喻达磊,博士(香港城市大学),西安交通大学数学与统计学院教授,博士生导师,入选了国家高层次青年人才计划和校内青拔A类支持计划。研究兴趣为: 模型选择、模型平均、混合效应模型、估计理论和统计极限理论。
代表性论文 (#:同等贡献作者或共同一作或字典序,*:通讯作者):
- Chen, X. #, Yu, D. *# and Zhang, X.# (2024) Optimal weighted random forests. Journal of Machine Learning Research 25 (320), 1-81.
- Yu, D. #, Tang, N.# and Shi, Y.* (2024+) Adaptively aggregated forecast for exponential family panel model. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Forecasting, doi: doi.org/10.1016/j.ijforecast.2024.06.005. Supplementary Materials and Code.
- Yu, D. , Lian, H., Sun, Y.*, Zhang, X. and Hong, Y. (2024) Post-averaging inference for optimal model averaging estimator in generalized linear models. Econometric Reviews, 43, 98-122.
- Gao, Z.# Yu, D.# and Zhang, X.* (2024) Reliability estimation of k-out-of-n: G system with model uncertainty. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 73, 978 - 989. Supplementary Materials and Code.
- Racine, J.#, Li, Q. #, Yu, D. # and Zheng, L. #* (2023) Optimal model averaging of mixed-data kernel-weighted spline regressions. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 41, 1251-1261.
- 赵尚威, 喻达磊*, 张新雨 (2022)一般协方差矩阵下的修正Akaike信息准则. 中国科学:数学, 52, 555-582.
- Yu, D., Ding, C., He, N., Wang, R. Zhou, X. and Shi, L. * (2019) Robust estimation and confidence interval in meta-regression models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 129, 93–118.
- Yu, D., Zhang, X. *, and Yau, K.K.W. (2018) Asymptotic properties and information criteria for misspecified generalized linear mixed models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 80, 817-836. (Initial title: “Information criterion for misspecified random effects model”). MATLAB code and data.
- Yu, D. * (2016) Conditional Akaike information criteria for a class of Poisson mixture models with random effects. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 43 1214 –1235.
- Zhang, X., Yu, D., Zou, G. and Liang, H. * (2016). Optimal model averaging estimation for generalized linear models and generalized linear mixed-effects models. Journal of the American Statistical Association 111 1775–1790.
- Yu, D. *, Bai P. and Ding, C. (2015). Adjusted quasi-maximum likelihood estimator for mixed regressive, spatial autoregressive model and its small sample bias. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 87 116–135. (Initial title: “Restricted quasi-maximum likelihood estimator for mixed regressive, spatial autoregressive model”).
- Yu, D. and Yau, K.K.W. * (2013). Robust REML estimation for k-component Poisson mixture with random effects: application to the epilepsy seizure count data and urinary tract infections data. Statistics in Medicine 32 2479-2499.