of farfield conditions for boundary layer flow, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Boundary and Interior Layers Computational and Asymptotic Methods, International Academic Publishers, 1995, 312--313
- Yanren Hou, Kaitai Li, One step Newton method for the unsteady NSE, Proceedings of 5th China-Japan Seminar on Numerical Mathematics, Science Press, Beijing/New York, 2002, 134--140
- Yanren Hou, Kaitai Li, Error estimate for a two-level scheme of Newton type for the Navier-Stokes equations, Contemporary Mathematics, 329(2003), 183--190;
- Yanren Hou, Error analysis of a full discrete postprocessing procedure to the Galerkin approximation for Navier-Stokes equations, Advances in Scientific Computing and Applications, Science Press, Beijing/New York, 2004, 189--199
- Liyun Zuo, Yanren Hou, A modified two-grid method for the coupled fluid flow with porous media flow, Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery and Applications, Shanghai University Press, 2013, 31--39