One paper was selected as the Front Cover on Polymer Degradation and Stability
发布者: 井新利 | 2021-09-19 | 4651

One paper was selected as the Front Cover on Polymer Degradation and Stability

Xiaolong Xing’s paper titled “Pyrolysis mechanism of phenylboronic acid modified phenolic resin” was selected as the front cover in Volume 191 (September 2021, 109672) of Polymer Degradation and Stability, which is the second time of this year. Congratulations, Xiaolong!


行小龙准博士发表在Polymer Degradation and Stability第191卷(September 2021, 109672)的论文,其图形摘要被用于当期的封面。这也是今年第二次。今年4月行小龙的论文(第186卷)也被选为了封面。行小龙出手不凡,艺术水平了得,可喜可贺!


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