Lecture Course

 MECH515706 Gas dynamics (气体动力学)

(Last updated Sep-28-2023)


  • Textbook (推荐教材)
  1.   Mordern Compressible Flow with Historical Perspectives. Forth Edition, JD Anderson, Mc Graw Hill, 2021
  2. 《现代可压缩流:以历史的视角》(双语教学注释版),第三版,航空工业出版社,JD Anderson, 邓磊、高永卫、李晓东译,2017
  3. 《气体动力学》,第二版,高等教育出版社,童秉纲、孔祥言、邓国华编著,2012
  • Outline & lecture notes (课程大纲与讲义)
  1. Chapter 1 Introduction (2 classes, Lecture 1,2 ) 
  2. Chapter 2 Fundmental laws of fluid dynamics (2 classes, Lecture 3)
  3. Chapter 3 One dimensional flow (8 classes, Lecture 4, 5, 6, 7 )
  4. Chapter 4 Oblique shock and expansion waves (6 classes, Lecture 8, 9, oblique shock table)
  5. Chapter 5 Quasi-one-dimensional flow(3 classes, Lecture 10)
  6. Chapter 6 Unsteady wave motion (3 classes)
  7. Chapter 7 Differential conservation equations for invisicid flow (2 classes, Lecture 11))
  8. Chapter 8 Linearized flow (4 classes,Lecture 12, 13 )
  9. Chapter 9 Introduction to transonic and hypersonic flows(2 classes, Lecture 14)
  10. Chapter 10 Presentation and Revision
  • Homework(作业)

             HW1 (Chapter 1, PDF, TEX, Solution)

            HW2 (Chapter 2, PDF, TEX, Solution)

            HW3 (Chapter 3-1, PDF, TEX,Solution)

            HW4 (Chapter 3-2, PDF, TEX, Solution)

            HW5 (Chapter 4-1, PDF, TEX, Solution)

            HW6 (Chapter 4-2, PDF, TEX, Solution)

            HW7 (Chapter 5, PDF, TEX,Solution, Due 2023-10-31)

            HW8 (Chapter 8, PDF, TEX,Solution, Due 2023-11-03)


Contact: yichao.xie@xjtu.edu.cn

All materials are copyright protected unless otherwise stated.