Lecture Course


  • 2023-2024学年秋,运筹学,本科生课程
  • 2022-2023学年春,最优化方法,本科生课程
  • 2022-2023学年春上,金融模型与金融最优化,研究生课程
  • 2022-2023学年春下,科学计算的数学基础,研究生课程
  • 2021-2022学年春,最优化方法,本科生课程
  • 2021-2022学年春上,金融模型与金融最优化,研究生课程
  • 2021-2022学年秋上,凸分析,本科生课程
  • 2020-2021学年春上,金融模型与金融最优化,研究生课程
  • 2020-2021学年春上,工程优化方法及其应用,研究生课程
  • 2018-2019学年春上,金融模型与金融最优化,研究生课程


Some of my slides introducing stochastic programming and financial engineering.

  • A tutorial on stochastic optimization (随机优化 in Chinese)  (taken from an introduction lecture for fresh postgraduate students from the department of mathematics) pdf
  • A tutorial on financial engineering (金融工程简介 in Chinese)  (taken from an introduction lecture for fresh undergraduate students from the department of mathematics) Chinese version:  pdf English version pdf
  • Standing on the frontier of OR (operations research) research: a tutorial for a beginner starting to research operations research. (taken from a tutorial seminar for fresh graduate students from department of mathematics)  pdf  updated 2022 pdf
  • A tutorial on how to download and pretreat financial data pdf
  • The slides for the introduction to Opimitization (in Chinese) pdf

Academic Exchange

  1. Non-integer order stochastic dominance,江苏省运筹学会第二届理事会第二次会议暨 2023 学术年会,宿迁,2023.11.19
  2. Personalized Fund Recommendation  with Dynamic Utility Learning,中国运筹学会金融工程与金融风险管理分会第十一届学术年会,福州,2023.11.5 slides
  3. Distributionally robust portfolio optimization with Bayesian reinforcement learning moments uncertainty,第四届全国大数据与人工智能科学大会,贵阳,2023.7.8
  4. International portfolio optimization with chance constraints,中国运筹学会数学规划分会第十四届全国数学优化学术会议,成都,2023.5.12-15 slides
  5. Distributionally robust chance constrained Markov decision process,2023年随机优化国际前沿研讨会,南京,2023.4.28-30 slides
  6. Multistage utility preference robust optimization,中国运筹学会第十六届年会,专题邀请报告,在线,2022.12.14-17 slides
  7. Multi-stage portfolio selection problem with dynamic stochastic dominance constraints,中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会经济数学与管理数学分会2022年学术年会,在线,主旨报告,2022.12.3.
  8. Non-integer order stochastic dominance,2022年CSIAM第二届金融数学与工程和精算保险研讨会,在线,邀请报告,2022.11.12-13 slides
  9. Alpha-concave stochastic dominance,随机量化金融青年论坛,在线,2022.6.4-5 slides
  10. Distributionally robust second-order stochastic dominance constrained optimization with Wasserstein ball,2021年最优化理论与应用前沿青年研讨会,在线,2021.12 
  11. Distributionally robust second-order stochastic dominance constrained optimization with Wasserstein ball,中国运筹学会数学规划分会第十三届数学优化大会,青岛,2021.10 slides
  12. Multi-stage portfolio selection problem with dynamic stochastic dominance constraints,中国运筹学会金融工程与金融风险管理分会第十届学术年会,四川,2021.8 slides
  13. Distributionally robust portfolio selection with Bayesian reinforcement learning moments uncertainty, 优化问题的人工智能方法,西安,2021.6, slides
  14. Distributionally robust portfolio selection with Bayesian reinforcement learning moments uncertainty, 中国运筹学会金融工程与金融风险管理分会2020研讨会,在线,2020.12
  15. Multivariate robust second-order stochastic dominance and resulting risk-averse optimization, 沪渝湘运筹学会联合年会暨中澳优化会议,上海,2019.12, slides
  16. Financial risk measurement, IKCEST 丝路工程科技发展专项培训项目,特邀报告,吉尔吉斯斯坦比什凯克,2019.09
  17. A sustainability-oriented enhanced indexation model with regime switching and cardinality constraint,中国运筹学会金融工程与金融风险管理分会第九届学术年会,上海,2019.8,slides
  18. Stochastic geometric optimization with joint probabilistic constraints,中国运筹学会第十二届全国数学优化学术会议,南京,2019.4,slides
  19. Distributionally robust chance constrained geometric optimization (Part II),随机优化及其应用前沿论坛,西安,2019.3,slides
  20. Distributionally robust chance constrained geometric optimization (Part I),最优化青年学者前沿论坛,大连,2019.3,slides
  21. Time consistent multi-period robust risk measures and portfolio selection models, 中国运筹学会金融工程与金融风险管理分会第八届学术年会,西安,2018.8,slides
  22. Distributionally robust chance constrained geometric optimization,国际数学规划大会 (ISMP),法国波尔多,2018.6,slides
  23. Recursive risk measures under regime switching applied to portfolio selection, 中国运筹学会金融工程与金融风险管理分会第七届学术年会,长沙,2017.8
  24. Recursive risk measures under regime switching applied to portfolio selection, Frontiers of Big Data and Statistical Sciences, The 3rd ICSA Canada Chapter Symposium, 加拿大温哥华,2017.7
  25. New formulations and relaxations for mixed-binary quadratic optimization, Programme Gaspard Monge pour l'Optimisation (PGMO DAYS),法国巴黎,2016.11. slides
  26. Stochastic geometric program with joint probabilistic constraint, 第十四届国际随机规划大会 (ICSP2016),巴西Buzios,2016.7. slides
  27. Stochastic geometric programming with joint probabilistic constraints. 14th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (CTW16),意大利Gargnano,2016.6 
  28. 多阶段均值-风险问题的稳定性, 第十届全国数学规划学术会议曁数学规划分会代表大会, 洛阳,2014.5.
  29. Time consistent recursive risk measures under regime switching and factor models and their application in dynamic portfolio selection, 第十三届国际随机规划大会 (ICSP2013), 意大利贝加莫,2013.7. slides
  30. 基于概率约束停时的一类新型风险度量, 中国运筹学会金融工程与金融风险管理分会第二届学术年会, 衡阳,2012.9.