
张传禹助理教授与巴黎西岱大学Prof. Xiaofeng GUO应邀担任Biosensors客座编辑
发布者: 韦学勇 | 2023-03-11 | 11830



微纳传感与测试技术创新团队成员张传禹助理教授,应邀与法国巴黎西岱大学(Université Paris Cité)Prof. Xiaofeng GUO共同作为客座编辑(Guest Editor)在开源期刊Biosensors上组织“声微流控设备:从制备到应用”的进展专刊。专刊征稿范围包括但不限于:微尺度声流体新的现象及机理声流控芯片制备新工艺声流控芯片新应用、微流控芯片新应用等,敬请同行专家老师关注并投稿!请有意向投稿老师联系邮箱chuanyu.zhang@xjtu.edu.cn或Xiaofeng.Guo@u-paris.fr,APC waiver名额有限。


Biosensors 期刊


影响因子:5.743(2021)/5.972(5年);JCR-Q1(化学、分析)CiteScore - Q1(工程)

专刊主题:Acoustic Microfluidic Devices: From Fabrication to Application;


投稿截止日期:31 January 2024

Message from the Guest Editor

Dear Colleagues,

Acoustic and ultrasonic waves cause diverse disturbances in fluids such as streaming, cavitation, or particle/cell manipulation. The recent progress in 3D printing, micromachining, stereolithography, etc., has allowed for higher pressure/thermal resistance and a larger flow rate, which are necessary for industrial-scale applications. The current Special Issue invites papers on acoustic micro- or minifluidic studies with traditional (clean-room, PDMS) or unconventional microfabrication methods. Papers should describe how devices are fabricated and discuss their experimental performance. Topics mentioning their merits and demerits regarding flow rate, environmental resistance, and fabrication cost and facility are particularly interesting. Meanwhile, any creative studies of applications in medicine, chemistry, physics, or other fields are also welcome.

Guest Editor

Prof. Xiaofeng GUO: LIED UMR 8236 CNRS, Université Paris Cité, IUT Paris Pajol, 75013, Paris, France;

Dr. Chuanyu ZHANG: Institute of precession engineering, State key laboratory for Manufacturing System Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, 710000, China