Power Electronics Applications for Cryogenics and E-mobility (PEACE) Lab
Yuqi Wei, Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor. My main research interests including: 1) Cryogenic power electronics; 2) High performance resonant converters; 3) Applications of wide band gap devices. I have published more than 140 peer-reviewed international journal and conference papers. The number of my Goolge Scholar citations is more than 2600.
For those who are interested to join my research group, please send your CV and related documents to my email at yuqiwei@xjtu.edu.cn. For those who have experience to desigen a power converter is strongly encouraged. An invitation letter will be issued and you can apply for the goverment grants.
Basic Requirements: 1) Self-motivated; 2) Proficient in English; 3) Familiar with simulation software and PCB design software.