Xiaoting Zhang and Xiaolong Xing Passed Doctor's Dissertation Defense
发布者: 井新利 | 2022-05-22 | 7349

On May 22, 2022, the Doctor's Dissertation Defense of the School of Chemistry is held in Hongrun Building. Prof. Daodao Hu chaired the defense. The committee members were Prof. Guangcheng Zhang, Prof. Feng Liu, Prof. Yuansuo Zheng, and Prof. Zhicheng Zhang. RGFP students Xiaoting Zhang and Xiaolong Xing passed their defense. Congratulations!



5月22日下午,化学学院功能高分子团队(RGFP) 2022届博士研究生学位论文答辩在创新港泓润楼2106会议室进行。陕西师范大学的胡道道教授担任答辩委员会主席,西北工业大学的张广成教授、西安交通大学的刘峰教授、郑元锁教授和张志成教授担任答辩委员会委员。RGFP的张晓婷同学和行小龙同学顺利通过了答辩,恭喜两位毕业生!